
저는 22살인 대학생 입니다.

저는 한국말을 가르쳐드리고
저에게 일본말을 가르쳐주실 분 없나요?
서로의 언어만 배운다기보다는 친하게 친구로 지냈으면 좋겠어요.^^

저는 신촌에 있는 대학교를 다닙니다.
그다지 크게 상관은 없지만
저랑 비슷한 나이이면 서로 더욱더 허물없이 대할 수 있어서
좋을 것 같습니다.

원래 외국어 배우는 것과 외국문화에 관심이 많습니다.
주변에 한국어 어학당을 다니거나
한국에서 공부를 하는 일본인들을 꽤 많이 봅니다.
일본어를 잠깐 혼자 공부한 적이 있었는데 잘은 못하구요^^
고등학교에 다닐 때 일본 사람과 펜팔한 적이 있습니다.
편하게 연락주세요~^^

*** luckylife82@hotmail.com ***

Hi, I am 22 years old student.
Do you want a korean friend, teaching you korean and studying japanese from you?
Of course we can study languages but I also want to be your friend first of all.^^

I don"t care how old you are, but if you are in close ages with me, I think we could be good friends more easily and quickly.
I"m Sogang University student which is in Sinchon, Seoul.
I am very interested in foreign languages and cultures and I see japanese who go to korean language schools or study in Korea.
I"ve studied japanese a little and had japanese pen pal friends when I went to high school.

I want to be you friend and help in korean life.^^
Mail me if you are interested or you have got some questions about me.
*** luckylife82@hotmail.com ***
Have a good day~ ^^






궞귪궸궭궼?^^ 럡궼 22띘궻묈둾맯궳궥. 럡궼듰뜎뚭귩떝궑궲뤵궛궲 럡궸볷{뚭귩떝궑궲궘귢귡뺴궶궋귪궳궥궔? 궓뚚궋궻뙻뚭궬궚둾귆궴궋궎귝귟궼릂궢궘뾈묪궸됡궟궢궫귞궴럙궋귏궥.^^ 럡궼륷뫚궸궇귡묈둾귩믅궋귏궥. 궇귏귟묈궖궘듫똚궼궶궋궕 럡궴벏궣댧궳궇귡봏궶귞궓뚚궋궸귝귟덇몏볣귢볣귢궢궘뫮궥귡궞궴궕궳궖궲 쀇궠궩궎궳궥. 뙰갲둖뜎뚭둾귆궞궴궴둖뜎빒돸궸듫륲궕뛼궋궳궥. 뢂뺃궸듰뜎뚭뚭둾벐귩믅궎궴궔 듰뜎궳뺈떗귩궥귡볷{릐궫궭귩궔궶귟뫝궘뙥귏궥. 볷{뚭귩궭귛궯궴덇릐궳뺈떗궢궫궞궴궕궋궫궕띢궋궳궖궶궋귪궳궥^^ 뛼뱳둾뛝궸믅궎렄볷{릐궴긻깛긬깑궢궫궞궴궕궇귟귏궥. 뒁궸쁀뿆궘궬궠궋~^^ *** luckylife82@hotmail.com *** Hi, I am 22 years old student. Do you want a korean friend, teaching you korean and studying japanese from you? Of course we can study languages but I also want to be your friend first of all.^^ I don"t care how old you are, but if you are in close ages with me, I think we could be good friends more easily and quickly. I"m Sogang University student which is in Sinchon, Seoul. I am very interested in foreign languages and cultures and I see japanese who go to korean language schools or study in Korea. I"ve studied japanese a little and had japanese pen pal friends when I went to high school. I want to be you friend and help in korean life.^^ Mail me if you are interested or you have got some questions about me. *** luckylife82@hotmail.com *** Have a good day~ ^^

TOTAL: 3390

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