


 全日本空輸の伊東信一郎代表取締役社長のコメントは以下の通り。 「パートナーであるLufthansaとの戦略的提携について、当局よりご理解を賜り、感謝申し上げます。ヨーロッパとアジアを結ぶルートでは初めてとなるJVを通じて、運賃や搭乗便の選択肢を多様化し、お客様へのサービスを充実させるとともに、ANAの国際競争力を高めてまいります。」

 ANA, Japan’s largest airline, and Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Europe’s leading airline, are announcing that they are launching a strategic joint venture with each other on Japan-Europe routes after ANA receiving Anti-Trust Immunity (ATI) approval from the Japanese Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport. This latest agreement between the two Star Alliance members follows the launch of a similar joint venture between ANA and United Airlines on trans-Pacific routes in April.
 The joint venture with Lufthansa will improve the level of service offered to passengers by allowing ANA and Lufthansa to work together on schedule coordination and joint product sales. Customers will benefit from seamless transfers and better connections. The two carriers aim to introduce the new joint venture within the 2011 winter timetable.
 Christoph Franz, Chairman of the Executive Board & Chief Executive Officer Deutsche Lufthansa AG, said: “This approval marks a great step forward for our customers. Optimised flight schedules will better enable them in future to plan their trips between Japan and Europe. We look forward to this opportunity to consolidate our cooperation with ANA, which signifies a further milestone that will bring the two economic areas closer together. After the tragic earthquake, the go-ahead for our joint venture is a sign that Japan is looking to the future.”




53便 08:00→09:35*
65便 13:00→14:35
77便 18:00→19:30

56便 10:30 12:05*
68便 15:30 17:05
82便 20:30 22:05


ANA와 Lufthansa, ATI 인가를 취득

 일본 최대의 항공노선 「전 일본 공수」(ANA)과 유럽의 리딩·항공노선 「루프트한자·독일 항공」(Lufthansa)은, 일본과 유럽간 네트워크에 관한 전략적 제휴(JV)에 대해서, 관계 당국으로부터 ATI의 인가를 취득했다.ANA는, 4월부터 유나이티드 항공(UNITED)과 함께 태평양 네트워크에 관한 JV를 개시하고 있지만, 이것에 의해 일본과 유럽간 네트워크에 대해서도 JV의 실시가 가능해졌다.

 ANA와 Lufthansa는, 금년의 겨울부터 JV를 실시할 예정.이미 양 회사는 공동운항을 실시하고 있지만, 향후는 공통 운임·공동 판매·공통 다이어를 실시해, JV가 양 회사의 고객에게 있어서 혜택이 되도록(듯이) 최대한의 노력을 도모한다.

 전 일본 공수의 이동신 이치로 대표이사 사장의 코멘트는 이하와 같다. 「파트너인 Lufthansa와의 전략적 제휴에 대해서, 당국보다 이해를 받아, 감사 말씀드립니다.유럽과 아시아를 연결하는 루트에서는 처음되는 JV를 통해서, 운임이나 탑승편의 선택사항을 다양화해, 고객에게의 서비스를 충실시키는 것과 동시에, ANA의 국제 경쟁력을 높여 가겠습니다.」

 ANA, Japan’s largest airline, and Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Europe’s leading airline, are announcing that they are launching a strategic joint venture with each other on Japan-Europe routes after ANA receiving Anti-Trust Immunity (ATI) approval from the Japanese Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport. This latest agreement between the two Star Alliance members follows the launch of a similar joint venture between ANA and United Airlines on trans-Pacific routes in April.
 The joint venture with Lufthansa will improve the level of service offered to passengers by allowing ANA and Lufthansa to work together on schedule coordination and joint product sales. Customers will benefit from seamless transfers and better connections. The two carriers aim to introduce the new joint venture within the 2011 winter timetable.
 Christoph Franz, Chairman of the Executive Board & Chief Executive Officer Deutsche Lufthansa AG, said: “This approval marks a great step forward for our customers. Optimised flight schedules will better enable them in future to plan their trips between Japan and Europe. We look forward to this opportunity to consolidate our cooperation with ANA, which signifies a further milestone that will bring the two economic areas closer together. After the tragic earthquake, the go-ahead for our joint venture is a sign that Japan is looking to the future.”



 B777-300을 사용한 신포케몬 제트 2011 「피스★제트」가 7월 18일(월·축)에 등장.취항 당일부터 7월 30일까지는, 이하의 다이어로 동일본의 하늘을 납니다.

53편 08:00→09:35*
65편 13:00→14:35
77편 18:00→19:30

56편 10:30 12:05*
68편 15:30 17:05
82편 20:30 22:05

*7월 18일의 53편·56편은, 통상 도장기로의 운항입니다.

TOTAL: 5162

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
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