가입인사 FreeStyle

I was born in Changwon, South Gyeongsang and current age wa
s 41 years old is better.
I"m interested in studying English to join a badminton instr
uctor and is the current job
Hobbies are badminton, football and mountain climbing scuba
positive thinking and all those who love sports want to be f
riends with. Thank you
My web site: http://www.mytrivani.com/itrivani

Hello Nice to meet you

I was born in Changwon, South Gyeongsang and current age wa
s 41 years old is better.
I¥"m interested in studying English to join a badminton instr
uctor and is the current job
Hobbies are badminton, football and mountain climbing scuba
positive thinking and all those who love sports want to be f
riends with. Thank you
My web site: http://www.mytrivani.com/itrivani

TOTAL: 7093

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 추천
5933 lee sun hee 매력적 가수 알고 싶다! izumi 2010-06-19 4881 0
5932 Hello Nice to meet you px1001 2010-06-18 4749 0
5931 ♥♥ 日本男, 女性こんにちは. 友人に....... Happy1 2010-06-16 3931 0
5930 안녕? natural89 2010-06-08 3579 0
5929 気取らない会話ができる日本人友達....... chubasa 2010-06-07 3538 0
5928 TOPIK STUDY cathy 2010-06-04 3105 0
5927 인조이재팬이 사라진 후 슬펐는데... sgap 2010-06-03 3701 0
5926 일본에서 공부중인 유학생입니다! Metier 2010-05-28 3253 0
5925 [ AndyCHO 2010-05-24 2101 0
5924 * LZONE Language Café 외국어, 한국어 공....... AndyCHO 2010-05-24 2898 0
5923 안녕 aitap 2010-05-22 2941 0
5922 반갑습니다. rose040502 2010-05-19 2942 0
5921 HELLO! ksh930426 2010-05-18 2694 0
5920 안녕하세요! evan 2010-05-17 2961 0
5919 안녕하세요 hyang2yam 2010-05-13 2931 0
5918 처음 뵙겠습니다 キムワン 2010-04-28 3164 0
5917 안녕하십니까!(はじめまして) TEMAE 2010-04-28 3095 0
5916 (. harazukuboy 2010-04-25 2849 0
5915 한국인 친구·애인 모집하는^^ lovekorean 2010-04-20 3164 0
5914 안녕 sunzerg 2010-04-20 2865 0