




Cheeky MonKI


KI SUNG-YUENG has tried to escape a bitter international feud by accusing Scottish fans of racism.

Celtic star Ki sparked fury by imitating a monkey when he scored for South Korea against Japan in the Asian Cup this week.

The midfielder, who pulled a face and scratched - a traditional insult from Koreans to Japanese - defended his antics by claiming he was attacking Scots fans who"d made monkey noises at him.

But leading anti-racism crusaders last night insisted his defence just “doesn"t ring true”.

A diplomatic row erupted after Ki"s celebration during the semi-final defeat in Qatar. The Hoops ace initially claimed he"d been enraged by flag-waving Japanese fans.

They were waving Rising Sun ensigns - the flag of Imperial Japan during World War Two.

The flags are deeply offensive in Korea, where they"re regarded as a symbol of Japanese militarism and imperialism.

Ki explained: “The sight of those flags in the stand broke my heart. Sometimes being Korean is more important than being a football player.”

But he later changed his story and insisted he was having a pop at SPL supporters.

The 21-year-old said: “That performance was not directed at Japanese people. When I play at Celtic, our opponents” fans call me a monkey and the celebration was towards people who make such racist remarks.”

St Johnstone launched a probe into “racist noises” directed towards Ki in a league game at McDiarmid Park last year.

Team mate Cha Du-Ri said at the time: “When Ki had the ball, two supporters jumped up and started making monkey noises in unison. I played for eight years in Germany and I have never seen anything like that.

“The incident is shameful and I feel angry about it. I told the coach.”

Ki has escaped punishment from FIFA and the Asian Football Confederation after giving his fresh explanation.

A South Korea FA spokesman said: “The people who made noises like the sound of the monkeys in Scotland when he played away games, that is something he wanted to highlight.

“Even though they call him a monkey as an Asian, he wanted to show how strong they are in Asia. That was the main intention.”

But Show Racism the Red Card chief executive Ged Grebby remained sceptical about the explanation from Ki.

He said: “It doesn"t ring true to me that that"s what it was about.

“My understanding is that he has done it to offend the Japanese and then it has caused a controversy.”

Ki and Cha are due back at Celtic next week after South Korea"s exit in a dramatic penalty shootout.

Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/spl/3376211/Cheeky-monKI.html#ixzz1CIKL7ksz


【국제】영국 미디어가 「뻔뻔스러운 monKI」의 타이틀로 키·손 욘 소동을 보도 [01/29]


뻔뻔스러운 monKI 

 키손욘은 스코틀랜드 팬의 인종차별을 규탄하는 것에 의해서 국제적인 분노로부터 피하려 하고 있다. 

 세르틱스타의 키는 이번 주 아시아 컵 일본전에서 득점했을 때에 원숭이의 흉내를 내는 것으로 분노를 나타냈다.(중략) 

 그러나, 주된 반인종차별 주의 개혁 운동가는 어젯밤, 그의 자기 옹호가 「사실인것 같게 들리지 않는다」라고 주장했다. 

 외교 논쟁은 준결승의 패배 중(안)에서의 키의 세레모니의 뒤에 카타르에서 분화했다.이 에이스 선수는 처음은 
그가 애국심이 있는 일본인의 팬을 위해 격노하고 있었다고 주장했다. 

 그들은 욱일기를 털고 있던—제이차 세계대전의 사이의 일본 제국의 기다. 

 기는 한국에서는 깊게 공격적이다.그곳에서는, 그러한 기는 일본의 군국주의와 제국주의의 심볼이라고 보여진다. 

 키는 설명한: 「스탠드의 그러한 기의 광경은 나를 몹시 슬퍼하게 했다」 
「가끔 한국인인 것은 풋볼 선수인 것 보다 중요하다」 

 그러나 그는, 나중이 되어 그의 이야기를 바꾸고, SPL 써포터에 대해서 보낸 것이라고 주장했다. 

 21세는 이하와 같이 말했다.「그 퍼포먼스는 일본인의 사람들에게 향한 것은 아니다」 
「내가 세르틱으로 플레이할 때, 우리의 상대 팬은, 나를 원숭이라고 부른다.그리고 세레모니는 
그러한 인종차별 주의의 의견을 말하는 사람들에게 향해서 했다」 

 센트 죤스튼은 작년, 마크다미드파크로의 리그전에서 키에 대해서 「인종차별 주의의 잡음」을 보냈다. 

