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선진국(미국,캐나다,유럽)에 100% 무비자 방문이 가능하기 때문에


가짜 한국 여권으로 선진국 입국을 시도하는 중국인 ^^


반면에, 중국인은 선진국중에서 무비자 입국이 가능한 국가는 1개도 없고,,,중국인은 중진국조차도 무비자로 입국할수 있는 국가가 적음




어떤 분이 밑에 호주에서 위조된 한국 여권으로 입국하다 체포되어 추방당한 중국인의 예를 들었지만, 이게 호주에서만 일어나는 일이 아니었습니다. 전 세계에서 중국인들이 한국 여권을 위조하여 입국하려는 사례가 많았습니다.


대충 번역한거라 틀릴 수도 있으니, 제 번역에 의구심이 있거나 영어가 어느 정도 되시는 분들은 원문 링크해 놨으니 직접 보세요.




<말레이시아 Bernama 통신사 - 2005년 11월 23일 보도>


Chinese Nationals Using Malaysia As “Transit” To European Countries


중국인들이 유럽국가로 가는 “경유지”로 말레이시아를 이용하고 있다


KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 23 (Bernama)—The Immigration Department believes that some Chinese nationals are using forged South Korean passports and Malaysia as a “transit-point” to get to Europe.


쿠알라룸푸르—말레이시아 이민성은 몇몇의 중국 국적 사람들이 위조된 한국 여권을 사용하여 말레이시아를 유럽으로 가기 위한 “경유지”로 이용하고 있는 것으로 보고 있다.


“They use South Korean passports as Chinese passports would make it difficult for them to gain entry into Europe,” he said when met by Bernama here Tuesday.


그는 화요일에 Bermana 통신사와 만난 자리에서 ”중국 여권으로는 유럽에 입국하기가 어렵기 때문에 그들은 한국 여권을 사용한다”고 말했다.








Chinese Organized Crime in Western and Eastern Europe


중국인들이 동서유럽에서 범죄를 조직한다


The main tasks of the organization"s leadership in Beijing


북경의 조직 우두머리들의 주요 임무


1. Conduct a recruiting campaign in appropriate media (the press), with the purpose of finding persons who want to leave the country,


2. Determine the fee for the illegal smuggling, depending on the country of destination (target country),


3. Identify an appropriate route to the target country,


4. Provide appropriate guidance to the smuggled persons concerning behavior at specific stages of the transfer,


5. Obtain Korean passports in South Korea and send them, via DHL, to Austria,


6. Completely falsify or remake the passports and other key doc-uments (for instance, certificates for technical professions, health certificates, etc.),


7. Coordinate actions and manage cooperating cells.

1. 나라(중국)를 떠나고자 하는 사람들을 찾기 위한 목적으로 언론에 모집 광고를 낸다.
2. 불법 밀입국 비용을 결정한다. 어느 나라를 가느냐에 따라 달라진다.
3. 목적지에 가기 위한 적절한 경로를 알아낸다.
4. 밀입국자들에게 적절한 안내자를 제공한다.
5. 한국에서 한국 여권을 구해서 DHL로 오스트리아에 보낸다.
6. 여권이나 또 다른 중요한 문서들 (예를 들면, 기술 증명서, 건강 진단서 등)을 완전히 위조하거나 새로 만든다.
7. 행동을 조정하거나 협력 조직들을 관리한다.

The use of Korean passports and transfer routes


한국 여권의 사용과 교환 경로


Korean passports are used to transfer “customers” from Austria to the target country. The reason for using such passports is the fact that Koreans traveling in the European Union are not required to obtain visas. The initiators of a transfer in Beijing purchase such passports in South Korea, paying special attention to their quality. Good quality means a distant expiry date, which allows for their use over extended periods, as well as the possibility of using special travel fares for youths. In case of transfers by plane, such fares maximize the group"s profits.


