




毎度おなじみ、「California HSR blog」のSchwarzenegger知事日本訪問に








(そして自己申告によるとUseless氏 = kaesaekiだとのことですが、




それにしても何で韓国の人は、California HSR blogにおいて、いくら












(仏のJapan EXPO然り、自動車のAutoblog記事然り)





==================(以下 翻訳)=====



Sep 14th, 2010 at 09:29


It is a terrible and unfortunate situation of mismatch.

Japanese and Chinese who can make multi billion dollar construction loans cannot offer a train model that could meet FRA crashworthiness requirement or run on conventional tracks. Chinese CRH380A is immediately ruled out while Kawasaki’s efSET hasn’t even entered a full development phase yet.

Those bidders who can meet FRA crashworthiness requirement compliant models cannot make multi billion dollar construction loan offers.

I suspect it will eventually come down to French vs Korean. Both offer models that are locomotive pulled and are best positioned to meet FRA crashworthiness requirement and mixed traffic conditions, and both governments have a history of state-backed financing for something grand scale projects like this, although the scale of financing would not be as impressive as Chinese and Japanese offers. If that is SNCF is allowed to bid after the Holocaust hysteria.


Peter Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 9:42 am


But there is no need to meet FRA crashworthiness requirements. Caltrain has already received a waiver on the most draconian of the FRA requirements, and it appears that the FRA is already reconsidering its crashworthiness rules, especially as PTC comes online nationwide.


Useless Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 10:37 am


Caltrain waiver allows introduction of UIC crash compliant train models on Caltrain corridor, like TGV, Velaro, KTXII, etc. Of three, KTXII offers the highest crashworthiness performance, followed by TGV and then Velaro.
CaltrainはCaltrain corridor(注:サンフランシスコ半島)においてUIC衝突基準に準拠した列車、例えばTGV、Velaro、KTXIIなどを導入することを免除によって

Shinkansen E6 and China’s Shinkansen E2 derivative(if they can actually beat Kawasaki’s legal challenges) CRH380A do not meet UIC crashworthiness standard at all and would require a separate waiver from FRA, which is hard to be granted because of the mixed traffic status of CHSR corridor with Caltrain and Metrolink.



Peter Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 10:49 am


But while there is no indication that the CRH380A and Shinkansen are planning on meeting the required crashworthiness performance, there is no indication to the contrary, either.

Therefore, at this point, this is baseless speculation.



Useless Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 10:59 am


@ Peter

The very fact that Kawasaki is busy developing efSET as Japan’s UIC compliant export only model confirms that Shinkansen models cannot be made to be UIC compliant.

Or else Kawasaki would have tried to modify its Shinkansen models it such option was possible.

As for Chinese train models, we all know CRH380A is an unauthorized modification of Shinkansen E2(Which isn’t UIC compliant) and we know how Chinese stuff do in crash test of any sort.


Peter Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 11:32 am


“we know how Chinese stuff do in crash test of any sort.”

Objection, relevance? The FRA would not allow ANY non compliant trains to run in mixed traffic without passing crash tests.
異議あり、ソースは? どのみちFRAは衝突試験をパスしないいかなる非準拠の列車を混合路線に運行させることを認めないだろう。

“we all know CRH380A is an unauthorized modification of Shinkansen E2″

Objection, facts not in evidence, and speculation. Why don’t we wait for the legal issues to be sorted out by the proper authorities prior to making those types of allegations.



Alon Levy Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 4:27 pm


Or, it could be that the Shinkansen designs are owned by the JR companies, and only licensed to the rolling stock vendors as needed. The efSET is a way for Kawasaki to be able to sell trains without paying royalties.



Useless Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 6:50 pm


@ Alon Levy

> The efSET is a way for Kawasaki to be able to sell trains without paying royalties.

And Kawasaki doesn’t even have a place in Japan to test efSET, since it’s too heavy to run on Shinkansen track. Weight increase and performance decrease is the price Kawasaki must pay to make an exportable train model.



Alon Levy Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 11:41 pm


Exportable to Europe, and to places that listen to European protectionist lobbyists. The US may well not have that; it listens to American protectionist lobbyists instead.





Useless Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 11:06 am


BTW, the reason Rotem makes the sturdiest bullet train is because it is also the main battle tank manufacturer. So Rotem’s trains are built like a tank, literally.



nobody important Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 1:30 pm


That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. So apparently Siemens’ trains are built like windmills?


BMF From San Diego Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 5:40 pm


And if the peninsula NIMBYs made trains, they’d be tigers… as in paper tigers. And if San Jose did, they’d be made from silicone. And if Mexico made them, they’d smell like tortillas and burritos!


All in fun.




Alon Levy Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 4:34 pm


Caltrain only asked for UIC. From the FRA’s perspective, 100 tons and 200 tons are equally incompatible with its way of doing things, and would require absolute time separation coming from proven positive train control. Granted, it’s possible that some useless lobbyist could convince the FRA that anything less than 200 is unsafe, but given the FRA’s past behavior, it doesn’t seem to make a distinction.


Useless Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 7:47 am


@ Alon Levy

> some useless lobbyist could convince the FRA that anything less than 200 is unsafe

You bet UIC compliant train model vendors will make that lobby in order to exclude Japanese and Chinese bids.


Alon Levy Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 5:03 pm


You can also bet that Japanese vendors will lobby in the opposite direction. Here’s a hint: JITI is running conferences trumpeting the Shinkansen’s superior performance, and saying that the 200 ton rule doesn’t make trains safer. It’s not saying that the Shinkansen can be adapted to Euro-regulations.
日本の車両会社もその逆方向のロビーをするだろう。ヒント:JITI(Japan International Transport Institute)が新幹線の優れた性能をアピールするカンファレンスを



Useless Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 5:29 pm


@ Alon Levy

> You can also bet that Japanese vendors will lobby in the opposite direction.

Well, all the other guys are happy with UIC standard, so it doesn’t work.


Alon Levy Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 11:06 pm


You seem to be awfully sure that the FRA has a mentality of “We don’t know anything, so let’s count lobbyists.” Do you know something we don’t?



Andre Peretti Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 8:09 am


The UIC’s compression-without-deformation specifications take into account the fact that European high speed trains also run on legacy lines where encounters with other vehicles are possible. They don’t target train/train collisions as FRA rules seem to. These are supposed not to happen in Europe.
Until all level crossings are phased out the UIC is not likely to change its rules. The TGV has had a number of collisions with heavy vehicles, including a
100 tonnes+ truck with very limited damage to the train.
If you think California’s high speed trains will never collide with any heavy foreign object, then lightweight Shinkansen is a good choice.





Sep 14th, 2010 at 10:46


Sure the size of a Japanese loan is important, but not nearly as important as the terms, which are critical. Hell, _I’ll_ offer the Authority a $20 billion loan … is that good news? No, because the terms will suck like nothing you’ve ever seen. Presumably a Japanese loan is a bit of a loss leader that comes along with selection of Japanese technology, so they should be prepared to offer better terms than you’d get from one of the global infrastructure investment groups (e.g., Macquarrie) or from bond markets … maybe they (or the chinese, koreans, french, etc.) will offer fabulous terms on the assumption that having secured California HSR that they’ll become the defacto US standard. But this is all conjecture at this point, and until CHSRA gets down to actual

negotiation with private lenders/investors none of us can accurately predict the outcome.


