


ホワイトハウスホームページに上げられた LaHood 長官の寄稿文です.


The White House Blog

Riding the Rails in Japan, China
Posted by Secretary Ray LaHood on May 14, 2010 at 02:28 PM EDT


Are Japanese bullet trains coming to the US? This is a question I¥“ve seen being asked more than once in the media this week.


Now, to be fair, I may have started this buzz by riding a couple of Japan¥“s lightning fast trains while visiting that country earlier in the week. And I have to say, those trains are fast. Very fast.


I¥“m also looking forward to riding to the Shanghai airport later today on China¥“s maglev train.


My short answer to the question? No, Japanese and Chinese trains are not coming to the US.

BUT, Japanese and Chinese high-speed rail technology and expertise may be on its way. And, when an American high-speed rail system is up and running—thanks to President Obama¥“s initial $8 billion down-payment and future rail grants authorized by Congress—those familiar with Japan¥“s Shinkansen or Spain¥“s AVE or Germany¥“s ICE or Russia¥“s Sapsan may find similar designs and components.





LaHood 장관 : 일본과 중국의 고속열차는 미국에 오지 않는다.



백악관 홈페이지에 올려진 LaHood 장관의 기고문입니다.


The White House Blog

Riding the Rails in Japan, China
Posted by Secretary Ray LaHood on May 14, 2010 at 02:28 PM EDT


Are Japanese bullet trains coming to the US? This is a question I"ve seen being asked more than once in the media this week.


Now, to be fair, I may have started this buzz by riding a couple of Japan"s lightning fast trains while visiting that country earlier in the week. And I have to say, those trains are fast. Very fast.


I"m also looking forward to riding to the Shanghai airport later today on China"s maglev train.

My short answer to the question? No, Japanese and Chinese trains are not coming to the US.

BUT, Japanese and Chinese high-speed rail technology and expertise may be on its way. And, when an American high-speed rail system is up and running--thanks to President Obama"s initial $8 billion down-payment and future rail grants authorized by Congress-- those familiar with Japan"s Shinkansen or Spain"s AVE or Germany"s ICE or Russia"s Sapsan may find similar designs and components.





TOTAL: 5167

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