
The protagonist is an old fisherman named San Diego, and the supporting role is a child named Manorin. The old fisherman with wind candles didn"t catch a fish for 84 days, but he still refused to admit defeat. Instead, he was full of the spirit of struggle and finally caught an 18-foot-long body weighing 1,500 on the 85th day Hundred pounds of marlin fish.

virtual phone system service

The Old Man and the Sea

The protagonist is an old fisherman named San Diego, and the supporting role is a child named Manorin. The old fisherman with wind candles didn"t catch a fish for 84 days, but he still refused to admit defeat. Instead, he was full of the spirit of struggle and finally caught an 18-foot-long body weighing 1,500 on the 85th day Hundred pounds of marlin fish.

virtual phone system service

TOTAL: 28102

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