한국 여권은 “손님”들을 오스트리아로부터 목적지로 삼은 국가까지 옮기는데 이용된다. 한국 여권을 사용하는 이유는 유럽 연합을 여행하는 한국인들은 비자가 필요없기 때문이다. 북경의 초기 운반책들은 한국에서 이런 여권들을 사는데, 그 여권의 질에 주목한다. 좋은 품질이란 연장된 기간 동안 그들이 사용할 수 있는 유효 기간이 많이 남아있는 것을 의미한다. (후략)


After the purchase in South Korea, the passports are sent from Beijing to a criminal group in Austria via DHL. The initiators from Beijing mark every package with an appropriate code word and the recipient"s phone number. The phones used by the criminal group are prepaid mobile phones, which makes it impossible to identify their owners. When the package arrives in a DHL post in Austria, an employee calls the specified number and passes information to the recipient about the arrival of the package, which the recipient can collect after providing a certain code word.


한국에서 구입을 마친 후, 여권은 DHL편으로 북경에서 오스트리아의 범죄 조직으로 보내진다. 북경의 초기 운반책들은 모든 소포에다가 적절한 코드와 수취인의 전화번호를 기재한다. 범죄 조직이 사용하는 전화기는 소유자를 알아낼 수 없는 선불 요금제의 휴대폰이다. DHL 소포가 오스트리아에 도착하게 되면, 직원은 지정된 전화번호로 전화를 하여 수취인에게 소포가 도착하였음을 알린다. (후략)






<캐나다 CBC뉴스 - 2005년 9월 28일 보도>


17 Chinese nationals slip off cruise ship in N.S.


17명의 중국인들이 노바스코샤에서 크루즈 유람선을 뛰쳐나왔다


Seventeen cruise ship passengers used false passports to slip past Canadian immigration officials in Halifax earlier this month.


17명의 크루즈 유람선 승객들이 이번 달 초에 핼리팩스의 캐나다 이민성을 따돌리기 위해 가짜 여권을 사용하였다.


It"s the largest single incident of ship-jumping in Halifax so far this year, police said Tuesday.


화요일에 경찰은 이 사건은 “올해까지 일어난 배에서 뛰어내린 사건 중 가장 규모가 큰 것”이라고 밝혔다.


Immigration officials say that on Sept. 9, the 17 people used fake South Korean passports to leave the cruise ship, saying they were seasick or just wanted to get off temporarily.


이민성은 9월 9일 17명이 “배멀미가 나서 잠시 동안만 내려가 있기를 원한다”고 말하며 크루즈 유람선에서 내리려고 가짜 한국 여권을 사용하였다고 밝혔다.


“They just said they were going off because they weren"t feeling well,” said RCMP spokesman Sgt. Phil Young. “Instead of going back on, they hopped a train for Toronto.”


RCMP 대변인인 Phil Young은 “그들은 몸이 좋지 않아 내리려고 했다고 말했다”고 밝혔다. “다시 배로 되돌아가는 대신에, 그들은 토론토행 기차에 뛰어들었다.”


Police said they don"t know where the group is now.


경찰은 그들이 지금 어디있는지 모른다고 말했다.


Young said it"s quite common for poor young Chinese people to use forged passports to enter Canada, and then claim refugee status so they can stay.


Young은 가난한 젊은 중국인들이 캐나다에 들어오기 위해 위조된 여권을 사용하고, 캐나다에서 거주하기 위해 난민 자격 신청을 하는 것은 꽤 흔한 일이라고 말했다.


The Korean passport is a common choice because Canada does not require South Koreans to have a visa, he said.


그는, ”캐나다는 한국인들에게 비자를 요구하지 않기 때문에 한국 여권은 일반적인 선택”이라고 말했다.


“These are Chinese individuals who are trying to find a better life in Canada.”


”이들은 캐나다에서 더 나은 삶을 찾고자 하는 중국인들이다.”


Young said Canada Border Services and the RCMP will conduct a joint review of the incident and intend to increase their scrutiny of the South Korean passports.


Young은 캐나다 국경 감시대와 RCMP는 이 사건에 대해 합동 조사를 실시할 것이며 한국 여권에 대한 면밀한 검사를 강화할 것이라고 말했다.






<독일 dpa 통신사 - 2006년 8월 21일 보도>


Chinese lead list of asylum seekers with forged passports


위조 여권으로 난민 신청한 사람들 중 대다수가 중국인


Wellington - Chinese travelling on fake Hong Kong or South Korean passports accounted for nearly half the 173 foreign asylum seekers who reached New Zealand with false travel doc-uments in the last two years, a newspaper reported Monday.


