좋은친구들 PositiveFreeStyle

Minna, Ha-ji-me-ma-shi-te!

日本語wa mu-ju-ka-shi-ne… bokuwa bankyo shimas!!

Sorry, My Japanese is not good to communicate but um… I started studying!
Wanna make Japanese friends who are interested in Korea, K-pops, or whatever.
Please, be my friends.
I"m a 87-years-old Korean student and i"m thinking of going to JP next month.
I have kakaotalk and Facebook account. 

^^ yo-ru-shi-ku!

Tokyo Tomodachi!

Minna, Ha-ji-me-ma-shi-te!

日本語wa mu-ju-ka-shi-ne... bokuwa bankyo shimas!!

Sorry, My Japanese is not good to communicate but um... I started studying!
Wanna make Japanese friends who are interested in Korea, K-pops, or whatever.
Please, be my friends.
I¥"m a 87-years-old Korean student and i¥"m thinking of going to JP next month.
I have kakaotalk and Facebook account. 

^^ yo-ru-shi-ku!

TOTAL: 8257

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 추천
7377 한국의 친구를 갖고 싶습니다. sailormoon 2012-03-30 2485 0
7376 Tokyo Tomodachi! dominic1219 2012-03-24 3815 0
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7366 大阪に暮らしてる韓国人です。^^ sc851005 2012-02-22 2514 0
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