좋은친구들 PositiveFreeStyle

hi, there.

my name is Rachel.

i live in the United States.

i can speak Korean, English, and Japanese (basic).

I am a public school teacher and a student in a graduate school.

i would like to talk w/ Japanese Christians.

if you want to learn Korean, it would be a wonderful because i would like to learn Japanese.

please feel free to email me. jyi915@yahoo.com



looking for Japanese Christians

hi, there.

my name is Rachel.

i live in the United States.

i can speak Korean, English, and Japanese (basic).

I am a public school teacher and a student in a graduate school.

i would like to talk w/ Japanese Christians.

if you want to learn Korean, it would be a wonderful because i would like to learn Japanese.

please feel free to email me. jyi915@yahoo.com



TOTAL: 8160

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 추천
6560 한국어 공부하고 있습니다.일본어 가....... やす 2008-04-20 2848 0
6559 한국의 친구가 일본인의 상대를 찾고 ....... chijya 2008-04-18 3309 0
6558 日本人友達を作りたいです 한국신사 2008-04-16 2817 0
6557 국토대장정같이해요_(외국인참여가능....... 잊을꺼야 2008-04-12 2789 0
6556 looking for Japanese Christians jurahn 2008-04-12 2773 0
6555 회화가 하고 싶어요 친구를 원해요 연....... katal77 2008-04-11 3037 0
6554 일본인과 친구가 되고 싶어요 goryeo 2008-04-09 2933 0
6553 친구 찾아요- nemutai 2008-03-31 3005 0
6552 친한친구 ♥ Sujin 2008-03-30 2806 0
6551 どうかお友達のなってくれる人!大....... jackie 2008-03-28 2738 0
6550 re:한국을 여러 가지 알고 싶습니다 ....... 토라상 2008-03-25 2628 0
6549 한국을 여러 가....... ゆうき 2008-03-24 3000 0
6548 일본인 친구구해요. 택깽이 2008-03-24 2858 0
6547 일본인 친구 구해요 ^^* hosizora 2008-04-01 2781 0
6546 안녕하세요 hanuru 2008-03-22 2872 0
6545 bigeast입니다.카시오페아의 분 찾고 있....... reo 2008-03-22 2980 0
6544 italian -japanese flavi 2008-03-21 2703 0
6543 일본인 메일 친구 찾습니다. giru 2008-03-21 2800 0
6542 友達を作りたいです。 すすむ 2008-03-18 2715 0
6541 일본인 친구를 찾아요~!ㅎㅎ 나냥 2008-03-16 2913 0