웰링턴 - 가짜 홍콩 여권 또는 한국 여권으로 여행중인 중국인들이 지난 2년 간 뉴질랜드에 가짜 여행 증명서로 입국하여 난민 지위를 신청한 173명의 외국인들 중 거의 절반을 차지하는 것으로 나타났다고 한 신문이 월요일에 보도했다.


Other nationalities ranged from Angolan to British and included a number of Syrians travelling with forged Danish and Belgian passports, Wellington"s Dominion Post said.


웰링턴의 “도미니안 포스트”는 “그 외 다른 국적의 사람들로는 위조된 덴마크와 벨기에 여권으로 여행중인 몇 명의 시리아인을 포함하여 앙골라인에서부터 영국인들까지 다양하다”고 보도했다.


A total of 55 people were charged and deported but 118 were allowed to stay in New Zealand and apply formally for asylum.


55명의 사람들은 혐의를 받고 추방되었지만 118명은 뉴질랜드에 체류하여 공식적으로 난민 신청을 하는 것이 허가되었다.


An immigration official told the paper that though advanced security features were making passport fraud more difficult, forgers had increased access to technology.


한 이민성 관리는 “강화된 보안 검사가 여권 사기를 더욱 어렵게 했지만 여권을 위조하는 사람들의 기술적 접근도 증가하였다”고 밝혔다.






<조선일보 - 2005년 12월 27일 보도>


”당신, 한국인 맞나요?” 韓國 위조여권 늘어… 핀란드 국경서 즉석 확인시험


”한국 제2의 도시는?” “한국의 대통령 이름을 쓰시오.”


한국의 초등학교 시험문제가 아니다. 지난 20일 러시아와 핀란드 국경에 있는 핀란드 국경검문소. 국경수비대원들이 러시아에서 열차와 자동차 편으로 도착한 입국자들의 여권 심사에 나섰다. 입국자 대부분은 러시아인이지만 한국인들도 몇 명 있었다.


국경수비대원들이 러시아인들의 여권을 일괄 수거해가고 난 뒤, 한국 여권 소지자들을 대상으로 돌연 A4용지를 돌렸다. 용지에는 “한라산은 어디에 있는가”“박찬호는 어떤 선수인가” 등 한글로 된 시험문제 20개 문항이 적혀 있었다. 모두 단답형 문제. 이른바 한국인 확인 시험이다. 열차를 타고 입국하는 경우는 객실에서 시험을 치르게 하고, 버스를 타고 입국하는 경우는 따로 불려가 시험을 치른다. 시험은 비교적 자유롭게 치르도록 배려한다.


핀란드가 국경검문소에서 실시하는 한국인 확인 시험은 위조여권 소지자 색출을 위해서다. 중국인을 포함한 동양인들이 한국 위조여권을 사용해 입국하는 경우가 늘고 이들의 불법 체류가 유럽연합(EU)으로 확대되면서 지난해부터 도입했다. 중국인 등이 한국 위조여권을 선호하는 이유는 한국인의 경우 EU 출입국 절차도 간소하고 유럽 전역을 자유롭게 이동할 수 있기 때문이다.


핀란드는 EU 회원국이자 한국과 무비자 협정국이라서 여권만 제시하면 입국이 가능한 것으로 알고 있던 한국 여행객들은 전혀 예상치 못한 분위기에 당황할 수밖에 없다. 국경수비대원은 “한글을 쓰지 못하거나 한 문제도 못맞힐 경우 현장에서 신분조회를 한다”며 “이곳에서는 한국 위조여권 소지자가 가장 많이 적발된다”고 말했다.


러시아와 국경을 접하고 있는 국가에서의 한국인 확인시험은 옛 소련국이자 발트해 연안 3국 중 하나인 에스토니아가 가장 먼저 도입했다. 에스토니아도 러시아와 국경을 접하고 있는 데다 러시아 관광지인 상트페테르부르크에서 자동차나 기차로 불과 서너 시간이면 도착할 수 있는 곳이어서 한국 관광객들이 유럽으로 빠지는 최적 코스다. 에스토니아는 2002년부터 A4용지 크기의 시험지를 나눠주고 한국인 확인 시험을 치르게 했다. 에스토니아의 한국인 확인 시험 문제는 보통 4문제에 4지선다형이었다.


