I was born in Changwon, South Gyeongsang and current age wa
s 41 years old is better.
I"m interested in studying English to join a badminton instr
uctor and is the current job
Hobbies are badminton, football and mountain climbing scuba
positive thinking and all those who love sports want to be f
riends with. Thank you
My web site: http://www.mytrivani.com/itrivani
Hello Nice to meet you
I was born in Changwon, South Gyeongsang and current age wa
s 41 years old is better.
I¥"m interested in studying English to join a badminton instr
uctor and is the current job
Hobbies are badminton, football and mountain climbing scuba
positive thinking and all those who love sports want to be f
riends with. Thank you
My web site: http://www.mytrivani.com/itrivani