오늘의 연기는 피겨 스케이팅 역사상 최고의 연기 중 하나로 기억될 것이다. (It will go down as one of the greatest performances in figure skating history)
-마이애미 해럴드-
70년전 피겨계를 정복한 소냐 헤니 이후 김연아를 능가할 만한 선수가 과연 있을까? (Has any skater been so far ahead of her opposition since Sonja Henie commanded the sport 70-plus years ago?)
오랜 라이벌인 아사다 마오는 은메달을 땄지만, 김연아의 상대가 되지 못했다. (Longtime rival Mao Asada of Japan won the silver medal, but it was no contest)
-LA 타임즈-
김연아는 연기를 마친 후 금메달을 확정지은 듯 기쁨의 눈물을 흘렸다. 아직 아사다 마오를 비롯해 세 명의 선수가 남았지만, 이미 게임은 끝난 것이었다. (When Kim cried after finishing her free skate, they were tears of joy, the kind that comes with winning an Olympic gold medal. There were three skaters left, including Asada, but this was game over)
심판 매수 DESU!
今日の延期はフィギュアスケーティング歴史上最高の演技の中で一つに記憶されるでしょう. (It will go down as one of the greatest performances in figure skating history)
70年前フィギュア係を征腹した牛か数えたら以後ギムヨンアをしのぐに値する選手が果しているか? (Has any skater been so far ahead of her opposition since Sonja Henie commanded the sport 70-plus years ago?)
長年のライバルである餓死だマオは銀メダルを取ったが, ギムヨンアの相手になることができなかった. (Longtime rival Mao Asada of Japan won the silver medal, but it was no contest)
-LA タイムズ-
ギムヨンアは延期を終えた後金メダルを確定したように喜びの涙を流した. まだ餓死だマオを含めて三人の名の選手が残ったが, もうゲームは終わったのだった. (When Kim cried after finishing her free skate, they were tears of joy, the kind that comes with winning an Olympic gold medal. There were three skaters left, including Asada, but this was game over)
審判買受 DESU!