모스크바와 핀란드 주재 한국대사관은 ”에스토니아나 핀란드로부터 여권의 진위 여부를 묻는 확인 전화를 자주 받고 있다”며 “한국 위조여권을 소유하고 있는 중국인들은 동남아시아와 중국에서 불법 거래되는 한국 여권을 구입, 사진만 부착해 사용하는 경우가 많다”고 말했다.






Dutch Advised to Watch Out for `Korean Imposters”


Dutch people will have to learn how to tell Koreans from Chinese. Some Chinese visitors to the Netherlands are reportedly trying to exploit South Korea"s increased post-World Cup recognition by pretending to be Koreans.


South Korea and Holland have become closer since Dutch coach Guus Hiddink piloted the Korean national team to the semifinals of the football tournament.


A growing number of South Koreans are visiting the homeland of their newfound national hero, and are warmly welcomed by the locals.


Many Dutch people greet Asian visitors on the streets, shouting ``Guus! Guus!”” or ``Tae~han-min-kuk!”” (Republic of Korea). Some pubs and restaurants offer Koreans beer and food on the house.


``I felt very proud of being Korean throughout a recent trip to the Netherlands, but I was ashamed of disgraceful behavior by some Chinese tourists,”” read an Internet message posted on the homepage of the Chinese Embassy in Seoul, which was immediately erased for unknown reasons.


``I saw a group of more than 20 Chinese tourists ask loudly and rudely for a 50-percent discount at a restaurant, claiming they were Koreans.”” (20여명의 중국인 관광객들이 한국인이라고 주장하면서 한 식당에서 음식값 절반을 깎아달라며 시끄럽고 무례하게 요구하는것을 보았다)


An uncouth Chinese man even harassed a Dutch woman, saying ``Hey, I am Korean, tonight together OK? (어떤 너저분한 중국인 남성은 “야, 난 한국사람이야, 오늘밤 같이 어때?” 라고 말하며 네덜란드여성을 괴롭히기까지 했다)”” the message charged.


``In general, the Dutch think Koreans are nice and polite. It is feared that such a good image will be tainted by a handful of inconsiderate Chinese tourists,”” said Kim Jong-sook, who stayed in Amsterdam for the past half a year.


An angry netizen said in another Internet message, titled ``Shame on the Chinese,”” that ``your media downplayed Korea"s feat in the World Cup by taking issue with referees” decisions. Now, you are trying to jump on the bandwagon of Korea"s surging popularity.””



중국흑인들의 질투심 폭발, 폭동으로 이어져... 한국연예인 사진을 찢는등 중국흑인원숭이 특유의 질투심/발광폭동


Chinese Students Clash with Koreans over World Cup


South Korean students in Beijing said Wednesday some 300 Chinese students attempted to burn Red Devils tee shirts and shouted abuse at them in front of a foreign dormitory after the football match between Korea and Germany on June 25, but were controlled by school security forces.


They said some students waved a poster of Korean actress Kim Hee-sun on which they had written “To Die.” In a Chinese dorm adjacent to it, some Chinese threw empty bottles of mineral water and wastes waters at Korean students.


The South Korean Students Association made a protest to school deans for external affairs and student leaders of the Chinese Students Association the next day, but the latter claimed it was an outsider who orchestrated the incident, not a student.


Some South Korean female students are unwilling to be alone out of their dormitory or to meet with Chinese students even after World Cup.


China"s Beijing University has the same story with its Internet homepage overwhelmed by messages abusing South Korea by Chinese students. A Chinese student was singled out as a traitor by posting a message of support for South Korea against Portugal and Beijing"s largest shopping quarter, Wang Fu Jing, saw clashes between South Korean and Chinese students during the 2002 World Cup match.


According to sources the anti-Korean sentiment was the result of Chinese media such as CCTV claiming Korea was being given favors by referees. Some Chinese newspapers reporting the Korean match against Italy said it was an insult to world soccer history that Korea edged Italy thanks to referees taking the side of the co-host.


