

휴일에 완전히 한가했던 것이기 때문에^^ 전문 영역에 도전해 보았어요^^


반신이 미국 거주의“pokesaeki”군도, 적어도 자신이 인용한 개소 정도는 영문과 번역문을 병기 하는 것으로, 보다 신뢰성과 신빙성의 높은 스렛드가 작성될 것을 바라 그치지 않습니다^^







Why are high-speed trains the safest form of transportation?
왜 고속 철도는 교통기관 속에서 가장 안전성이 높은가?


High-speed train systems have been operated safely every day in other parts of the world for many years. The unparalleled safety record for high-speed trains is based upon their actual operating experience. For example, in Japan high-speed train operations began in 1964. In over 44 years of operation, Japanese high-speed trains (the “Shinkansen”) have carried more than 9 billion passengers without a single train related fatality. In France, their high-speed trains (the “TGV”) have been operating for 27 years and currently carry more than 100 million passengers a year. Like Japan, the French high-speed train system has never had a single high-speed train related passenger fatality on the completely dedicated new line such as will be built in California.
고속 철도 시스템은 타국에 있고 오랜 세월에 걸쳐 매일 안전하게 운행되어 왔습니다.고속 철도 외에 유례없는 안전성은 지금까지 현실에 운용되어 온 실적에 보장 받고 있습니다.예를 들면, 일본에서는 고속 철도의 운행은 1964년에 시작하고 있습니다.44년 이상으로 건너는 운행에 대하고, 일본의 고속 철도( 「신간선」)는 90억명 이상의 승객을 한 명의 열차에 기인하는 사망자를 내는 것도 없고, 옮겨 왔습니다.France의 고속 철도( 「TGV」)는 27년간의 운행 실적이 있어, 근래에는 연간 1억명을 수송하고 있습니다.일본과 같이, France의 고속 철도 시스템에서는, 캘리포니아에서 건설되는 전용 철도의 새 선로에 있어 한 명의 승객의 사망자도 내고 있지 않습니다.
In contrast, the automobile is unquestionably the most used and most dangerous when comparing auto, air and rail modes of transportation. In 2004 alone, there were over 4,000 fatalities and more than 200,000 nonfatal injuries on California highways. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that deaths and injuries resulting from motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for persons between the ages of 4 and 33 in the United States. With more and more vehicles on our highways, the potential for automobile accidents increases.
대칭적으로, 자동차·항공기·철도의 수송 형태를 비교해 보면, 자동차가 가장 이용 빈도가 높고, 한편 가장 위험도가 높다고 말할 수 있습니다.2004년만을 봐도 캘리포니아의 고속도로에 있어 4,000명 이상의 사고사자와 200,000명 이상의 부상자를 내고 있습니다.NHTSA는 자동차의 사망 사고 및 자동차 충돌사고에 의한 부상이, 미국의 4세부터 33세의 연령층에 대해 가장 높은 사망 원인이 되어 있다고 분석하고 있습니다.고속도로상의 자동차가 증가하면 증가할수록, 잠재적인 자동차 사고는 증가하게 됩니다.



What makes high-speed trains so safe?
왜 고속 철도는 안전한가?


