
여러분, 안녕하세요^^

화제의 원숭이 퍼포먼스에 대해서,스코틀랜드의 축구 해설자

투고 기사를, 번역해 보았습니다^^



South Koreas Ki Sung-Yeung Blames Scottish Fans For HIS Racism Taunts!

한국의 키·손 욘이, 그 자신의 인종차별 행위를

스코틀랜드인 팬의 탓으로 했다!


by myscottishfitba



Ki Sung-Yeung, the Glasgow Celtic playing South Korean, has blamed Scottish fans for his perceived racist celebration following his goal for South Korea against Japan in Tuesday"s Asian Cup semi-final. He claimed his intention was in fact to highlight abuse in Scottish football.
그래스고우·세르틱의 한국인 플레이어, 키·손 욘은 화요일의 아시아 컵 준결승의 대일본전에서 골을 결정한 후에 보인 인종차별적 행위에 대해서,스코틀랜드의 팬에게 책임을 전가했다.그는, 그가 정말로 의도한 것은 스코틀랜드의 축구로 그가 받은 모욕을 강조하는 것에 있었다, 라고 말했다.


Ki opened the scoring from the spot at Al Gharafa Stadium and celebrated by appearing to impersonate a monkey in an apparent derogatory reference to Japanese people that outraged sections of the country"s media.
키는 Al Gharafa 스타디움에서의 첫득점을 준 후, 분명하게 일본인에 대한 모멸의 의미로 원숭이를 흉내내 어필 해, 일부의 한국 미디어가 이것을 비난 했다.


However, the Celtic midfielder revealed he was in fact trying to hit back against abuse suffered while playing in Scotland. Korea eventually lost on penalties to their regional rivals after the last-four encounter finished 2-2.
그러나, 세르틱의 미드필더인 키는, 그는 실제로는 스코틀랜드에서 플레이중에 받은 모멸에 대해서 보복을 할 생각이었다, 라고 털어 놓았다.한국은 결국, 연장전에서2-2로 갈라 놓은 후의 PK로,

지역의 라이벌(일본)에 패퇴했다.


“The treatment he got from the Scottish league, especially in the away games, the people who made noises like the sound of the monkeys in Scotland when he played away games, that is something he wanted to highlight,” a Korea Football Association spokesman said.
「그가 스코틀랜드 리그, 특히 어웨이 시합으로 받은 취급, 그가 스코틀랜드에서 어웨이 시합중에 원숭이의 울음소리와 같은 노이즈를 세운 사람들, 그가 강조하고 싶었던 것은 그것이었다」한국 축구 연맹의 대변인은 말한다.


“Even though they call him a monkey as an Asian, he wanted to show how strong they are in Asia. That was the main intention.”
「그들(스코틀랜드인)이 아시아인이니까와 키를 원숭이 불러도, 스스로가 아시아에서 얼마나 강할것인가 라고 하는 일을 나타내고 싶었던 것이다.그것이 이번 그의 목적이었다.」


As a Scotsman, I find this offensive that someone would say this about fans in this country. Now, I cannot speak for every single one of them but as I visit various stadia all over the country commentating on Scottish football matches, I feel I have the right to comment on this.
한 명의 스코틀랜드인으로서 누구여도 스코틀랜드의 축구 팬에 대해 이와 같이 말하는 것에 대하여 분노를 느낀다.그리고, 모든 시합이라고 할 수는 없지만, 스코틀랜드 전 국토가 많은 스타디움을 방문해 스코틀랜드의 축구 매치에 대하고 코멘트를 해 온 나에게는 이것에 대하고 의견을 말할 권리가 있다고 생각한다.


Over the past 12 months, I have been to over 150 Scottish football league matches and have NEVER heard a racist comment made to any player, regardless of his colour or race.
과거 12개월에 있고, 나는 150을 넘는 스코틀랜드 축구 리그의 시합을 관전해 왔지만,선수의 피부의 색이나 출신 민족에게 관계없이, 어떠한 선수에 대한 인종차별적인 야유를 한 번이라도 들었던 적은 없었다.


If he was caught doing something he shouldn"t have, he should be a man about it, hold his hands up and apologise but what does he do, blame the Scottish fans. Scottish fans have their problems with abuse, most notably sectarianism within the old firm, but racism, no way man.
만약 그가, 스스로 잘못을 범한 것으로 궁지에 섰다면, 그는 그것에 대해 남자답게 있어야 하는 것이어, 맑게 사죄해야 한다.그러나 그가 한 것은 스코틀랜드의 팬에게 책임을 전가하는 것이었다.스코틀랜드의 축구 팬에게는 확실히, 옛부터 있는 파벌 의식으로부터 오는 악명 높은 모멸 행위가 있는 것은 인정하지만, 결코 인종차별은 없다.


