
The American Society of Industrial Security conducts a periodic survey of economic and industrial espionage incidents and losses experienced by U.S. corporations. In the survey completed in January 1998, 66 percent of respondents viewed domestic U.S. competitors as key threats to their data. Foreign countries perceived as key threats were China (41%), Japan (36%), France (30%), United Kingdom (27%), Canada (25%), Mexico (20%), Russia (15%), Germany (12%), South Korea (10%), and Israel (10%). The survey did not distinguish between intelligence collection by foreign governments and by foreign corporations.

산업 스파이로 피해를 입은 미국 기업들에게 

설문 조사를 했던 결과.....

도둑질 1위는 중국 (41%) 

도둑질 2위는 sarushima (36%) 

아쉽게도 조선은 10%로 공동 10위...T T 

야! 니혼잘....반론은 ? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

니혼잘은 도둑 by 미국...kkkkkkkkkkkkk

★ ニホンザルは泥棒民族 by アメリカ...kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

The American Society of Industrial Security conducts a periodic survey of economic and industrial espionage incidents and losses experienced by U.S. corporations. In the survey completed in January 1998, 66 percent of respondents viewed domestic U.S. competitors as key threats to their data. Foreign countries perceived as key threats were China (41%), Japan (36%), France (30%), United Kingdom (27%), Canada (25%), Mexico (20%), Russia (15%), Germany (12%), South Korea (10%), and Israel (10%). The survey did not distinguish between intelligence collection by foreign governments and by foreign corporations.



盗み 1位は中国 (41%) 

盗み 2位は sarushima (36%) 

惜しくも朝鮮は 10%で共同 10位...T T 

だ! ニホンザル....反論は ? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

ニホンザルは泥棒 by アメリカ...kkkkkkkkkkkkk

TOTAL: 28092

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