Useless Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 10:56 am


@ Mikeorama

Looking at Japan and China’s prior HSR construction loan offers to Vietnam, they should be pretty good. The only problem is that neither could actually offer models that could meet FRA approval and could share traffic with other trains on conventional rail.

China has not even proven that it could even design a high speed train by itself, so they are pretty out. Japan can obviously design a UIC compliant EMU model if given time, but California would be the first user of Japan’s first UIC compliant high speed train model(Japan will not use one itself) and with all the technical risks associated with being the first user. As Javelin wobbling fiasco in UK has shown, Japanese trains aren’t glitch free either.

So the best bet for California is to select a model that is already proven in its home country and other markets, such as TGV, Velaro, and KTXII, but these bids do not come with fat loan offers like Chinese and Japanese bids.


lyqwyd Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 4:58 pm


why do you keep spouting this FRA stuff, it’s irrelevant. A waiver will be granted for whatever trainset is chosen.


Peter Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 5:12 pm


They’ll have an agreement with the FRA that as long as the Authority makes sure the trainset meets whatever FRA standards applicable, the FRA will grant whatever waiver is required.


Useless Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 7:44 am


@ Peter

> as long as the Authority makes sure the trainset meets whatever FRA standards applicable

Technically, none of HSR train models other than Acela can meet the FRA compression standard of 360 tons. The closest is KTXII, whose locomotive can withstand a 500 ton compression load and the coaches 200+ ton compression load, but this is still not going to meet the FRA’s standard.

FRA’s 200 ton UIC standard waiver came with a whole bunch of strings attached, so I can’t imagine Shinkansen’s 100 ton standard or China’s 0 ton standard getting any FRA approval.



Peter Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 9:36 am


You’re still missing my point, but I don’t think you’re interested in understanding it.



Joey Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 3:04 pm


The FRA will generally allow you to run whatever you want when you are not running compliant and non-compliant trains at the same time. There are plenty of examples of non-complaint operations in the US, though none high-speed, for obvious reasons. There could be conflicts on the CalTrain line (though I would hope that CalTrain will be able to replace its fleet before HSR begins operating) or in the LA-Anaheims section, if track sharing is selected, but I’m still hesitant to say that this is going to be an major obstacle.



Peter Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 6:01 pm


HSR will likely be completely separated from freight in San Jose. It will be on the tall aerial from Diridon past Santa Clara, where the freight would turn onto the line going to the salt flats (forget the name of the line). Freight will likely only travel up the Peninsula at night while the HSR trains are sleeping.
高速鉄道はサンノゼでは完全に貨物列車と隔離される。DrindonからSanta Claraを過ぎるまで高速鉄道は高架上を走行し、貨物列車はsalts flatsへ向かう

I’m not sure what the situation will be down south.



Joey Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 9:07 pm


Freight trains aren’t the issue. The issue is the transition period in which CalTrain may be running both lightweight EMUs and its old heavy diesel units.



Useless Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 6:38 pm


@ lyqwyd

> A waiver will be granted for whatever trainset is chosen.

Alstom wishes FRA was that flexible when they were doing Acela.

FRA demonstrated that they were willing to go down to UIC level, but they surely aren’t willing to go down to Shinkansen level(100 ton), or Chinese level(0 ton).



Alon Levy Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 11:44 pm


There was no PTC on the Northeast Corridor back when the Acela was in design. The PTC implementation, ACES, only came online after service was supposed to start. And I don’t think Alstom cares too much about how flexible the FRA is ... it’s the riders who suffer.
Acelaが設計されていたときにはNortheast CorridorにはPTCは配備されていなかった。PTC搭載のACESはPTCが開始されることが前提になったあとに登場した

So far, you’re only offering innuendo and rumor about what the FRA will and won’t do. Where’s the beef? Where are the statements from the FRA?



Sep 14th, 2010 at 12:49


Some interesting observation.

Arnold Schwarzenegger stayed in China for 3 days, in Korea for 2 days, but in Japan for 1 day.
Arnold Schwarzeneggerは中国に3日間、韓国に2日間滞在したが、日本にはたった1日の滞在だった。

What’s even more important, it can be confirmed that CHSRA chairman Roelof van Ark had a technical meeting with Chinese bidders and will have a similar meeting with Korean bidders tomorrow while Arnie goes off in KTXII ride. It is not known if van Ark had a similar meeting with Japanese bidders.
より重要なことは、CHSRAの議長、Roelof van Ark氏が中国の複数車両企業と技術ミーティングを実施し、明日Schwarzenegger知事がKTXIIに試乗している
間には、同様の技術ミーティングを韓国の車両企業とも実施することだ。Roelof van Ark氏が同様のミーティングを日本企業と実施したとは聞いていない。

Based on trails of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Roelof van Ark, it seems that Chinese and Koreans are top two candidates, Chinese for financing muscles and Koreans for being the closest match to California’s HSR conditions.
Scwarzenegger知事とRoelof van Ark議長の旅程を見れば、中国と韓国がトップ2の候補者ということだろう。中国には資金提供力があり、韓国はカリフォルニ



nobody important Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 1:48 pm

More speculation…




Andre Peretti Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 5:43 am


The same trains run faster in China, even when unmodified. The CR5 are ETR-600 Pendolinos (minus tilting). They run at 125mph in Europe and 156mph in China.
同じ列車が改造なしでも中国ではより速く走行してます。CR5はETR600ペンドリーノ(振り子レス仕様)です。それは欧州では125 mphですが、中国では156

Actually, a train’s commercial speed also depends on cost analyses: the higher the speed, the higher the cost (power consumption+maintenance of track and rolling stock). These costs may matter less in China than in the West.

The type of signalling system is also important. Virgin will run its Pendolinos at 140mph when the signalling system is upgraded.
信号システムのタイプもまた重要です。Virginは信号システムがアップグレードされれば、ペンドリーノを140 mphで走行させる予定です。

Are the Chinese taking risks with safety? A major accident would deal a severe blow to their credibility, and they couldn’t hide it from the media as they used to in the past.



Useless Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 7:34 am


@ Andre Peretti

> Are the Chinese taking risks with safety?

Valuation of human life is different in China than in the rest of world. In other word, your loss doesn’t matter even if you are an Olympic gold medalist, because there are a million others to replace you.

> A major accident would deal a severe blow to their credibility, and they couldn’t hide it from the media as they used to in the past.