A South Korean entrepreneur, former executive director of South Koreans association in China said he couldn"t understand the reaction by the young Chinese, hoping that bilateral relations should not worsen any more.



외국인들은 모두 하나같이 한국인의 차분한 행사진행과 높은 시민의식에 찬사


The author of the article gives the nod to Korea over Japan in terms of hosting.


”- On a subway coming home following the Korea-Germany game, where you would expect fans to be morose, kids were running through the cars beating drums and getting everyone to sing. A group stopped in front of me and asked if I was German; when I said I was from America, they promptly gathered a set of drums and beat out a cheer of “U-S-A!” for
a good few minutes.”


”- Following the Korea-Portugal game, it was impossible to walk home along city streets without being hugged, offered food, offered beer, offered to be taken home and have dinner cooked. My hotel was a 15-minute walk that turned into an increasingly drunken three-hour

 “And who were the Koreans happy for, you ask? The U.S. They were so excited that their win had gotten their “blood partners” through, they had to celebrate. I ate more fried chicken that night than any time outside of the Deep South.”




先進国(アメリカ,カナダ,ヨーロッパ)に 100% ノービザ訪問が可能だから


にせ物韓国パスポートで先進国入国を試みる中国人 ^^


一方に, 中国人は先進国の中でノービザ入国の可能な国家は 1個もなくて,,,中国人は中進国までもノービザに入国することができる国家が少なさ




ある方が下にオーストラリアで偽造された韓国パスポートに入国して逮捕して追放された中国人の例えたが, これがオーストラリアでばかり起こる事ではなかったです. 全世界で中国人たちが韓国パスポートを偽造して入国しようとする事例が多かったです.


大まかに翻訳したので違うこともできるから, 私の翻訳に疑問があるとか英語がどの位なる方々は原文リンクしておいたから直接見てください.




<マレーシア Bernama 通信社 - 2005年 11月 23日報道>


Chinese Nationals Using Malaysia As Transit To European Countries




KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 23 (Bernama) -- The Immigration Department believes that some Chinese nationals are using forged South Korean passports and Malaysia as a transit-point to get to Europe.


クアラルンプール -- マレーシアイ・ミンソンは何人の中国国籍人々が偽造された韓国パスポートを使ってマレーシアをヨーロッパに行くための経由地で利用していることで見ている.


They use South Korean passports as Chinese passports would make it difficult for them to gain entry into Europe, he said when met by Bernama here Tuesday.


彼は火曜日に Bermana 通信社と会った席で 中国パスポートではヨーロッパに入国しにくいから彼らは韓国パスポートを使うと言った.








Chinese Organized Crime in Western and Eastern Europe




The main tasks of the organization¥"s leadership in Beijing




1. Conduct a recruiting campaign in appropriate media (the press), with the purpose of finding persons who want to leave the country,


2. Determine the fee for the illegal smuggling, depending on the country of destination (target country),


3. Identify an appropriate route to the target country,


4. Provide appropriate guidance to the smuggled persons concerning behavior at specific stages of the transfer,


5. Obtain Korean passports in South Korea and send them, via DHL, to Austria,


6. Completely falsify or remake the passports and other key doc-uments (for instance, certificates for technical professions, health certificates, etc.),


7. Coordinate actions and manage cooperating cells.

1. 国(中国)を去ろうとする人々を尋ねるための目的に言論に募集広告を出す.
2. 不法密入国費用を決める. どの国に行くのかによって変わる.
3. 目的地へ行くための適切な経路が分かる.
4. 密入国者たちに適切な案内者を提供する.
5. 韓国で韓国パスポートを求めて DHLでオーストリアに送る.
6. パスポートやまた他の重要な文書たち (例えば, 技術証明書, 健康診断書など)を完全に偽造するとか新たに作る.
7. 行動を調整するとか協力組職たちを管理する.

The use of Korean passports and transfer routes




Korean passports are used to transfer customers from Austria to the target country. The reason for using such passports is the fact that Koreans traveling in the European Union are not required to obtain visas. The initiators of a transfer in Beijing purchase such passports in South Korea, paying special attention to their quality. Good quality means a distant expiry date, which allows for their use over extended periods, as well as the possibility of using special travel fares for youths. In case of transfers by plane, such fares maximize the group¥"s profits.


