
Let me introduce my self,
My name is jin-hee CHOI, and 22 year"s old.
I"m in the second year of my university, and my place is K.seoul.
my major is ,,, as you know, study about computer animation.
but English and Japanese are hard to study.
My hobby is play the piano (a little..^^) and watching movie & animation.
My most favorite(movie) genreis romantic one and comic action one.
I am an introvert, but a fun person after making friends.
私は KYUNG-MIN 大口の CHOI jin-hee と申します
今年, 二十二口になった2年生です
口門は コンピュ口タ口サイエンス animation です.


*E-MAIL: serikagold@hanmail.net

  *MSN MESSENGER: serikagold@hanmail.net


Hello, Let me introduce my self, My name is jin-hee CHOI, and 22 year"s old. I"m in the second year of my university, and my place is K.seoul. my major is ,,, as you know, study about computer animation. but English and Japanese are hard to study. My hobby is play the piano (a little..^^) and watching movie & animation. My most favorite(movie) genreis romantic one and comic action one. I am an introvert, but a fun person after making friends. .. 럑귕귏궢궲갃 궞귢궔귞렔뚅뤢됳귩궠궧궲궋궫궬궖귏궥 럡궼 KYUNG-MIN 묈뚿궻 CHOI jin-hee 궴궢귏궥 뜞봏, 볫볫뚿궸궶궯궫2봏맯궳궥 뚿뽩궼 긓깛긯깄뚿^뚿긖귽긄깛긚 animation 궳궥. 럡궼긂깑뢯릆궳듰뚿릐궳궥. 롳뼞궼긬긓깛궳뚿뚿귩랡귡궻귖뛆궖궳궥. 뻦궼귺긦긽궕뛆궖궳궥갃 궵궎궪귝귣궢궘궓딂궋궋궫궢귏궥. *E-MAIL: serikagold@hanmail.net *MSN MESSENGER: serikagold@hanmail.net

TOTAL: 6037

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