CRH trains do break down once every 4 month at the moment. The frequency will increase as they age.



wu ming Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 3:49 pm


Valuation of human life is different in China than in the rest of world. In other word, your loss doesn’t matter even if you are an Olympic gold medalist, because there are a million others to replace you.

bullshit. people in china value human life in a manner much like anywhere else, more for people they know, and less for strangers. the chinese government and chinese corporate bosses might not give a damn about peons, but that’s not as different from other places as one would expect. what’s missing isn’t a value on human life, so much as a mechanism for everyday people to make the government and corporations pay for doing things that harm everyday people.

there is a great deal of popular upset at the abuse of everyday people at the hands of cops, corporations, and corrupt local government. they just have a much harder time suing or protesting or voting people out of office than their counterparts elsewhere do. that doesn’t mean people don’t care about human life, just because there are more total chinese than americans.



Sep 15th, 2010 at 15:06


Some interesting bits on Arnold Schwarzenegger’s KTX-II ride.

The train went from 100 km/h -> 300 km/h -> full stop on a 46 mile corridor. The other rides(CRH3 and E5) apparently did not hit 300 km/h during the demo run
列車は100 km/h → 300 km/h → 完全停止を46 マイルの区間で走行した。他国の試乗(CRH3とE5)ではデモ中に明らかに300 km/hまで加速していない。

This is a very impressive acceleration performance by KTXII, a locomotive pulled train that beats lighter Shinkansen 700 series on acceleration and is far superior to TGV’s acceleration.



Joey Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 3:24 pm


What’s the KTXII’s power to weight ratio?
KTXIIの パワーウェイトレシオは?



nobody important Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 4:32 pm


I’m skeptical about Hyundai-Rotem since they built the new SEPTA Silverliner V trains and I’ve heard they haven’t done such a good job with it, with poor welding and delays in manufacturing.
現代Rotemについては懐疑的だなあ。彼らが新しいSEPTA Silverliner V trainsを作ったのを見るにつけ。聞くところによると溶接は酷いし、納期は遅れるし、でひどい仕事っぷりだったってさ。



Alon Levy Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 5:28 pm


Getting from 0 to 300 km/h and back over 46 miles is not impressive at all. An N700-I could accelerate from 0 to 300 in 6 miles and decelerate back in about 3.5. An E5 would do slightly worse.
46マイルの区間で0から300 km/hに加速し停止するというのは少しも印象的ではないな。N700 Iは0から300 まで 6マイルで加速し、そこから3.5マイルで停止できる。E5系はそれより少し悪いぐらい。

The KTX-II’s P/W ratio is 20.3, lower than the AGV and the Shinkansen, and a hair lower than the Zefiro. Its initial acceleration rate is lower than that of all EMUs. So no, it’s not a high-acceleration train.




Sep 16th, 2010 at 07:45

It is fun to see Korean salesperson looms up from somewhere and stands in the way of Chinese and Japanese to promote KTX-II something here. Is this another echo of WWII or something that happened long long time ago? Though I don’t know if Japan and Korea fought each other in that war. To be quite honest, I’m sick of hearing political thing like holocaust in discussions about the future HSR system. The past of SNCF? Nazi? pooh!



Useless Reply:
September 16th, 2010 at 11:25 am


@ Giese

No one’s trying to sell anything here. Rather we are simply discussing which train model is likely to be selected for California HSR system. KTX-II is clearly better suited for California than either Shinkansen E6 or CRH380A, both of which may not be able to win FRA approval, and CRH380A carries an additional problem of intellectual property rights issues.




コメント中で話題が出たSEPTA Silverliner V trains

















한국인, 빌려 통과하는





매번 동일 봐, 「California HSR blog」의 Schwarzenegger 지사 일본 방문에

관한 기사의 코멘트란에서, 한국의 사람이마구 또 다시 날뛰어 주었으므로,

시간때우기로번역해 보았습니다^^




이렇게 말해도, 등장 인물은 또다시 예의Useless씨입니다만.


(그리고 자기 신고에 의하면 Useless씨 = kaesaeki라는 일입니다만,

그것의 진위에 대해서는 별로 관심이 없습니다^^)



그렇다 치더라도 무엇으로 한국의 사람은, California HSR blog에 대하고, 아무리

한국의 화제가 표제가되는 것이 없고, 이번 Schwarzenegger 지사 방문에

두어도 한국 방문의상세 기사가 스르 되었다고 하고,

일본의기사의 코멘트란에애당초로부터 등장하고, KTX-II만세이를

집요하게 조 돌려주는 것입니까?


그것도 이번 브로그 기사는, 신간선의 성능이 주제가 아니고, 일본이나 중국으로부터의 융자 제공이 주제인데도 관련되지 않고, 상당 억지로 열차 규격이나 성능의 이야기에

반입하고 있는군요^^



뭐, 한국의 사람은, 해외의 장소에 있고 일본이 화제가 되고 있는 것을 보면,

발작적으로 끼어들고, 우리나라만세이를 외치지 않고서는 견딜 수 없다···

(프랑스의 Japan EXPO연, 자동차의 Autoblog 기사연)

그렇다고 하는 나의 가설을,또다시 강화해 준 (뜻)이유입니다만.




==================(이하 번역)=====



Sep 14th, 2010 at 09:29


It is a terrible and unfortunate situation of mismatch.
조화가 잘 안되고 완전히 심한 불행한 상황이다.

Japanese and Chinese who can make multi billion dollar construction loans cannot offer a train model that could meet FRA crashworthiness requirement or run on conventional tracks. Chinese CRH380A is immediately ruled out while Kawasaki’s efSET hasn’t even entered a full development phase yet.
몇십억 달러라고 하는 건설 론을 준비할 수 있는 일본이나 중국은, FRA의 충돌 요구에 준거해, 종래의 노선을 주행할 수 있는 차량을 제공할 수 없다.중국의
CRH380A는 즉각 각하 되고, 카와사키의 efSET는 풀 개발 국면에 들어가조차 없다.

Those bidders who can meet FRA crashworthiness requirement compliant models cannot make multi billion dollar construction loan offers.
한편, FRA의 충돌 요구에 준거하는 차량을 가지는 응찰자는, 몇십억 달러의 건설 론을 제공할 수 없다.

I suspect it will eventually come down to French vs Korean. Both offer models that are locomotive pulled and are best positioned to meet FRA crashworthiness requirement and mixed traffic conditions, and both governments have a history of state-backed financing for something grand scale projects like this, although the scale of financing would not be as impressive as Chinese and Japanese offers. If that is SNCF is allowed to bid after the Holocaust hysteria.
내가 생각컨대는 공모는 최종적으로 프랑스와 한국에 침착할 것이다.양자는 기관차 견인식 모델을 제공하기 때문에, FRA의 충돌 요구와 혼합 운행 조건에 적합하는
최적인 포지션에 있고, 양자의 정부와도 대규모 프로젝트에의 국가를 백그라운드로 한 투자의 역사를 가지고 있다.그 투자 규모는 중국이나 일본의 말씀드려출만큼은 아닌다고 해도.무엇보다 프랑스 SNCF는 대량학살의 과거에 대한 히스테리로부터, 우선 입찰에 참가하는 것이 용서될 필요가 있지만.