韓国パスポートはお客さんたちをオーストリアから目的地にした国家まで移すのに利用される. 韓国パスポートを使う理由はヨーロッパ連合を旅行する韓国人たちは ビザが必要ないからだ. 北京の初期運びオルグたちは韓国でこんなパスポートたちを買うのに, そのパスポートの質に注目する. 良い品質と言う(のは)延長された期間の間彼らが使うことができる有效期間がたくさん残っていることを意味する. (後略)


After the purchase in South Korea, the passports are sent from Beijing to a criminal group in Austria via DHL. The initiators from Beijing mark every package with an appropriate code word and the recipient¥"s phone number. The phones used by the criminal group are prepaid mobile phones, which makes it impossible to identify their owners. When the package arrives in a DHL post in Austria, an employee calls the specified number and passes information to the recipient about the arrival of the package, which the recipient can collect after providing a certain code word.


韓国で購入を終えた後, パスポートは DHL便で北京でオーストリアの犯罪組職で送られる. 北京の初期運びオルグたちはすべての小包みに適切なコードと受取人の電話番号を記載する. 犯罪組職の使う電話機は持ち主が分かることができない前払い料金制の携帯電話だ. DHL 小包みがオーストリアに到着するようになれば, 職員は指定された電話番号で電話をして受取人に小包みが到着したことを知らせる. (後略)






<カナダ CBCニュース - 2005年 9月 28日報道>


17 Chinese nationals slip off cruise ship in N.S.




Seventeen cruise ship passengers used false passports to slip past Canadian immigration officials in Halifax earlier this month.




It¥"s the largest single incident of ship-jumping in Halifax so far this year, police said Tuesday.


火曜日に警察はこの事件は ¥"今年まで起きたお腹から飛びおりた事件の中で一番規模が大きいこと¥"と明らかにした.


Immigration officials say that on Sept. 9, the 17 people used fake South Korean passports to leave the cruise ship, saying they were seasick or just wanted to get off temporarily.


イ・ミンソンは 9月 9日 17人が ¥"船酔いが出てしばらく間だけ下がっているのを願う¥"と言ってクルーズ遊覧船で下ろうとにせ物韓国パスポートを使ったと明らかにした.


They just said they were going off because they weren¥"t feeling well, said RCMP spokesman Sgt. Phil Young. Instead of going back on, they hopped a train for Toronto.


RCMP 代弁人である Phil Youngは彼らは体が良くなくて下ろうと思ったと言ったと明らかにした. またお腹で帰る代りに, 彼らはトロント行汽車に跳びこんだ.


Police said they don¥"t know where the group is now.




Young said it¥"s quite common for poor young Chinese people to use forged passports to enter Canada, and then claim refugee status so they can stay.


Youngは貧しい若い中国人たちがカナダに入って来るために偽造されたパスポートを使って, カナダで居住するために難民資格申し込みをすることはかなり有り勝ちな事だと言った.


The Korean passport is a common choice because Canada does not require South Koreans to have a visa, he said.


彼は, ¥"カナダは韓国人たちに ビザを要求しないから韓国パスポートは一般的な選択¥"と言った.


These are Chinese individuals who are trying to find a better life in Canada.




Young said Canada Border Services and the RCMP will conduct a joint review of the incident and intend to increase their scrutiny of the South Korean passports.


Youngはカナダ国境監視台と RCMPはこの事件に対して合同の調査を実施するはずで 韓国パスポートに対する綿密な検事を強化することと言った.






<ドイツ dpa 通信社 - 2006年 8月 21日報道>


Chinese lead list of asylum seekers with forged passports




Wellington - Chinese travelling on fake Hong Kong or South Korean passports accounted for nearly half the 173 foreign asylum seekers who reached New Zealand with false travel doc-uments in the last two years, a newspaper reported Monday.


ウェリントン - にせ物香港パスポートまたは韓国パスポートに旅行中の中国人たちが去る 2年の間ニュージーランドににせ物旅行証明書に入国して難民地位を申し込んだ 173人の外国人たちの中でほとんど半分を占めることで現われたと言った新聞が月曜日に報道した.


Other nationalities ranged from Angolan to British and included a number of Syrians travelling with forged Danish and Belgian passports, Wellington¥"s Dominion Post said.