High-speed trains have the proven record as the safest and most reliable form of transportation in the world as a result of separating high-speed trains from other forms of traffic and implementing automated positive train control that safeguards against human error.
High-speed trains operate on grade separated tracks designed for high-speeds. Most train accidents are the consequence of passenger and freight trains using the same tracks and with a signaling and switching system that depends on humans. 87% of California’s 800-mile route will be on new completely separate track reserved for the exclusive use of high-speed trains.
고속 철도는 세계에서 가장 안전하고 가장 신뢰성이 높은 교통 형태라면 실적이 증명하고 있습니다만, 그것은 다른 교통기관과 고속 철도를 분리한 것과 인간의 실수를 보충하는 자동의 열차 포지티브 컨트롤 시스템을 도입한 것의 결과입니다.
고속 철도는 고속 운행용으로 디자인 된 그레이드가 다른 선로에서 운행됩니다.많은 열차 사고는, 여객 열차와 화물열차를 같은 선로상에서 운행해, 인간이 신호와 스윗치를 취급하는 것에 의해서 일으켜집니다.캘리포니아의 800마일의 루트의87%는 고속 열차가 전용에 사용하는 완전하게 분리된 철도의 새 선로에서 운행됩니다.
The key distinguishing reasons for the near perfect safety record of high-speed train travel in Europe and Asia are summarized below. (The California High-Speed Rail Project will incorporate all of these safety features, building upon the proven safety and design criteria used for existing high-speed train systems in Europe and Asia):
거의 완벽이라고 할 수 있는 유럽과 아시아에서의 고속 열차 운행의 안전 실적의 키가 되는 중요한 이유는 이하와 같이 요약됩니다.(캘리포니아 고속 철도 프로젝트는 유럽과 아시아에서 실재하는 고속 철도 시스템에 이용되고 있는 실증제의 안전과 디자인 기준을 베이스로 하는 이것들 모든 안전 시스템을 채용합니다.)
The entire high-speed train system is fully access controlled and grade-separated (there are no at grade crossings with roads, pedestrians, or other rail services), eliminating pedestrian and motor vehicle conflicts.
모든 고속 철도 시스템은 완전하게 액세스 컨트롤 되어 평면 교차를 잃는(도로나 보도, 다른 선로와의 단행해·교차는 없습니다) 일로 보행자나 자동차와의 접촉을 배제합니다.
The high-speed train systems are completely double-tracked with additional tracks at intermediate stations to support express operations.
고속 철도 시스템은 완전하게 복선이며, 급행 운행을 실현하기 위해서 도중 역에서는 선로를 추가합니다.
The trains are centrally monitored and controlled, effectively preventing operators from making serious errors, stopping or slowing trains automatically in the event of external problem such as earthquakes, objects falling on the tracks, or gale force winds. High-speed train traffic control and communications systems are state-of-the-art, regulated, and managed during all hours of operation. These systems monitor and limit the train’s speed, schedule, routing, and headway (following distance behind another train). These systems, combined with the operator, have integral redundancy and ensure safety.
열차는 집중적으로 모니터링&제어되어 운전기사가 중대한 에러를 일으키는 것을 효과적으로 막고, 지진, 선로상에의 낙하물, 강풍등의 외적 문제가 발생했을 때  자동적으로 열차를 정지하거나 감속하거나 합니다.고속 철도의 트래픽 제어나 통신 시스템은 최신의 것이며, 모든 운행 시간중 열차를 제어, 관리합니다.이것들 시스템은 열차의 속도, 스케줄이나 진로, 운전 간격(선행 열차와의 거리)을 감시하거나 제한하거나 합니다.이것들 시스템은 운전기사와 공용되어 복수의 계통을 통합하는 것으로 안전성을 확보합니다.
Heavy, conventional freight trains do not share infrastructure designed for high-speed operations.
중량이 있는 종래의 화물열차는 고속 철도 운행용으로 전용 디자인 된 인프라에는 공용 운행하지 않습니다.
High-speed trains use a cab signaling system that transmits commands directly to the driver. This technology makes high-speed operation possible in darkness, rain, and fog. In Japan, even moderate snowfall does not slow the Shinkansen because of special ice-melting equipment built into the rail bed.
Unlike aircraft, high-speed train systems are not subject to turbulence. Passengers may sit without seat restraints and may stand and walk comfortably even at maximum speeds and around curves.
고속 열차는 운전석 통신 시스템을 이용해 운전기사에 직접 지령을 송신합니다.이 기술은 야간이나 우천하, 안개속에서의 운행을 가능하게 합니다.일본에서는 통상의 강설시에도 신간선을 감속할 것은 없습니다.왜냐하면 노반에 특별한 해설 장치를 비치할 수 있고 있기 때문입니다.항공기와는 달라, 고속 철도 시스템은 난기류에 골치를 썩이기도 없습니다.승객은 좌석 벨트를 맬 것도 없고, 최고속으로의 운전중이나 커브에 대해조차 쾌적하게 좌석으로부터 일어서 걸어 다닐 수 있습니다.
Although high-speed train systems do operate in highly seismic areas, such as Japan, no fatalities have ever occurred as a result of a seismic event. The control system is linked to motion detectors close to faults having the potential to affect the line, even hundreds of miles from the line The systems stops the trains when an earthquake is detected, and at-grade construction in fault zones further improves safety.
고속 철도 시스템은 확실히 지진 다발 지대에서 운행됩니다만, 예를 들면 같이 지진 다발 지대인 일본에서는, 지진에 의해서(고속 철도로) 사망자가 나왔던 적은 없습니다.제어 시스템은 선로에 영향을 미칠 가능성이 있는 활단층 부근에 설치된 지진계와 링크해, 비유 몇백 마일 선로로부터 떨어져 있었다고 해도 시스템은 지진이 검지되었을 경우에는 열차를 정지시킵니다.또 단층 지대에 있어 지표상에 선로가 부설되는 것으로 안전성을 보다 강고하게 합니다.
Like airplanes, and other public intercity modes, high-speed trains and the infrastructure they operate on (tracks, control systems, and electrification systems) are be maintained on a regular schedule and the maintenance records would be subject to inspection by the Federal Railroad Administration. This regular inspection of both rolling stock and track would ensure the safety of the high-speed train system.
항공기나 다른 공공 교통기관과 같이, 고속 열차와 그것이 주행하는 인프라(선로·제어 시스템·전력 설비)는 정기적으로 점검되어 점검 기록은 FRA에 제출 후 감사됩니다.이 열차와 선로 쌍방의 정기 검사가 고속 철도 시스템의 안전을 확실한 것으로 합니다.
In California, key safeguards will prevent unwarranted access to the system. The California high-speed train system would be a fully grade-separated and fully access-controlled guideway with intrusion monitoring systems in place. This means that the train system’s infrastructure (e.g., mainline tracks and maintenance and storage facilities) would be designed to prevent access by unauthorized vehicles, persons, animals, and objects and to detect breaches of the system. The capital cost estimates include allowances for appropriate barriers (fences and walls), state-of-the-art communication, access-control, and monitoring and detection systems. All aspects of the California high-speed train system would conform to the latest federal requirements regarding transportation security. High-Speed trains will not require lengthy “airport style” screenings because like other passenger rail transportation services operating throughout the United States, high-speed trains do not present as great a security risk as air transportation.
캘리포니아에서는, 안전 운행의 열쇠는, 시스템에의 부당한 액세스를 얼마나 막을까에 있습니다.캘리포니아 고속 철도 시스템은 완전하게 입체 교차화해, 곳곳에 모니터 시스템을 마련하는 것으로 완전하게 액세스 제한된 궤도가 됩니다.즉 열차 인프라(예를 들면 선로나 보선·창고 시설)는, 불허가의 차량, 인간, 동물의 액세스를 방지해, 시스템이 터져를 발견하도록(듯이) 디자인 됩니다.비용 견적에서는, 적절한 바리어(펜스나 벽), 최신의 통신 수단, 액세스 제한, 모니터&검지 시스템을 포함하고 있습니다.캘리포니아 고속 철도 시스템의 모든 사양은, 교통기관의 안전에 관한 최신의 연방 정부의 요구에 적합합니다.고속 열차는 시간이 걸리는 「항공기 스타일」의 탑승 검사를 필요로 하지 않습니다.왜냐하면 다른 US전 국토를 통해 운용되고 있는 여객 철도 서비스와 같이, 고속 열차는 항공기 수송과 같은 안전 리스크가 있다고는 보이지 않기 때문입니다.