Peter Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 9:42 am


But there is no need to meet FRA crashworthiness requirements. Caltrain has already received a waiver on the most draconian of the FRA requirements, and it appears that the FRA is already reconsidering its crashworthiness rules, especially as PTC comes online nationwide.
그렇지만 FRA의 충돌 요구에 준거할 필요는 없을 것이다?벌써 Caltrain는 FRA 요구의 가장 어려운 개소에 도착하고 면제를 받고 있고, FRA는 특히 PTC가 전국적으로
보급하는 것 겨자라고도 충돌 기준을 재고할 것이다.


Useless Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 10:37 am


Caltrain waiver allows introduction of UIC crash compliant train models on Caltrain corridor, like TGV, Velaro, KTXII, etc. Of three, KTXII offers the highest crashworthiness performance, followed by TGV and then Velaro.
Caltrain는 Caltrain corridor(주:샌프란시스코 반도)에 대해 UIC 충돌 기준에 준거한 열차, 예를 들면 TGV, Velaro, KTXII등을 도입하는 것을 면제에 의해서
허가되었다.3개의 차량 모델 가운데, KTXII가 가장 높은 내충돌 성능을 가져, TGV, Velaro가 그 후에 계속 된다.

Shinkansen E6 and China’s Shinkansen E2 derivative(if they can actually beat Kawasaki’s legal challenges) CRH380A do not meet UIC crashworthiness standard at all and would require a separate waiver from FRA, which is hard to be granted because of the mixed traffic status of CHSR corridor with Caltrain and Metrolink.
E6신간선이나 중국의 E2신간선 파생종(만약 중국이 카와사키의 제소에 이길 수 있으면) CRH380A는 UIC 충돌 기준에 전혀 적합하지 않고, FRA로부터의 또 다른
면제를 받을 필요가 있다.그러나 CHSRA와 corridor의 Caltrain, Metrolink와의 혼합 운행을 생각하면 그것은(다른 면제를 받는 것은) 곤란하다.



Peter Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 10:49 am


But while there is no indication that the CRH380A and Shinkansen are planning on meeting the required crashworthiness performance, there is no indication to the contrary, either.
그러나 CRH380A나 신간선이 요구되는 내충돌 성능에 적합시키는 개발 계획에 대해 공표는 없기는 하지만, 그 반대의(개발한다고 한다) 공표도 또 없을 것이다.

Therefore, at this point, this is baseless speculation.
그러니까 그 점에 있고, 너의 설은 전혀 근거가 없는 억측이야.



Useless Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 10:59 am


@ Peter

The very fact that Kawasaki is busy developing efSET as Japan’s UIC compliant export only model confirms that Shinkansen models cannot be made to be UIC compliant.
카와사키가 UIC 준거의 수출 전용 모델 efSET를 필사적으로 개발하고 있다, 확실히 그 사실이, 신간선에서는 UIC 준거로 할 수 없는 것을 증명하고 있다.

Or else Kawasaki would have tried to modify its Shinkansen models it such option was possible.
만약 그것이 생긴다면 카와사키는 신간선 차량을 개조하고 있을 것이다.

As for Chinese train models, we all know CRH380A is an unauthorized modification of Shinkansen E2(Which isn’t UIC compliant) and we know how Chinese stuff do in crash test of any sort.
중국의 열차에 대해 말하면, 주지대로, CRH380A는 E2신간선(UIC비적합)의 비공인의 개조 모델이고, 중국이라고 하는 나라가 어떤 충돌 테스트든지를 하고 있는
의 것인지 말하지 않는 것이 좋음일 것이다.


Peter Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 11:32 am


“we know how Chinese stuff do in crash test of any sort.”
「중국이라고 하는 나라가 어떤 충돌 테스트든지를 하고 있는지 말하지 않는 것이 좋음일 것이다.」

Objection, relevance? The FRA would not allow ANY non compliant trains to run in mixed traffic without passing crash tests.
이의 있어, 소스는? 어쨌든 FRA는 충돌 시험을 패스하지 않는 어떠한 비준거의 열차를 혼합 노선으로 운행시키는 것을 인정하지 않을 것이다.

“we all know CRH380A is an unauthorized modification of Shinkansen E2˝
「중국의 열차에 대해 말하면, 주지대로, CRH380A는 E2신간선(UIC비적합)의 비공인의 개조 모델이다」

Objection, facts not in evidence, and speculation. Why don’t we wait for the legal issues to be sorted out by the proper authorities prior to making those types of allegations.
이의 있어, 증거가 없는 논술이며 억측에 지나지 않는다.이런 종류의 근거가 없는 단정을 하기 전에, 이런 법적인 일에 대해서는 적절한 기관에 의한 판단을 기다리면좋은



Alon Levy Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 4:27 pm


Or, it could be that the Shinkansen designs are owned by the JR companies, and only licensed to the rolling stock vendors as needed. The efSET is a way for Kawasaki to be able to sell trains without paying royalties.
혹은 신간선의 설계는 JR가 소유하고 있고, 차량 회사는 필요에 따라서 라이센스 생산 하고 있을 뿐(만큼)이기 때문인지도 모른다.efSET는 카와사키에 있어서(JR에) 로이야
르티를 지불하지 않고 열차를 판매하는 방법이라고 하는 것.



Useless Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 6:50 pm


@ Alon Levy

> The efSET is a way for Kawasaki to be able to sell trains without paying royalties.
「efSET는 카와사키에 있어서(JR에) 로열티를 지불하지 않고 열차를 판매하는 방법이라고 하는 것.」

And Kawasaki doesn’t even have a place in Japan to test efSET, since it’s too heavy to run on Shinkansen track. Weight increase and performance decrease is the price Kawasaki must pay to make an exportable train model.
그리고 카와사키는 일본에 efSET를 테스트하는 장소조차 없다.왜냐하면 그것은 너무 무거워서 신간선 노선을 달리게 할 수 없으니까.중량의 증가와 성능의 저하는 강
사키가 수출 가능한 차량을 제작할 경우에 지불하지 않으면 안 되는 대가다.



Alon Levy Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 11:41 pm


Exportable to Europe, and to places that listen to European protectionist lobbyists. The US may well not have that; it listens to American protectionist lobbyists instead.
유럽이나 유럽 보호주의 로비스트가 말하는 것을 잘 듣는 장소에의 수출용으로군요.미국에는 관계없을 것이다;미국은 미국 보호주의 로비스트가 말하는 것을 (듣)묻는





Useless Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 11:06 am


BTW, the reason Rotem makes the sturdiest bullet train is because it is also the main battle tank manufacturer. So Rotem’s trains are built like a tank, literally.
그런데, 현대 Rotem가 가장 튼튼한 고속 열차를 만들 수 있는 이유는, 그들이 또 전차의 제조 회사이기도 하기 때문이다.그러니까 현대 로템의 열차는 문자 그대로 전
차와 같이 되어 있다.



nobody important Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 1:30 pm


That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. So apparently Siemens’ trains are built like windmills?
이것 또 지금까지 (듣)묻는 것 중으로 최악인 쓰레기 코멘트다.그러면 Siemens의 열차는 풍력 발전기와 같이 되어있다 라는 의 것인지 있어?


