I live in Pusan >I want to penpal priend~~(very much^^)ば.ばPlase >e-mail me( hidehidex@yahoo.co.kr) > >*(henji wa 100%) > ..."> I live in Pusan >I want to penpal priend~~(very much^^)ば.ばPlase >e-mail me( hidehidex@yahoo.co.kr) > >*(henji wa 100%) > ..." />

hidex wrote:


>my name is YunSun-Jung

>i"m 16years old~~~~*.*

>I live in Pusan

>I want to penpal priend~~(very much^^)ば.ばPlase

>e-mail me( hidehidex@yahoo.co.kr)


>*(henji wa 100%)

>                  Bye-Bye

Re: hajimemaside~~~~~~~~~@.@

hidex wrote:
>my name is YunSun-Jung
>i"m 16years old~~~~*.*
>I live in Pusan
>I want to penpal priend~~(very much^^)궽.궽Plase
>e-mail me( hidehidex@yahoo.co.kr)
>*(henji wa 100%)
> Bye-Bye

TOTAL: 6038

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 추천
38 照括馬室推 1999-10-02 2051 0
37 Re: hajimemaside~~~~~~~~~@.@ 1999-09-29 1551 0
36 hijimemaside~~~~~~~~~@.@ 1999-09-29 1614 0
35 i make girlfriend ^^ bye bye~~ 1999-09-23 1577 0
34 i want to... 1999-09-15 1691 0
33 Please~ 1999-09-12 1657 0
32 PENPAL FRIEND 1999-09-10 1746 0
31 WELCOME TO SHINJI!!!!!!!!! 1999-09-01 1735 0
30 Re: Hi I 1999-09-01 1656 0
29 For japanese. Read please.. 1999-09-01 1760 0
28 Hi I"m KoreanBoy(19) 1999-08-31 1864 0
27 Hi, I"m girl(16) who lives Korea. 1999-08-28 1693 0
26 照括馬室推. 1999-08-25 1699 0
25 me + you = pen ple=>love 1999-08-21 1709 0
24 hello 1999-08-17 1728 0
23 hi 1999-08-13 1925 0
22 hazimemasitene!(???????)O^v^O 1999-08-11 1698 0
21 i make japanse girl~ 17~18 1999-08-07 1857 0
20 wanna be your friend.... 1999-08-01 2396 0
19 適遣幻馬走 源 1999-07-29 2148 0