Will the California high-speed train system share tracks with heavy freight trains and other conventional services?
캘리포니아 고속 철도 시스템은 중량이 있는 화물열차나 다른 종래의 여객 서비스와 선로를 공용하는 것인가?


In California, high-speed trains will not share tracks with conventional freight trains anywhere on the proposed 800-mile system. The only areas where the 800-mile California high-speed train system is expected to share tracks with other types of passenger trains are between San Francisco and San Jose (50-miles), and Los Angeles and Anaheim (27-miles). At these locations, the high-speed train system would be operating at reduced speeds that would be compatible with other passenger trains. The existing infrastructure would be improved to remove grade separations, and install fencing, new signaling system, and additional tracks to keep the high-speed trains safe and to improve the safety and performance of the other passenger trains.
캘리포니아에 대해서는, 고속 열차는 제안되고 있는 800마일의 시스템상의 어디에 있어도, 종래의 화물열차와 선로를 공용할 것은 없습니다.800마일의 캘리포니아 고속 철도 시스템 가운데, 다른 타입의 여객 열차와 선로를 공용하는 것이 상정되고 있는 구간은 샌프란시스코와 샌노제간(50마일) 및 로스 엔젤러스와 아나운서 하임(27마일)에 지나지 않습니다.이것들 지역에서는, 고속 철도 시스템은 다른 여객 열차와 공존할 수 있는 속도에 감속해 운행됩니다.현존 하고 있는 인프라에서는, 입체 교차를 마련해 펜스나 새로운 신호 시스템을 설치해, 고속 열차의 안전을 확보하기 위한 선로를 추가하는 등 개량되어 이것으로 한층 더 다른 여객 열차의 안전성이나 퍼포먼스도 동시에 개선합니다.