BMF From San Diego Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 5:40 pm


And if the peninsula NIMBYs made trains, they’d be tigers… as in paper tigers. And if San Jose did, they’d be made from silicone. And if Mexico made them, they’d smell like tortillas and burritos!
그리고 샌프란시스코 반도의 NIMBY(고속 철도 계획 반대자)가 열차를 만들었다면, 범과 같은 것이 될 것이다, 종이 호랑이에게.그리고, 샌노제로 만들었다면 열차는
실리콘으로 만들어질 것이고, 멕시코에서 만들었다면, 트르티쟈나 브리트가 향기가 날 것이다.


All in fun.

모두 좋다.



Alon Levy Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 4:34 pm


Caltrain only asked for UIC. From the FRA’s perspective, 100 tons and 200 tons are equally incompatible with its way of doing things, and would require absolute time separation coming from proven positive train control. Granted, it’s possible that some useless lobbyist could convince the FRA that anything less than 200 is unsafe, but given the FRA’s past behavior, it doesn’t seem to make a distinction.
Caltrain는 단지 UIC 준거를 신청했다.FRA의 견해에 거, 100 t의 내충돌 성능이겠지만 200 t의 그것이겠지만 그 결과는 같은 것이며, 그러니까 실적이 있는 PTC와 완
전인 운행 시간의 분리를 요구하게 될 것이다.그 대로, 도움이 되지 않는 사람의(useless) 로비스트가 FRA에 200 t이하는 뭐든지 안전하지 않으면 우연히 믿게 하는 것이 할 수 있을지도 모르지만, FRA의 과거의 언동으로부터 보면, (100 t와 200 t와의 사이에) 경계를 마련하도록(듯이)는 생각되지 않는다.


Useless Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 7:47 am


@ Alon Levy

> some useless lobbyist could convince the FRA that anything less than 200 is unsafe
「도움이 되지 않는 사람의(useless) 로비스트가 FRA에 200 t이하는 뭐든지 안전하지 않으면 우연히 믿게 할 수 있을지도 모르지만」

You bet UIC compliant train model vendors will make that lobby in order to exclude Japanese and Chinese bids.
UIC 준거의 차량 회사가, 일본이나 중국의 응찰을 배제하기 위해서 확실히 그러한 로비를 하네요.


Alon Levy Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 5:03 pm


You can also bet that Japanese vendors will lobby in the opposite direction. Here’s a hint: JITI is running conferences trumpeting the Shinkansen’s superior performance, and saying that the 200 ton rule doesn’t make trains safer. It’s not saying that the Shinkansen can be adapted to Euro-regulations.
일본의 차량 회사도 그 역방향의 로비를 할 것이다.힌트:JITI(Japan International Transport Institute)가 신간선의 뛰어난 성능을 어필 하는 컨퍼런스를
각지에서 개최하고 있지만, 그 안에서 200 t의 기준은 열차를 안전하게는 하지 않는 말을 한다.신간선은 유럽 규제에 적합 가능합니다, 등이라고는 말하지 않다.



Useless Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 5:29 pm


@ Alon Levy

> You can also bet that Japanese vendors will lobby in the opposite direction.
「일본의 차량 회사도 그 역방향의 로비를 할 것이다.」

Well, all the other guys are happy with UIC standard, so it doesn’t work.
예, 하지만 모든 경합 타사가 UIC 기준으로 만족하기 때문에, 일본의 활동은 쓸데 없을 것이다.


Alon Levy Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 11:06 pm


You seem to be awfully sure that the FRA has a mentality of “We don’t know anything, so let’s count lobbyists.” Do you know something we don’t?
너는 아무래도 FRA가 「우리는 아무것도 모르기 때문에, 로비스트가 말하는 것을 믿자」라고 하는 멘타리티를 가지고 있으면 완전히 확신하고 있는 것 같다.너는 무엇인가 나
들이 모르는 것에서도 알고 있나?



Andre Peretti Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 8:09 am


The UIC’s compression-without-deformation specifications take into account the fact that European high speed trains also run on legacy lines where encounters with other vehicles are possible. They don’t target train/train collisions as FRA rules seem to. These are supposed not to happen in Europe.
Until all level crossings are phased out the UIC is not likely to change its rules. The TGV has had a number of collisions with heavy vehicles, including a
100 tonnes+ truck with very limited damage to the train.
If you think California’s high speed trains will never collide with any heavy foreign object, then lightweight Shinkansen is a good choice.
UIC의 비변형 압축 스펙은 유럽의 고속 열차가 다른 탈 것과 충돌할 가능성이 있는 종래의 노선상에도 운행하는 것을 고려에 넣고 있습니다.그것은 FRA규
칙이 고려하고 있다고 생각되는 열차대 열차의 충돌을 대상으로 하고 있지 않습니다.열차대 열차의 충돌은 유럽에서는 일어날 수 없으면 상정되고 있습니다.모든 건널목이철거될 때까지는, UIC는 그 기준을 바꿀 것은 없을 것입니다.지금까지 TGV는 중량급의 탈 것~100 t이상의 트럭을 포함한~과 몇번이나 충돌하고 있습니다만, 차량에의 데미지는 작은 것이었습니다.
만약 캘리포니아의 고속 열차가 결코 다른 탈 것과 충돌하지 않는다고 생각한다면, 경량의 신간선은 좋은 선택이지요.





Sep 14th, 2010 at 10:46


Sure the size of a Japanese loan is important, but not nearly as important as the terms, which are critical. Hell, _I’ll_ offer the Authority a $20 billion loan … is that good news? No, because the terms will suck like nothing you’ve ever seen. Presumably a Japanese loan is a bit of a loss leader that comes along with selection of Japanese technology, so they should be prepared to offer better terms than you’d get from one of the global infrastructure investment groups (e.g., Macquarrie) or from bond markets … maybe they (or the chinese, koreans, french, etc.) will offer fabulous terms on the assumption that having secured California HSR that they’ll become the defacto US standard. But this is all conjecture at this point, and until CHSRA gets down to actual

negotiation with private lenders/investors none of us can accurately predict the outcome.
확실히 일본으로부터의 론의 금액은 중요합니다만, 보다 심각하고 중요한 것은 그 조건입니다.「CHSRA에 200억 달러 론 제공합니다」라고 하는 것 자체가 굿 뉴스?
좋아, 그 조건이 일찌기 (들)물었던 적이 없는 것 같은 내용이 될테니까입니다.아마 일본의 론은 일본의 기술을 채용하는 것으로 세트의 마중물입니까들 , 그등은 다른 세계적인 인프라 투자 그룹(Macquarrie등)이나 본드채보다 호조건으로 론 제공하게 되겠지요···혹시 일본은(혹은 중국, 한국, 프랑스 등은) 미국의 de facto standard로도 될 수 있는 캘리포니아 고속 철도의 수주를 확실히 하기 위해서 불합리한 조건을 제시할지도 모릅니다.그러나 이것은 모두 현시점에서는 추측에 지나지 않네요.CHSRA가 민간의 금융기관이나 투자 기관과 실제의 교섭에 들어갈 때까지는 그 성과에 대해서는 아무도 정확하게예언할 수 없습니다.