Never since the days of Mark Walters playing for Rangers back in the 80"s have I heard a racist comment in Scotland and it irks me to hear someone saying that its rife in Scotland.
Mark Walters가 Rangers로 80년대에 플레이하고 있었던 시대로부터, 나는 한 번이라도 인종차별의 야유를 스코틀랜드에서 들었던 적이 없다.그러니까 누군가가 그런 것이 스코틀랜드에서 횡행하고 있는 등이라고 하는 것에는 참을 수 없는 것이다.


Hopefully his club will reprimand him over his comments but don"t hold your breath but if the man has an ounce of sense, he will never set foot in Scotland ever again because the abuse will now follow him around the grounds in Scotland, not because of racism but because of who he blamed. He has now made a rod for his own back and when the monkey taunts are now directed to him, it won"t be because of racism, it will be because he accused the Scottish fans of doing it to him.
그의 클럽 팀이 그에게 형량선고를 주는 것을 바라지만, 기대하지 않고 둔다.만약 이 남자에게 얼마뿐인 감성이 갖춰지고 있다면, 그는 더이상 두 번 다시 스코틀랜드의 흙을 밟지 않겠지요.왜냐하면 향후의 스코틀랜드의 그라운드에서 모멸은 항상 그에 늘 따라다니게 되기 때문이다.그것은 인종차별로부터 오는 것은 아니고, 그가 스코틀랜드인을 비난 했기 때문이다.그는 이번 스스로 재앙을 부른 것에서 만나며, 원숭이의 비웃음은 그 자신으로 향해지게 되었다.그것은 인종차별로부터 오는 것은 아니고, 그가 스코틀랜드인이 인종차별을 했다고 고발을 했기 때문이다.

Shame on you Ki Sung-Yeung, shame on you!
부끄러운줄 알아라, 키·손 욘.부끄러운줄 알아라!




어쩐지 이제(벌써), 돌이킬 수 없는 곳까지 가버리고 있습니다?^^









South Koreas Ki Sung-Yeung Blames Scottish Fans For HIS Racism Taunts!




by myscottishfitba



Ki Sung-Yeung, the Glasgow Celtic playing South Korean, has blamed Scottish fans for his perceived racist celebration following his goal for South Korea against Japan in Tuesday"s Asian Cup semi-final. He claimed his intention was in fact to highlight abuse in Scottish football.


Ki opened the scoring from the spot at Al Gharafa Stadium and celebrated by appearing to impersonate a monkey in an apparent derogatory reference to Japanese people that outraged sections of the country"s media.
キはAl Gharafaスタジアムでの初得点をあげた後、明らかに日本人に対する侮蔑の意味で猿を真似てアピールし、一部の韓国メディアがこれを非難した。


However, the Celtic midfielder revealed he was in fact trying to hit back against abuse suffered while playing in Scotland. Korea eventually lost on penalties to their regional rivals after the last-four encounter finished 2-2.



"The treatment he got from the Scottish league, especially in the away games, the people who made noises like the sound of the monkeys in Scotland when he played away games, that is something he wanted to highlight," a Korea Football Association spokesman said.
『彼がスコットランドリーグ、特にアウェー試合で受けた扱い、彼がスコットランドでアウェー試合中に猿の泣き声のようなノイズを立てた人たち、彼が強調したかったことはそのことだった』 韓国サッカー連盟のスポークスマンは語る。


"Even though they call him a monkey as an Asian, he wanted to show how strong they are in Asia. That was the main intention."


As a Scotsman, I find this offensive that someone would say this about fans in this country. Now, I cannot speak for every single one of them but as I visit various stadia all over the country commentating on Scottish football matches, I feel I have the right to comment on this.


Over the past 12 months, I have been to over 150 Scottish football league matches and have NEVER heard a racist comment made to any player, regardless of his colour or race.


If he was caught doing something he shouldn"t have, he should be a man about it, hold his hands up and apologise but what does he do, blame the Scottish fans. Scottish fans have their problems with abuse, most notably sectarianism within the old firm, but racism, no way man.


Never since the days of Mark Walters playing for Rangers back in the 80"s have I heard a racist comment in Scotland and it irks me to hear someone saying that its rife in Scotland.
Mark WaltersがRangersで80年代にプレーしていた時代から、私は一度たりとも人種差別の野次をスコットランドで聴いたことがない。だから誰かがそんなものがスコットランドではびこってるなどと言うことには我慢できないのだ。


Hopefully his club will reprimand him over his comments but don"t hold your breath but if the man has an ounce of sense, he will never set foot in Scotland ever again because the abuse will now follow him around the grounds in Scotland, not because of racism but because of who he blamed. He has now made a rod for his own back and when the monkey taunts are now directed to him, it won"t be because of racism, it will be because he accused the Scottish fans of doing it to him.

Shame on you Ki Sung-Yeung, shame on you!







TOTAL: 2675

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