Could the recent Metrolink accident have occurred on the proposed California high-speed train system?
최근의 Metrolink의 사고는 기획되고 있는 캘리포니아 고속 철도 시스템에 대해도 일어나는 것인가?


No. The California high-speed train system would be much safer than conventional intercity and commuter rail services currently in California. Conventional passenger services in California operate on freight railroads, have a mix of rail traffic (heavy freight and passenger), have at-grade crossings with roads and other rail services, are not access controlled, and do not have automated signaling systems.
The California high-speed train system would: 1) be completely automated, allowing for centralized command and control of the train system, effectively eliminating the chance of operator error; 2) be completely double-tracked; and 3), not share tracks with conventional freight services.
아니오.캘리포니아 고속 철도 시스템은 캘리포니아에 현존 하는 종래의 도시간·커뮤터 철도보다 훨씬 안전한 시스템입니다.종래의 캘리포니아의 여객 서비스는 화물선으로 운행되어 각종 열차가 혼재해(중량급의 화물&여객 열차), 도로나 다른 선로와의 평면 교차가 있어, 액세스 제한도 없고, 자동 신호 시스템도 없습니다.캘리포니아 고속 철도 시스템은, 이하의 특징이 있습니다: 1) 완전하게 자동화되어 열차 시스템은 집중 지령·제어되어 운전기사의 에러의 가능성을 효과적으로 배제 2) 완전한 복선화 3) 종래의 화물 서비스와의 선로비공용 



Will the high-speed train system help improve safety with commuter rail systems like Metrolink and CalTrain?
고속 철도 시스템은 Metrolink나 Caltrain와 같은 커뮤터 철도의 안전성 향상에 기여하는 것인가?


Yes, the California high-speed train system is expected to share tracks and improve safety with CalTrain express services between San Francisco and San Jose, and Metrolink and Amtrak services between Los Angeles and Anaheim. At these locations, the high-speed train system would be operating at reduced speeds that would be compatible with other passenger trains. These commuter rail services would be improved by removing grade crossings (the tracks will be fully grade separated), and installing fencing, providing a new signaling system, and adding tracks to keep the high-speed trains safe and to improve the safety and performance of the other passenger trains.
In addition, where the high-speed train tracks are adjacent to existing passenger and freight services, the existing services will benefit from grade separation improvements.
The California High-Speed Rail Authority will continue to work in partnership with Metrolink and CalTrain throughout the detailed engineering and environmental studies to find solutions to best utilize limited rights-of-way in urban areas and benefit both commuter and intercity services.
네, 캘리포니아 고속 철도 시스템은 샌프란시스코와 샌노제간에 CalTrain와 로스 엔젤러스와 아나운서 하임간에 Amtrak와 선로를 공용해 안전성을 향상하는 것이 기대되고 있습니다.이것들 지역에서는, 고속 철도 시스템은 다른 여객 열차와 공존할 수 있는 속도에 감속해 운행됩니다.이것들 커뮤터 철도에 대해서는, 건널목을 제거해(선로는 완전 입체 교차화), 펜스나 새로운 신호 시스템을 설치해, 고속 열차의 안전을 확보하기 위한 선로를 추가하는 등 개량되어 다른 여객 열차의 안전성이나 퍼포먼스도 동시에 개선합니다.
한층 더 고속 철도의 선로가 현존 하는 여객이나 화물열차 서비스와 근접하는 개소에서는, 현존 하는 서비스는 입체 교차화에 의한 혜택을 받게 됩니다.
캘리포니아 고속 철도 권위(CHSRA)는, 계속 Metrolink나 CalTrain와 기술 상세나 환경 검증에 대해 협업해, 도시 구간에 있어서의 한정된 주행권의 최적 이용과 커뮤터와 도시간서비스 쌍방의 혜택에 대한 솔루션을 찾아내서 갑니다.











전체를 보면, 얼마나 pokesaeki군의 인용(적자)이 자의적인 물건이며,

그 주지가,「고속 철도와 종래의 철도가 선로를 공용하는 것」에 있는 것은

없고, 「공용 운행을 위해서 인프라를 철저하게 정비해, 그것으로 종래의 철도의

레벨업도 동시에 실현되는 것」에 있는 것을 알지요^^



그런데 pokesaeki군은 원래의 스렛드로 「CA정부」라고 해 자르고 있습니다만,

무슨 것은 없는 CHSRA의 사이트 기사군요^^

(뭐, 정부 기관인가 제 3 섹터적 기관인가 모릅니다만.