Useless Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 10:56 am


@ Mikeorama

Looking at Japan and China’s prior HSR construction loan offers to Vietnam, they should be pretty good. The only problem is that neither could actually offer models that could meet FRA approval and could share traffic with other trains on conventional rail.
일본이나 중국이 베트남의 고속 철도 건설에 신청한 론을 보면, 확실히 그것은 꽤 호조건이 될 것이다.문제는 양자 모두 FRA가 인가해, 종래의 노선상
에서 다른 열차와 혼합 운행할 수 있는 차량 모델을 실제로 제공할 수 없는 것이다.

China has not even proven that it could even design a high speed train by itself, so they are pretty out. Japan can obviously design a UIC compliant EMU model if given time, but California would be the first user of Japan’s first UIC compliant high speed train model(Japan will not use one itself) and with all the technical risks associated with being the first user. As Javelin wobbling fiasco in UK has shown, Japanese trains aren’t glitch free either.
중국은 그들 자신의 손으로 고속 열차를 설계할 수 있을까 하는 것조차 증명되어 있지 않기 때문에, 절대 아웃.일본은 확실히 UIC 준거의 전철을 시간만 있으면 설
계 할 수 있지만, 그 경우, 캘리포니아가 일본의 최초의 UIC 준거의 고속 열차의(일본은 자국에서 UIC 준거의 열차를 사용하지 않는다), 첫 유저가 될 것이고,최초의 유저로서의 기술적 리스크를 지게 된다.영국에서의 Javelin의 좌우 흔들림의 대실태가 가리키도록(듯이), 일본의 열차도 결함 프리는 아니다.

So the best bet for California is to select a model that is already proven in its home country and other markets, such as TGV, Velaro, and KTXII, but these bids do not come with fat loan offers like Chinese and Japanese bids.
따라서 캘리포니아 싫어해 최적인 것은, TGV나 Velaro, 그리고 KTXII와 같이 자국이나 다른 시장에서 벌써 실증된 모델을 선택하는 것이다.이러한 응찰자에게서는
중국이나 일본과 같은 론 제공은 없는다고 해도.


lyqwyd Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 4:58 pm


why do you keep spouting this FRA stuff, it’s irrelevant. A waiver will be granted for whatever trainset is chosen.
어째서 너는 이 FRA 관련의 이야기를 언제까지나 뿌리고 세우나?완전히 판단착오야.어떠한 열차든 선택되면 면제 조항은 제시될 것이다.


Peter Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 5:12 pm


They’ll have an agreement with the FRA that as long as the Authority makes sure the trainset meets whatever FRA standards applicable, the FRA will grant whatever waiver is required.
CHSRA가 그 전열차가 어떠한 FRA 기준이든 만족 시키고 있는 것을 확실히 보증한다고 하는 조건으로 FRA는 어떠한 면제 조건에서도 제시한다, 라고 하는 계약을,
CHSRA와 FRA는 묶을 것이다.


Useless Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 7:44 am


@ Peter

> as long as the Authority makes sure the trainset meets whatever FRA standards applicable
「CHSRA가 그 전열차가 어떠한 FRA 기준이든 만족 시키고 있는 것을 확실히 보증한다」

Technically, none of HSR train models other than Acela can meet the FRA compression standard of 360 tons. The closest is KTXII, whose locomotive can withstand a 500 ton compression load and the coaches 200+ ton compression load, but this is still not going to meet the FRA’s standard.
기술적으로, Acela를 제외한 모든 고속 열차 모델은 FRA의 360 t의 충돌 압축 기준을 만족 시키지 않았다.가장 가까운 것은 KTXII이며, 그 기관차는 500 t, 객차는 200t
강의 가중에 견딜 수 있지만, 이것이라도 FRA의 기준을 만족 시키지 않았다.

FRA’s 200 ton UIC standard waiver came with a whole bunch of strings attached, so I can’t imagine Shinkansen’s 100 ton standard or China’s 0 ton standard getting any FRA approval.
FRA의 200 t의 UIC 기준 면제는 여러가지 조건이 부대되고 있어 신간선의 100 t나 중국의 0 t기준이 FRA의 인가를 얻을 수 있다고는 도저히 상상할 수 없다.



Peter Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 9:36 am


You’re still missing my point, but I don’t think you’re interested in understanding it.
너는 내가 말하는 포인트가 무엇으로 있을까 이해하고 있지 않다.무엇보다 너가 그것을 이해하려고 하고 있다고는 생각되지 않지만.



Joey Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 3:04 pm


The FRA will generally allow you to run whatever you want when you are not running compliant and non-compliant trains at the same time. There are plenty of examples of non-complaint operations in the US, though none high-speed, for obvious reasons. There could be conflicts on the CalTrain line (though I would hope that CalTrain will be able to replace its fleet before HSR begins operating) or in the LA-Anaheims section, if track sharing is selected, but I’m still hesitant to say that this is going to be an major obstacle.
FRA는 일반적으로 말하고, 기준 준거의 열차와 비준거의 열차를 동시에 운행시키지 않는 한, 어떠한 열차의 운행도 허용 하고 있어.고속 운행은 아니지만
도, 미국에서는 비준거의 운행등 얼마든지 예가 있다.만약 혼합 운행이 결정되었다면, CalTrain 노선이나( 나는 CalTrain가 고속 열차 운행이 시작되기 전에 모든 렬차를 치환 얻을 수 있도록(듯이) 바라지만), LA~Anaheims의 구간에서 문제가 생길 것이다 하지만, 이것이 큰 장해가 된다고는 생각하지 않는다.



Peter Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 6:01 pm


HSR will likely be completely separated from freight in San Jose. It will be on the tall aerial from Diridon past Santa Clara, where the freight would turn onto the line going to the salt flats (forget the name of the line). Freight will likely only travel up the Peninsula at night while the HSR trains are sleeping.
고속 철도는 샌노제에서는 완전하게 화물열차와 격리된다.Drindon로부터 Santa Clara를 지날 때까지 고속 철도는 고가상을 주행해, 화물열차는 salts flats로 향하는
노선(노선명은 잊었다)을 달리게 된다.화물열차는 샌프란시스코 반도에서는, 고속 철도가 운행하지 않는 야간에게만 운행할 예정.

I’m not sure what the situation will be down south.
남쪽(LA~Anaheim)에서는 어떠한 상황이 되는지, 모르지만.



Joey Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 9:07 pm


Freight trains aren’t the issue. The issue is the transition period in which CalTrain may be running both lightweight EMUs and its old heavy diesel units.
화물열차는 문제가 되지 않는다.CalTrain가 경량의 전철과 구형의 무거운 디젤 열차의 양쪽 모두를 달리게 하고 있는 이행 기간이 문제다.



