좋은친구들 PositiveFreeStyle

     +     caught between the crevice of delusion and reality      +

                    기만과 현실의 틈 사이에서 붙잡혔다

               surge   vague   twine   rip   assault   mind

               동요    막연한   얽힘   찢어진틈   비난   마음

  through the shattered pieces of glass countless rays of light are reflected

      산산히 부숴진 유리 조각들을 통하여 무수한 빛의 줄기들이 비춰졌다

                     In my ruined and dissoluted mind

                   황폐해지고 방탕해진 나의 마음 속에서

                I redicule nihility, I dissipate in solitary

                허무(redicule-알수없는어휘),혼자서 흩뜨린다

                             Cold blood flows

                            차가운 피가 흐른다

                    My faded mind is slipping through

                    나의 희미해진 의식이 통과하고있다

        From yonder of darkness, pierced light awakend the past,

        어둠의 저편으로부터, 꿰뚫어진 빛은 과거를 일으키고

         Eternity of time is ticking away edlessly,Reminiscence

          시간의 영겁은 무한하게 지나가고 있다,    회상

           From yonder of time, the present tied to the past

            시간의 저편으로부터,   과거에 연결된 현재

              With pieces of recollection, Reminiscence

                  추억의 파편들과,    회상

                        Why am I here nowhere ?

                      왜 나는 여기 아무곳에도 없나?

            Just stare at the end of the everlasting infinity

                    바로 영원한 무한의 끝을 응시해라

               Enormous  wandering  shadows  are  crumbling

                  거대한 방황하는 그림자들은 붕괴하고 있다

         Time passes as your heart mingles with the flowing waters

           당신의 마음이 흐르는 물에 섞이는 것처럼 시간이 흐른다

       From yonder of darkness,the broken pieces of recollection,Reminiscence

         어둠의 저편으로부터,  깨진 추억의 파편들,   회상

          Eternity of time is ticking away endlessly, Reminiscence

            시간의 영겁은 무한하게 지나가고 있다,    회상

               Light pierced awakend the past, Reminiscence

                꿰뚫어진 빛은 과거를 일으킨다,   회상

             slimy    hole    blind    detain    insane     sensual

              질척한   틈    눈 먼   지체하게하는  미친  욕망적인

                  surge  vague  twine  assault  mind

                    동요  막연한  얽힘  비난  마음

                 Crumbling forms are closing in towards me

                  부서지는 형상들이 나에게 다가오고 있다

              I wish everything would collapse and scatter away

                나는 모든 것이 무너져, 흩뿌려지기를 바란다

             From yonder of darkness, pierced light, Reminiscence

                어둠의 저편으로부터,  꿰뚫린 빛,      회상

                         Recollection , Reminiscence

                             추억     ,    회상



虛無の中での遊戱(허무속의 유희) -환각의 밤

     +     caught between the crevice of delusion and reality      +

                    기만과 현실의 틈 사이에서 붙잡혔다

               surge   vague   twine   rip   assault   mind

               동요    막연한   얽힘   찢어진틈   비난   마음

  through the shattered pieces of glass countless rays of light are reflected

      산산히 부숴진 유리 조각들을 통하여 무수한 빛의 줄기들이 비춰졌다

                     In my ruined and dissoluted mind

                   황폐해지고 방탕해진 나의 마음 속에서

                I redicule nihility, I dissipate in solitary

                허무(redicule-알수없는어휘),혼자서 흩뜨린다

                             Cold blood flows

                            차가운 피가 흐른다

                    My faded mind is slipping through

                    나의 희미해진 의식이 통과하고있다

        From yonder of darkness, pierced light awakend the past,

        어둠의 저편으로부터, 꿰뚫어진 빛은 과거를 일으키고

         Eternity of time is ticking away edlessly,Reminiscence

          시간의 영겁은 무한하게 지나가고 있다,    회상

           From yonder of time, the present tied to the past

            시간의 저편으로부터,   과거에 연결된 현재

              With pieces of recollection, Reminiscence

                  추억의 파편들과,    회상

                        Why am I here nowhere ?

                      왜 나는 여기 아무곳에도 없나?

            Just stare at the end of the everlasting infinity

                    바로 영원한 무한의 끝을 응시해라

               Enormous  wandering  shadows  are  crumbling

                  거대한 방황하는 그림자들은 붕괴하고 있다

         Time passes as your heart mingles with the flowing waters

           당신의 마음이 흐르는 물에 섞이는 것처럼 시간이 흐른다

       From yonder of darkness,the broken pieces of recollection,Reminiscence

         어둠의 저편으로부터,  깨진 추억의 파편들,   회상

          Eternity of time is ticking away endlessly, Reminiscence

            시간의 영겁은 무한하게 지나가고 있다,    회상

               Light pierced awakend the past, Reminiscence

                꿰뚫어진 빛은 과거를 일으킨다,   회상

             slimy    hole    blind    detain    insane     sensual

              질척한   틈    눈 먼   지체하게하는  미친  욕망적인

                  surge  vague  twine  assault  mind

                    동요  막연한  얽힘  비난  마음

                 Crumbling forms are closing in towards me

                  부서지는 형상들이 나에게 다가오고 있다

              I wish everything would collapse and scatter away

                나는 모든 것이 무너져, 흩뿌려지기를 바란다

             From yonder of darkness, pierced light, Reminiscence

                어둠의 저편으로부터,  꿰뚫린 빛,      회상

                         Recollection , Reminiscence

                             추억     ,    회상



TOTAL: 8160

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 추천
1360 마코토네 언냐는... ㅋㅔㄴ 2000-09-10 91 0
1359 re : 땡큐..땡큐....... eriko10 2000-09-10 119 0
1358 으아악!!!!!!!! 나는 지상 최대의 착각....... shan 2000-09-10 94 0
1357 무슨 일이라도 ...천랑님! 지로 2000-09-10 98 0
1356 어이..샨...--:::: eriko10 2000-09-09 103 0
1355 음...질문여?? lea00 2000-09-09 97 0
1354 어이~~샨 ` eriko10 2000-09-08 99 0
1353 re : 어이~~~천랑! cheon-rang 2000-09-08 100 0
1352 어이~~~천랑! eriko10 2000-09-08 95 0
1351 message(bara version) hydesoso 2000-09-08 94 0
1350 사소한 착각. hydesoso 2000-09-08 98 0
1349 Le ciel ∼空白の彼方へ∼ hydesoso 2000-09-08 96 0
1348 ㅡ_ㅜ 흑.. 힌둥이... harizu 2000-09-08 113 0
1347 누구~게 ㅋㅋ le403 2000-09-08 92 0
1346 虛無の中での遊戱(허무속의 유희) -환....... hydesoso 2000-09-07 855 0
1345 어디서나 통할수 있는것 - hydesoso 2000-09-07 97 0
1344 알고있을까? ... sale2002 2000-09-07 96 0
1343 re : 슬레쉬의 고등학교 생활기록부 中 슬레쉬 2000-09-06 222 0
1342 정체성. hydesoso 2000-09-06 96 0
1341 re : 하버의 고등학교 생활기록부 illusion 2000-09-06 231 0