ウェリントンの ¥"ドミニアンポスト¥"は ¥"その外他の国籍の人々では偽造されたデンマークとベルギーパスポートに旅行中の何人のシリア人を含んでアンゴラ人からイギリス人たちまで多様だ¥"と報道した.


A total of 55 people were charged and deported but 118 were allowed to stay in New Zealand and apply formally for asylum.


55人の人々は疑いを受けて追放されたが 118人はニュージーランドに滞留して公式的に難民申し込みをすることが許可された.


An immigration official told the paper that though advanced security features were making passport fraud more difficult, forgers had increased access to technology.


一イ・ミンソン官吏は ¥"強化された保安検事がパスポート詐欺をもっと難しくしたがパスポートを偽造する人々の技術的接近も増加した¥"と明らかにした.






<朝鮮日報 - 2005年 12月 27日報道>


あなた, 韓国人当たるんですか? 韓国 偽造パスポート増えて… フィンランド国境で即席確認試験


¥"韓国第2の都市は?¥" ¥"韓国の大統領名前を書きます.¥"


韓国の小学校試験問題ではない. 去る 20日ロシアとフィンランド国境にあるフィンランド国境検問所. 国境守備隊員たちがロシアで列車と自動車便で到着した入国者たちのパスポート審査に出た. 入国者大部分はロシア人だが韓国人たちも何人いた.


国境守備隊員たちがロシア人たちのパスポートを一括収去海歌で私は後, 韓国パスポート所持者たちを対象に突然 A4用紙を回した. 用紙には ¥"漢拏山はどこにあるか¥"¥"パク・チャンホはどんな選手か¥" などハングルになった試験問題 20個質問項目が書かれていた. 皆短答型問題. いわゆる韓国人確認試験だ. 列車に乗って入国する場合は客室で試験を受けるようにして, バスに乗って入国する場合はいじめに呼ばれて試験を受ける. 試験は比較的自由に支払うように気配りする.


フィンランドが国境検問所で実施する韓国人確認試験は偽造パスポート所持者索出のためだ. 中国人を含んだ東洋人たちが韓国偽造パスポートを使って入国する場合が増えてこれらの不法滞留がヨーロッパ連合(EU)で拡がりながら去年から取り入れた. 中国人などが韓国偽造パスポートを好む理由は韓国人の場合 EU 出入国手続きも簡素してヨーロッパ全域を自由に移動することができるからだ.


フィンランドは EU 会員国と同時に韓国と大根ビザ 協定国なのでパスポートさえ提示すれば入国が可能なことで分かっていた韓国旅行客たちは全然予想できない雰囲気に荒てるしかない. 国境守備隊員はハングルが書くことができないとか一問題も当てる事ができない場合現場で身分問い合わせをするとこちらでは韓国偽造パスポート所持者が一番多く摘発されると言った.


ロシアと国境を接している国家での韓国人確認試験は昔のソ連国と同時にバルト海沿岸 3国中の一つのエストニアが一番先に取り入れた. エストニアもロシアと国境を接していることにロシア観光地であるサンクトペテルブルクで自動車や汽車でわずか三四時間なら到着することができる所なので韓国観光客たちがヨーロッパで抜ける最適コースだ. エストニアは 2002年から A4用紙大きさの試験紙を配って韓国人確認試験を受けるようにした. エストニアの韓国人確認試験問題は普通 4問題に 4ジソンダヒョングだった.


モスクワとフィンランド駐在韓国大使館は エストニアやフィンランドからパスポートの真偽可否を問う確認電話をよく受けていると韓国偽造パスポートを所有している中国人たちは東南アジアと中国で不法取り引きされる韓国パスポートを購入, 写真だけ附着して使う場合が多いと言った.






Dutch Advised to Watch Out for `Korean Imposters¥"


Dutch people will have to learn how to tell Koreans from Chinese. Some Chinese visitors to the Netherlands are reportedly trying to exploit South Korea¥"s increased post-World Cup recognition by pretending to be Koreans.


South Korea and Holland have become closer since Dutch coach Guus Hiddink piloted the Korean national team to the semifinals of the football tournament.