Useless Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 6:38 pm


@ lyqwyd

> A waiver will be granted for whatever trainset is chosen.
「어떠한 열차든 선택되면 면제 조항은 제시될 것이다.」

Alstom wishes FRA was that flexible when they were doing Acela.
Alstom는 Acela를 검토하고 있을 때, FRA가 지금 정도로 유연한 것을 바라고 있었다.

FRA demonstrated that they were willing to go down to UIC level, but they surely aren’t willing to go down to Shinkansen level(100 ton), or Chinese level(0 ton).
지금, FRA는 UIC 기준까지 떨어뜨리는 것을 나타냈지만, 그들은 결코 신간선 레벨(100 t)이나 중국 레벨(0 t)까지는 떨어뜨릴 것은 없다.



Alon Levy Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 11:44 pm


There was no PTC on the Northeast Corridor back when the Acela was in design. The PTC implementation, ACES, only came online after service was supposed to start. And I don’t think Alstom cares too much about how flexible the FRA is ... it’s the riders who suffer.
Acela가 설계되고 있었을 때에는 Northeast Corridor에는 PTC는 배치되어 있지 않았다.PTC 탑재의 ACES는 PTC가 개시되는 것이 전제가 된 뒤에 등장한
것이고, 그 당시에 Alstom는, 승강객수에 대해서는 어쨌든, FRA의 유연성에 대해 염려하고 있었다고는 생각하지 않는다.

So far, you’re only offering innuendo and rumor about what the FRA will and won’t do. Where’s the beef? Where are the statements from the FRA?
지금까지의 논의로, 너는 단지 FRA가 할 것 약간들 없는 것에 대해서, 마실 수 있는 셋집준화만 흘려 보내고 있다.도대체 내용은 어디에 있는거야?FRA로부터의 발표는
어디에 있다?



Sep 14th, 2010 at 12:49


Some interesting observation.
흥미로운 고찰을.

Arnold Schwarzenegger stayed in China for 3 days, in Korea for 2 days, but in Japan for 1 day.
Arnold Schwarzenegger는 중국에 3일간, 한국에 2일간 체재했지만, 일본에는 단 1일의 체재였다.

What’s even more important, it can be confirmed that CHSRA chairman Roelof van Ark had a technical meeting with Chinese bidders and will have a similar meeting with Korean bidders tomorrow while Arnie goes off in KTXII ride. It is not known if van Ark had a similar meeting with Japanese bidders.
보다 중요한 (일)것은, CHSRA의 의장, Roelof van Ark씨가 중국의 복수 차량 기업과 기술 미팅을 실시해, 내일 Schwarzenegger 지사가 KTXII에 시승하고 있는
동안에는, 같은 기술 미팅을 한국의 차량 기업 모두 실시하는 것이다.Roelof van Ark씨가 같은 미팅을 일본 기업과 실시했다고는 (듣)묻지 않았다.

Based on trails of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Roelof van Ark, it seems that Chinese and Koreans are top two candidates, Chinese for financing muscles and Koreans for being the closest match to California’s HSR conditions.
Scwarzenegger 지사와 Roelof van Ark 의장의 여정을 보면, 중국과 한국이 톱 2의 후보자라고 할 것이다.중국에는 자금 제공력이 있어, 한국은 카리포르니
아의 고속 철도의 조건에 가장 성냥 하고 있다.



nobody important Reply:
September 14th, 2010 at 1:48 pm

More speculation…
또다시 억측···




Andre Peretti Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 5:43 am


The same trains run faster in China, even when unmodified. The CR5 are ETR-600 Pendolinos (minus tilting). They run at 125mph in Europe and 156mph in China.
같은 열차가 개조 없이도 중국에서는 보다 빠르게 주행하고 있습니다.CR5는 ETR600 펜드리노(진자 레스 사양)입니다.그것은 유럽에서는 125 mph입니다만, 중국에서는 156
mph로 달리고 있습니다.

Actually, a train’s commercial speed also depends on cost analyses: the higher the speed, the higher the cost (power consumption+maintenance of track and rolling stock). These costs may matter less in China than in the West.
실제의 곳, 열차의 상업 운행 속도는 코스트 분석으로 정해져 있습니다.속도가 빠르면, 그 만큼, 코스트는 늘어납니다.(소비 전력+선로·열차의 정비 비용) 와
등의 코스트는 중국에서는 서쪽 사회보다 염가여서 짊어진다.

The type of signalling system is also important. Virgin will run its Pendolinos at 140mph when the signalling system is upgraded.
신호 시스템의 타입도 또 중요합니다.Virgin는 신호 시스템이 업그레이드 되면, 펜드리노를 140 mph로 주행시킬 예정입니다.

Are the Chinese taking risks with safety? A major accident would deal a severe blow to their credibility, and they couldn’t hide it from the media as they used to in the past.
중국은 안전성의 리스크를 취할 각오가 있는 것입니까?중대사고는 그들의 신용에 시게아츠인 악영향을 가져오고, 그들은 과거에 따르고라고 온 것처럼은 미디어로부터
그것을 숨기는 것은 더이상 할 수 없을 것입니다.



Useless Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 7:34 am


@ Andre Peretti

> Are the Chinese taking risks with safety?
「중국은 안전성의 리스크를 취할 각오가 있는 것입니까?」

Valuation of human life is different in China than in the rest of world. In other word, your loss doesn’t matter even if you are an Olympic gold medalist, because there are a million others to replace you.
인명의 가치는 중국과 다른 세계에서는 다르다.바꾸어 말하면, 한 명의 생명이 없어지는 것은 비유 그것이 올림픽의 금메달리스트였든 문제가 되지 않는다.왜
라면 그것을 치환 얻을 수 있는 백만이라고 하는 것 외 사람이 거기에 있기 때문에.

> A major accident would deal a severe blow to their credibility, and they couldn’t hide it from the media as they used to in the past.
「중대사고는 그들의 신용에 시게아츠인 악영향을 가져오고, 그들은 과거에 따르고라고 온 것처럼은 미디어로부터 그것을 숨기는 것은 더이상 할 수 없을 것입니다.」

CRH trains do break down once every 4 month at the moment. The frequency will increase as they age.
목하, CRH 열차는 4개월에 한 번, 고장나 있다.그 빈도는 해를 거치는에 따라서 증가할 것이다.



