However, JR Tokai Chairman Yoshi-yuki Kasai, who accompanied Maehara to the United States, told reporters, “Japan"s efforts lag behind other countries.”
Another JR official also expressed concern, saying, ”Japanese companies might not win any U.S. train contracts.”
As an example of the stiff competition, a Florida high-speed train line has 22 companies bidding for the contract.
Maehara said, “I thought the number would be five or six at most. On the trip I got a glimpse of how fierce the competition in the high-speed train business is.”
일본언론은 일본이 미국 고속철도 사업 수주전에서 전패할 수 있다는 실무자들의 언급을 자국 국민에 보도 안하는 지 모르겠습니다. 신칸센 Banzai! 보도나 하니 kj의 일본인들은 신칸센이 세계최고인 것으로 착각하지요.
신칸센은 저속열차이다! 한국은 플로리다에서 400 km/h의 고속열차를 홍보중이다.
However, JR Tokai Chairman Yoshi-yuki Kasai, who accompanied Maehara to the United States, told reporters, Japan¥"s efforts lag behind other countries.
Another JR official also expressed concern, saying, Japanese companies might not win any U.S. train contracts.
As an example of the stiff competition, a Florida high-speed train line has 22 companies bidding for the contract.
Maehara said, I thought the number would be five or six at most. On the trip I got a glimpse of how fierce the competition in the high-speed train business is.
日本言論は日本がアメリカ高速鉄道事業受注戦で全敗することができるという実務者たちの言及を自国国民に報道しないのか分からないです. 新幹線 Banzai! 報道でもしたら kjの日本人たちは新幹線が世界最高のことと間違えますね.
新幹線は低速列車だ! 韓国はフロリダで 400 km/hの高速列車を広報中だ.