 팀의 동료 차 두리는 당시 , 이하와 같이 말했다.「키에 볼이 있었을 때 2명의 써포터가 
일제히 점프 하고, 야유하는 소리를 만들기 시작했습니다.나는 8년간 독일에서 플레이했습니다.그리고 그러한 
(일)것은 한번도 조금이라도 본 적이 없습니다」 「사건은 부끄러운 일입니다.그리고 나는 거기에 관계해 분노를 
기억하고 있습니다」 「 나는 코치에 말했습니다」 

 키는 새로운 설명을 한 후, FIFA와 아시아 축구 연맹으로부터 죄를 면하고 있었다. 

 한국의 FA대변인은 이하와 같이 말했다.「키가 강조하고 싶었던 것은, 스코틀랜드의 어웨이 
게임에서 원숭이와 같이 소리를 내고 있던 사람들이다」 「그들은 아시아인인 그를 원숭이라고 부르지만, 키는 스스로가 
아시아에서 어느 정도 강한가를 나타냈지만은 있었다」 「그것이 주된 의도였습니다」 

 그러나, 「Show Racism Red Card」의 최고 책임자인 Ged Grebby씨는, 은 키의 설명에 관해서 
의심이 많은 채로 있다. 

 그는 이하와 같이 말했다.「 나에게 있어서, 사실인것 같게 들리지 않습니다」 
「 나의 이해는, 그가 일본인을 화나게 하기 위해서 하고, 다음에 논쟁을 일으켰다고 하는 것입니다」 

 키와 체는 극적인 PK전에서의 한국의 패퇴의 뒤, 다음 주 세르틱으로 돌아올 예정이다. 

소스:thesun.co.uk 「Cheeky monKI」 





키와 체는 극적인 PK전에서의 한국의 패퇴의 뒤, 다음 주 세르틱으로 돌아올 예정이다.라는 w

스코틀랜드인에 싸움 하기 시작해 물어라고, 돌아올 수 있는지?www






Cheeky MonKI


KI SUNG-YUENG has tried to escape a bitter international feud by accusing Scottish fans of racism.

Celtic star Ki sparked fury by imitating a monkey when he scored for South Korea against Japan in the Asian Cup this week.

The midfielder, who pulled a face and scratched - a traditional insult from Koreans to Japanese - defended his antics by claiming he was attacking Scots fans who"d made monkey noises at him.

But leading anti-racism crusaders last night insisted his defence just "doesn"t ring true".

A diplomatic row erupted after Ki"s celebration during the semi-final defeat in Qatar. The Hoops ace initially claimed he"d been enraged by flag-waving Japanese fans.

They were waving Rising Sun ensigns - the flag of Imperial Japan during World War Two.

The flags are deeply offensive in Korea, where they"re regarded as a symbol of Japanese militarism and imperialism.

Ki explained: "The sight of those flags in the stand broke my heart. Sometimes being Korean is more important than being a football player."

But he later changed his story and insisted he was having a pop at SPL supporters.

The 21-year-old said: "That performance was not directed at Japanese people. When I play at Celtic, our opponents" fans call me a monkey and the celebration was towards people who make such racist remarks."

St Johnstone launched a probe into "racist noises" directed towards Ki in a league game at McDiarmid Park last year.

Team mate Cha Du-Ri said at the time: "When Ki had the ball, two supporters jumped up and started making monkey noises in unison. I played for eight years in Germany and I have never seen anything like that.

"The incident is shameful and I feel angry about it. I told the coach."

Ki has escaped punishment from FIFA and the Asian Football Confederation after giving his fresh explanation.

A South Korea FA spokesman said: "The people who made noises like the sound of the monkeys in Scotland when he played away games, that is something he wanted to highlight.

"Even though they call him a monkey as an Asian, he wanted to show how strong they are in Asia. That was the main intention."

But Show Racism the Red Card chief executive Ged Grebby remained sceptical about the explanation from Ki.

He said: "It doesn"t ring true to me that that"s what it was about.

"My understanding is that he has done it to offend the Japanese and then it has caused a controversy."

Ki and Cha are due back at Celtic next week after South Korea"s exit in a dramatic penalty shootout.

Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/spl/3376211/Cheeky-monKI.html#ixzz1CIKL7ksz


【国際】英国メディアが「厚かましいmonKI」のタイトルでキ・ソンヨン騒動を報道 [01/29]









 キは説明した: 「スタンドのそれらの旗の光景は私をひどく悲しませた」 







 しかし、「Show Racism Red Card」のチーフエグゼクティブであるGed Grebby氏は、はキの説明に関して 



ソース:thesun.co.uk 「Cheeky monKI」 







TOTAL: 2675

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