wu ming Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 3:49 pm


Valuation of human life is different in China than in the rest of world. In other word, your loss doesn’t matter even if you are an Olympic gold medalist, because there are a million others to replace you.
「인명의 가치는 중국과 다른 세계에서는 다르다.바꾸어 말하면, 한 명의 생명이 없어지는 것은 비유 그것이 올림픽의 금메달리스트였든 문제가 되지 않는다.
라면 그것을 치환 얻을 수 있는 백만이라고 하는 것 외 사람이 거기에 있기 때문에.」

bullshit. people in china value human life in a manner much like anywhere else, more for people they know, and less for strangers. the chinese government and chinese corporate bosses might not give a damn about peons, but that’s not as different from other places as one would expect. what’s missing isn’t a value on human life, so much as a mechanism for everyday people to make the government and corporations pay for doing things that harm everyday people.
무엇이라면!중국의 사람들의 생명의 가치는 다른 어디와도 전혀 똑같이 변함없고, 그를 알고 있는 사람에게는 보다 무겁고, 모르는 사람에게는 보다 가벼워질 뿐이다.중국 정부나
중국 기업의 사장은 일용 노동자 등 기분에도 걸치지 않을 것이지만, 그것은 세계의 다른 어디와도 변함없다.중국에서 잃어지고 있는 것은 인명의 가치가 아니고, 정부나 기업이 사람들에게 해가 있는 것에 주의를 보내도록(듯이) 하는 메카니즘이다.

there is a great deal of popular upset at the abuse of everyday people at the hands of cops, corporations, and corrupt local government. they just have a much harder time suing or protesting or voting people out of office than their counterparts elsewhere do. that doesn’t mean people don’t care about human life, just because there are more total chinese than americans.
한 줌의 경찰관, 기업, 부패한 정부가 일반의 사람들을 허술하게 취급하는 것에 대하고, 넓고 큰 분노가 있다.중국인은 그러한 사람을 호소하거나 항의하거나 투표에
는 추방하거나 하는 것에 관계하고, 타국보다 곤란한 상황에 있을 뿐이다.그것은 단지 중국인이 미국인보다 인구가 많기 때문에라고 하고, 사람들이 인명을 경시일을 의미하지 않는다.



Sep 15th, 2010 at 15:06


Some interesting bits on Arnold Schwarzenegger’s KTX-II ride.
Schwarzenegger 지사의 KTXII 시승에 대해 흥미로운 이야기를.

The train went from 100 km/h -> 300 km/h -> full stop on a 46 mile corridor. The other rides(CRH3 and E5) apparently did not hit 300 km/h during the demo run
열차는 100 km/h → 300 km/h → 완전 정지를 46 마일의 구간에서 주행했다.타국의 시승(CRH3와 E5)에서는 데모중에 분명하게 300 km/h까지 가속하고 있지 않다.

This is a very impressive acceleration performance by KTXII, a locomotive pulled train that beats lighter Shinkansen 700 series on acceleration and is far superior to TGV’s acceleration.
이것은 KTXII에 의한 매우 훌륭한 가속 성능에 의하는 것이다.기관차 견인의 열차가 보다 경량의 700 시리즈 신간선에 이겨, TGV의 가속보다 아득하게 우수하니까.



Joey Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 3:24 pm


What’s the KTXII’s power to weight ratio?
KTXII의 파워/웨이트 레이션은?



nobody important Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 4:32 pm


I’m skeptical about Hyundai-Rotem since they built the new SEPTA Silverliner V trains and I’ve heard they haven’t done such a good job with it, with poor welding and delays in manufacturing.
현대 Rotem에 대해서는 회의적이다.그들이 새로운 SEPTA Silverliner V trains를 만든 것을 보니.(듣)묻는 곳(중)에 의하면 용접은 심하고, 납기는 늦고, 그리고 심한 일였다는.



Alon Levy Reply:
September 15th, 2010 at 5:28 pm


Getting from 0 to 300 km/h and back over 46 miles is not impressive at all. An N700-I could accelerate from 0 to 300 in 6 miles and decelerate back in about 3.5. An E5 would do slightly worse.
46마일의 구간에서 0에서 300 km/h에 가속해 정지한다는 것은 조금도 인상적이지 않는데.N700 I는 0에서 300 까지 6마일로 가속해, 거기로부터 3.5마일로 정지할 수 있다.E5계는 그것보다 조금 나쁠 정도.

The KTX-II’s P/W ratio is 20.3, lower than the AGV and the Shinkansen, and a hair lower than the Zefiro. Its initial acceleration rate is lower than that of all EMUs. So no, it’s not a high-acceleration train.
KTXII의 파워/웨이트 레이션은 20.3(이어)여, AGV나 신간선보다 낮고, Zefiro보다 아주 조금 낮다.그 초기 가속 성능은 다른 어느 전철보다 낮다.그러니까 KTXII는 고가속 열차는 아니다.




Sep 16th, 2010 at 07:45

It is fun to see Korean salesperson looms up from somewhere and stands in the way of Chinese and Japanese to promote KTX-II something here. Is this another echo of WWII or something that happened long long time ago? Though I don’t know if Japan and Korea fought each other in that war. To be quite honest, I’m sick of hearing political thing like holocaust in discussions about the future HSR system. The past of SNCF? Nazi? pooh!
여기서 한국의 세일즈맨이 어디에서와도 없게 나타나고 KTXII를 팔기 위해서 중국이나 일본의 전방을 방해하고 있는 것을 바라보는 것은 재미있다.그 거옛날 옛날에 일어난
WWII나 무엇인가의 영향이야?그 전쟁으로 일본과 한국이 서로 싸웠는지 어떤지는 모르지만.정직하게 말하고, 미래의 고속 철도의 이야기를 하는데 대량학살이라든가 무엇이라든가 정치적인 이야기를 듣는 것은 지긋지긋해.SNCF의 과거?나치?헨!



Useless Reply:
September 16th, 2010 at 11:25 am


@ Giese

No one’s trying to sell anything here. Rather we are simply discussing which train model is likely to be selected for California HSR system. KTX-II is clearly better suited for California than either Shinkansen E6 or CRH380A, both of which may not be able to win FRA approval, and CRH380A carries an additional problem of intellectual property rights issues.
아무도 여기에서는 무엇인가를 팔자 등과는 하고 있지 않다.단지 우리는 여기서 어느 열차 모델이 캘리포니아의 고속 철도로 선택되는지 논의하고 있을 뿐이다.KTXII는 아키라등인가
에 E6신간선이나 CRH380A보다 캘리포니아에는 적합하다.양자 모두 FRA의 인증을 받을 수 없을 것이고, CRH380A는 지적 재산권의 문제도 떠안고 있다.




코멘트중에서 화제가 나온SEPTA Silverliner V trains



실은 Useless씨의 논의는 이만큼이 아니고, 각국의 고속 열차의 가속 성능에

붙어 두서가 없는 논의가 끝없이 계속 되어 아직 끝나지 않는 것 같은 기색

입니다만, 흥미가 있는 방향은 꼭 본문을 맞아 주세요^^



나는 열차의 성능 운운에 대해서는 문외한이므로, 이 코멘트란의 등장자의

누가 타당한 논의를 하고 있는지, 거기에 대해 말참견하는 자격은 없다




그렇다 치더라도, 한국의 사람의 「일본」에 대한 발작, 투고란에 있어서의 언행,

몰리는 서 위치 등, 모두 이것도 기묘하게 흥미로운 샘플입니다^^




TOTAL: 5156

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