
Hi nice to meet you… Let me introduce myself..日本人と ペンパルを したいです
My name is Sang-woo Park(Matsui koro)...日本語と ぶんか たつて 大 好 です
I live in korea and I was born in 1988..いい ともたちか なりたいです
I interested in Japenese all things.. so If i have chance i want to go there..
I wanna be your korean pen-pal.. Send me the mail please..
こたえて 下さい
E-mail: conquest05@hotmail.com/conquest05@hanmail.net

I"d like to have Japanese friend

Hi nice to meet you... Let me introduce myself..日本人と ペンパルを したいです My name is Sang-woo Park(Matsui koro)...日本語と ぶんか たつて 大 好 です I live in korea and I was born in 1988..いい ともたちか なりたいです I interested in Japenese all things.. so If i have chance i want to go there.. I wanna be your korean pen-pal.. Send me the mail please.. こたえて 下さい E-mail: conquest05@hotmail.com/conquest05@hanmail.net

TOTAL: 935

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 추천
595 日本語習うと思いますて。 windy 2004-02-10 2290 0
594 한국 분 친구가 됩시다. ゆうじ 2004-02-10 2723 0
593 고등학생 친구를 구하고 싶습니다 ^^; yanzis 2004-02-09 3264 0
592 日本人友達がほしいです. SKLee 2004-02-09 2131 0
591 홋카이도 거주, 남자입니다. adamu320 2004-02-08 2422 0
590 하코다테의 친구를 찾습니다. 홍투어 2004-02-07 2182 0
589 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします serika 2004-02-03 3410 0
588 I"d like to have Japanese friend DUCATI 2004-02-03 2040 0
587 일본 친구 구해요..^^ Ji-hye 2004-01-31 1965 0
586 일본여성분과사귀고싶읍니다. 감자바위 2004-01-30 1880 0
585 心が暖かくなったの! Whistling boy 2004-01-29 1941 0
584 おしゃべりいかが? pezzi 2004-01-29 1939 0
583 일본인친구, -_ㅠ환영^-^/☆ yuni 2004-01-28 3341 0
582 RE :일본의 친구를 만나고 싶다! 굧굯굥21 2004-01-27 2147 0
581 한국에 계신 일본여자분 꼭 hee su sang 2004-01-27 1821 0
580 日本の友達に会いたい! asa0002 2004-01-27 2158 0
579 RE :그립다. netmelon 2004-01-26 1626 0
578 친구가 됩시다. 굧굯굥21 2004-01-26 2269 0
577 일본인 친구구해요~*^ㅡ^* qwerkoie 2004-01-25 1952 0
576 日本人友達を捜します. jyj880518 2004-01-22 1871 0