흥미도 없고^^)


이 CHSRA 총재가 예의 Alstom 출신자가 된 것입니다만, 그 기사상에서

이렇게도 일본의 신간선의 실적(청자 개소)을 인용해 좋은 것일까요?^^ 보통, 자신의 출신 모체의 회사 채용을 우위에 이끌려고 한다면, 이 기사의신간선에 관한 부분은 삭제해, 라고 말하고 싶어지는군요.

(기사 자체는 2008년에 작성되었지만 같습니다.)


오히려 Alstom는 지금, 수발주에 관련되는 뇌물증여 사건으로 꽤 배싱을 받고 있기 때문에,오히려 이상한 connection를 의심되는 채용 결정은, Alstom 출신자가 총재가 된 것으로 하기 힘들어지고 있는 것은 아닌 것일까요?

(어디까지나 개인적인 감상입니다 하지만^^)



뭐, 그러나 꼭 좋은 일입니다.


나의 개인적 동기는, 신간선 만세이같은 것에(이)는 없기 때문에^^

어디까지나, 영어를 할 수 없는 주제에 반신이 미국 거주하고 있고, 게다가

의심스러운 인용을 반복하는 pokesaeki군을 바보취급 하는 것에 있으니까^^





休日でまったく暇だったものですから^^ 全文英訳に挑戦してみましたよ^^









Why are high-speed trains the safest form of transportation?


High-speed train systems have been operated safely every day in other parts of the world for many years. The unparalleled safety record for high-speed trains is based upon their actual operating experience. For example, in Japan high-speed train operations began in 1964. In over 44 years of operation, Japanese high-speed trains (the “Shinkansen”) have carried more than 9 billion passengers without a single train related fatality. In France, their high-speed trains (the “TGV”) have been operating for 27 years and currently carry more than 100 million passengers a year. Like Japan, the French high-speed train system has never had a single high-speed train related passenger fatality on the completely dedicated new line such as will be built in California.
In contrast, the automobile is unquestionably the most used and most dangerous when comparing auto, air and rail modes of transportation. In 2004 alone, there were over 4,000 fatalities and more than 200,000 nonfatal injuries on California highways. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that deaths and injuries resulting from motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for persons between the ages of 4 and 33 in the United States. With more and more vehicles on our highways, the potential for automobile accidents increases.



What makes high-speed trains so safe?


High-speed trains have the proven record as the safest and most reliable form of transportation in the world as a result of separating high-speed trains from other forms of traffic and implementing automated positive train control that safeguards against human error.
High-speed trains operate on grade separated tracks designed for high-speeds. Most train accidents are the consequence of passenger and freight trains using the same tracks and with a signaling and switching system that depends on humans. 87% of California’s 800-mile route will be on new completely separate track reserved for the exclusive use of high-speed trains.
The key distinguishing reasons for the near perfect safety record of high-speed train travel in Europe and Asia are summarized below. (The California High-Speed Rail Project will incorporate all of these safety features, building upon the proven safety and design criteria used for existing high-speed train systems in Europe and Asia):
The entire high-speed train system is fully access controlled and grade-separated (there are no at grade crossings with roads, pedestrians, or other rail services), eliminating pedestrian and motor vehicle conflicts.
The high-speed train systems are completely double-tracked with additional tracks at intermediate stations to support express operations.
The trains are centrally monitored and controlled, effectively preventing operators from making serious errors, stopping or slowing trains automatically in the event of external problem such as earthquakes, objects falling on the tracks, or gale force winds. High-speed train traffic control and communications systems are state-of-the-art, regulated, and managed during all hours of operation. These systems monitor and limit the train’s speed, schedule, routing, and headway (following distance behind another train). These systems, combined with the operator, have integral redundancy and ensure safety.
Heavy, conventional freight trains do not share infrastructure designed for high-speed operations.
High-speed trains use a cab signaling system that transmits commands directly to the driver. This technology makes high-speed operation possible in darkness, rain, and fog. In Japan, even moderate snowfall does not slow the Shinkansen because of special ice-melting equipment built into the rail bed.
Unlike aircraft, high-speed train systems are not subject to turbulence. Passengers may sit without seat restraints and may stand and walk comfortably even at maximum speeds and around curves.
Although high-speed train systems do operate in highly seismic areas, such as Japan, no fatalities have ever occurred as a result of a seismic event. The control system is linked to motion detectors close to faults having the potential to affect the line, even hundreds of miles from the line The systems stops the trains when an earthquake is detected, and at-grade construction in fault zones further improves safety.
Like airplanes, and other public intercity modes, high-speed trains and the infrastructure they operate on (tracks, control systems, and electrification systems) are be maintained on a regular schedule and the maintenance records would be subject to inspection by the Federal Railroad Administration. This regular inspection of both rolling stock and track would ensure the safety of the high-speed train system.
In California, key safeguards will prevent unwarranted access to the system. The California high-speed train system would be a fully grade-separated and fully access-controlled guideway with intrusion monitoring systems in place. This means that the train system’s infrastructure (e.g., mainline tracks and maintenance and storage facilities) would be designed to prevent access by unauthorized vehicles, persons, animals, and objects and to detect breaches of the system. The capital cost estimates include allowances for appropriate barriers (fences and walls), state-of-the-art communication, access-control, and monitoring and detection systems. All aspects of the California high-speed train system would conform to the latest federal requirements regarding transportation security. High-Speed trains will not require lengthy “airport style” screenings because like other passenger rail transportation services operating throughout the United States, high-speed trains do not present as great a security risk as air transportation.