A growing number of South Koreans are visiting the homeland of their newfound national hero, and are warmly welcomed by the locals.


Many Dutch people greet Asian visitors on the streets, shouting ``Guus! Guus!¥"¥" or ``Tae‾han-min-kuk!¥"¥" (Republic of Korea). Some pubs and restaurants offer Koreans beer and food on the house.


``I felt very proud of being Korean throughout a recent trip to the Netherlands, but I was ashamed of disgraceful behavior by some Chinese tourists,¥"¥" read an Internet message posted on the homepage of the Chinese Embassy in Seoul, which was immediately erased for unknown reasons.


``I saw a group of more than 20 Chinese tourists ask loudly and rudely for a 50-percent discount at a restaurant, claiming they were Koreans.¥"¥" (20人余りの中国人観光客たちが韓国人だと主張しながら一食堂で食べ物値半分を削ってくれと言ってうるさくて無礼に 要求することを見た)


An uncouth Chinese man even harassed a Dutch woman, saying ``Hey, I am Korean, tonight together OK? (あるごちゃごちゃな中国人男性はやあ, 私は韓国人だ, 今夜のようにどう? と言ってオランダ女性をいじめるまでした)¥"¥" the message charged.


``In general, the Dutch think Koreans are nice and polite. It is feared that such a good image will be tainted by a handful of inconsiderate Chinese tourists,¥"¥" said Kim Jong-sook, who stayed in Amsterdam for the past half a year.


An angry netizen said in another Internet message, titled ``Shame on the Chinese,¥"¥" that ``your media downplayed Korea¥"s feat in the World Cup by taking issue with referees¥" decisions. Now, you are trying to jump on the bandwagon of Korea¥"s surging popularity.¥"¥"



中国黒人たちの嫉妬心爆発, 暴動につながる... 韓国芸能である写真を裂くなど中国黒人猿特有の 嫉妬心/発狂暴動


Chinese Students Clash with Koreans over World Cup


South Korean students in Beijing said Wednesday some 300 Chinese students attempted to burn Red Devils tee shirts and shouted abuse at them in front of a foreign dormitory after the football match between Korea and Germany on June 25, but were controlled by school security forces.


They said some students waved a poster of Korean actress Kim Hee-sun on which they had written To Die. In a Chinese dorm adjacent to it, some Chinese threw empty bottles of mineral water and wastes waters at Korean students.


The South Korean Students Association made a protest to school deans for external affairs and student leaders of the Chinese Students Association the next day, but the latter claimed it was an outsider who orchestrated the incident, not a student.


Some South Korean female students are unwilling to be alone out of their dormitory or to meet with Chinese students even after World Cup.


China¥"s Beijing University has the same story with its Internet homepage overwhelmed by messages abusing South Korea by Chinese students. A Chinese student was singled out as a traitor by posting a message of support for South Korea against Portugal and Beijing¥"s largest shopping quarter, Wang Fu Jing, saw clashes between South Korean and Chinese students during the 2002 World Cup match.


According to sources the anti-Korean sentiment was the result of Chinese media such as CCTV claiming Korea was being given favors by referees. Some Chinese newspapers reporting the Korean match against Italy said it was an insult to world soccer history that Korea edged Italy thanks to referees taking the side of the co-host.


A South Korean entrepreneur, former executive director of South Koreans association in China said he couldn¥"t understand the reaction by the young Chinese, hoping that bilateral relations should not worsen any more.





The author of the article gives the nod to Korea over Japan in terms of hosting.


- On a subway coming home following the Korea-Germany game, where you would expect fans to be morose, kids were running through the cars beating drums and getting everyone to sing. A group stopped in front of me and asked if I was German; when I said I was from America, they promptly gathered a set of drums and beat out a cheer of U-S-A! for
a good few minutes.


- Following the Korea-Portugal game, it was impossible to walk home along city streets without being hugged, offered food, offered beer, offered to be taken home and have dinner cooked. My hotel was a 15-minute walk that turned into an increasingly drunken three-hour

 And who were the Koreans happy for, you ask? The U.S. They were so excited that their win had gotten their blood partners through, they had to celebrate. I ate more fried chicken that night than any time outside of the Deep South.



TOTAL: 10190

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