
22-23일 동경여행을 갑니다. 시부야 AX에서 Grapevine의 공연을 볼려고
하는데 시부야 역에서 어떻게 가는지 아시는분 계신가요?
인터넷 검색을 해도 잘 안나오네요.

I got a plan to travel tokyo next weekend.
but, this is my first time of trip to japan.
I will go to shibuya-AX to see the live of the band grapevine.
how can i get to there from shibuya subway-station.
anyone who let me know?

shibuya-AX 行く法ちょっとお知らせ下さい

22-23日東京旅行を行きます. 澁谷 AXで Grapevineの公演を見ようと するのに澁谷駅でどんなに行くのかご存じの方いらっしゃるんでしょうか? インターネット検索をしてもよく出ないですね. I got a plan to travel tokyo next weekend. but, this is my first time of trip to japan. I will go to shibuya-AX to see the live of the band grapevine. how can i get to there from shibuya subway-station. anyone who let me know?

TOTAL: 6038

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