Will the California high-speed train system share tracks with heavy freight trains and other conventional services?


In California, high-speed trains will not share tracks with conventional freight trains anywhere on the proposed 800-mile system. The only areas where the 800-mile California high-speed train system is expected to share tracks with other types of passenger trains are between San Francisco and San Jose (50-miles), and Los Angeles and Anaheim (27-miles). At these locations, the high-speed train system would be operating at reduced speeds that would be compatible with other passenger trains. The existing infrastructure would be improved to remove grade separations, and install fencing, new signaling system, and additional tracks to keep the high-speed trains safe and to improve the safety and performance of the other passenger trains.



Could the recent Metrolink accident have occurred on the proposed California high-speed train system?


No. The California high-speed train system would be much safer than conventional intercity and commuter rail services currently in California. Conventional passenger services in California operate on freight railroads, have a mix of rail traffic (heavy freight and passenger), have at-grade crossings with roads and other rail services, are not access controlled, and do not have automated signaling systems.
The California high-speed train system would: 1) be completely automated, allowing for centralized command and control of the train system, effectively eliminating the chance of operator error; 2) be completely double-tracked; and 3), not share tracks with conventional freight services.
いいえ。カリフォルニア高速鉄道システムはカリフォルニアに現存する従来の都市間・コミューター鉄道よりもはるかに安全なシステムです。従来のカリフォルニアの旅客サービスは貨物線で運行され、各種列車が混在し(重量級の貨物&旅客列車)、道路や他の線路との平面交差があり、アクセス制限もなく、自動信号システムもありません。カリフォルニア高速鉄道システムは、以下の特徴があります: 1) 完全に自動化され、列車システムは集中指令・制御され、運転士のエラーの可能性を効果的に排除 2) 完全な複線化 3) 従来の貨物サービスとの線路非共用 



Will the high-speed train system help improve safety with commuter rail systems like Metrolink and CalTrain?


Yes, the California high-speed train system is expected to share tracks and improve safety with CalTrain express services between San Francisco and San Jose, and Metrolink and Amtrak services between Los Angeles and Anaheim. At these locations, the high-speed train system would be operating at reduced speeds that would be compatible with other passenger trains. These commuter rail services would be improved by removing grade crossings (the tracks will be fully grade separated), and installing fencing, providing a new signaling system, and adding tracks to keep the high-speed trains safe and to improve the safety and performance of the other passenger trains.
In addition, where the high-speed train tracks are adjacent to existing passenger and freight services, the existing services will benefit from grade separation improvements.
The California High-Speed Rail Authority will continue to work in partnership with Metrolink and CalTrain throughout the detailed engineering and environmental studies to find solutions to best utilize limited rights-of-way in urban areas and benefit both commuter and intercity services.























こんなにも日本の新幹線の実績(青字箇所)を引き合いに出して良いものなのでしょうか?^^ 普通、自分の出身母体の会社採用を優位に導こうとするならば、この記事の新幹線に関する部分は削除せよ、と言いたくなりますよね。














TOTAL: 5156

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