전통문화소개 Relationship



Hong Kong blames Korea tugs for Hebei Spirit spill
By Keith Wallis in Hong Kong - 화요일 24 3월 2009

A LITANY of errors by the tugs involved in South Korea's worst oil spill have been identified by Hong Kong's Marine Department as the main probable causes and contributory factors in the incident nearly 16 months ago.

The failings are identified in an information note on safe towage at sea and based on the department's official accident investigation into the collision between a crane barge and the tanker Hebei Spirit.

The three page document said “the decision for the tugs and the crane barge to commence the towing voyage when adverse weather had been forecast is the main probable cause of this accident”.

“Other contributory factors were: the towing voyage was not carried out in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the towing survey certificate; towing wire not proper maintained; the tugs did not alert the local vessel traffic service and the nearby vessels when they lost control of the navigation,” the document said.

The note is the department's first public comment on the casualty which occurred when the Hong Kong-registered tanker was hit by a drifting crane barge that had broken its tow during stormy weather on December 7, 2007. The captain and chief officer of the tanker are on bail pending an appeal after being jailed last December for not doing enough to prevent oil pollution along South Korea's west coast.

Hong Kong, as the tanker's flag state, has yet to publish its investigation report on the collision between the barge and the single-hull very large crude carrier.

Department director Roger Tupper told Lloyds List: “The merchant shipping information note is issued by Hong Kong Marine Department so its contents reflect the findings of our investigation.”

The department's marine accident investigation and shipping security policy chief Leung Hou-kin added that the full accident report would be published once the legal case in South Korea was over.

The note pointed out that after the collision, the crew of the Hebei Spirit tried to reduce the scale of pollution by transferring oil from the damaged tanks and rigging the collision mats at the side of the damaged cargo oil tanks. The master also pumped ballast to the starboard ballast tanks with the intention to list the VLCC to starboard and lower the oil level in the damaged cargo tanks.

“These remedial actions appeared to have reduced a certain amount of oil spillage and have fully complied with the provisions as laid down in the ship's shipboard oil pollution emergency plan,” the note added.

Despite these actions, Captain Jasprit Chawla and chief officer Syam Chetan were accused by a South Korean court of not doing enough to prevent about 10,500 tonnes of oil leaking from the damaged cargo tanks.

The note, which has recently been issued to shipowners, ship managers, operators, masters and officers, said the master in charge of the tugs might have underestimated the severity of the rough weather and should have considered postponing the voyage.

The towing wire was also found to be a used crane runner wire that had been stored for some time. “Crane wires tend to be of a different construction when compared with a towing wire due to their different mode of operation. The use of improper tow wires could be dangerous because of possible shock loading and chafing of the wire while engaging in towing,” the note added.



게시판에서의 번역도 게재.

(번역자 가라사대, 「조금 의역은 있습니다만, 잘못한 것은 아니다고 생각하고 있습니다.」라는 일.)


Hong Kong blames Korea tugs for Hebei Spirit spill로부터

홍콩 해사국, 「Hebei Spirit」중유 유실 사고에 관한 예인선의 책임을 인정
홍콩발 Keith Wallis 2009년 3월 24일 화요일

 홍콩 해사국은, 약 16개월전의 한국사상 최악의 원유 유출 사고의 주요 원인 및 기여 인자를, 예인선에 의한 과실에 뒤잇는 과실이 관여하고 있다고 인정했다.
 크레인 화물 운반선과 탱커 「Hebei Spirit」의 사이에 일어난 충돌사고에 있어서의 과실 인정은, 해양에 있어서의 안전 항해 정보 기록과 해사국의 공식 사고 조사에 근거해 행해졌다.
 3 페이지의 문서에는「거친 날씨가 예상 되는 상황으로, 예인선과 크레인 화물 운반선에 의한 예항 항해에 출항한 것이, 이 사고의 주요 원인이다」어떤.
 「다른 기여 인자는 이하와 같다:예항 항해는, 예항 조사 증서에 명시되는 조건 약관에 따라 행해지지 않고, 또, 예색은 적절한 관리가 하셔지지 않고, 예인선은 화물 운반선이 항행 제어 불능에 빠졌을 때, 현지 선박 교통 관제국과 주변 해역의 선박에 경보를 발표하지 않았다」와 문서에는 기재되어 있다.
 이 통지는 홍콩적의 탱커가 2007년 12월 7일, 거친 날씨 아래에 있어서 예항에 실패해 미주하는 크레인 화물 운반선에 충돌해 발생한 사고에 대한, 해사국에 의한 최초의 공식 견해이다.

 탱커의 선장과 선임 항해사는, 한국서연안의 원유 유출을 방지하기 위해서 10분인 행동을 취하지 않았다고 하고, 작년 12월에 투옥된 후, 다음의 재판까지 보석 출옥중의 몸이다.
 홍콩은 화물 운반선과 홑겹선각구조초대형 탱커의 충돌에 대해서, 탱커의 등록국으로서의 조사보고를 공표하고 있지 않다.
 해사 국장관 Roger Tupper씨는 「우리의 조사 결과가 내용에 반영되도록(듯이), 상선 정보 기록은 홍콩 해사국에 의해서 공포된다」라고 Lloyds List에 말한다.
 해사국의 해난사고 조사 및 해운 안전 정책 부장 Leung Hou-kin씨는, 한국에 있어서의 소송 사안이 종료하면, 완전한 사고 보고가 공표되면 덧붙였다.
 통지는 「Hebei Spirit」의 승무원은 충돌 후, 손상한 탱크로부터 원유를 이송해, 손상한 화물 원유 탱크 측면의 충돌 매트를 감아올리는 일로, 유출량을 국한 하려고 했다고 지적한다.선장도 우현 베레스티탱크에 주수 해, 의도적으로 우현 측에 VLCC를 경사시켜, 손상 화물 탱크내의 원유 수위를 내리는 조치를 취했다고 여겨진다.
 「이러한 개선 조치는 일정량의 원유 유출을 감소시켜, 선상에서의 기름오염 방지 긴급 조치 안내서의 조항을, 완전하게 준수하고 있는 것처럼 생각된다」라고, 통고는 덧붙인다.
 이러한 조치에도 구애받지 않고, Jasprit Chawla 선장과 Syam Chetan 선임 항해사는, 손상 화물 탱크로부터의 약 10,500톤의 원유 누출에 대해, 10분인 조치를 취하지 않았다고 해 한국의 사법 기관에 의해 고발되었다.
 선주나 선박 관리자, 운용자, 선장 및 선원에 대해 최근 공포된 통고에 의하면, 예항 지휘 담당자가 거친 날씨의 가혹함을 과소평가할 우려가 있기 때문에, 그러한 경우는 항해의 연기를 검토하지 않으면 안 되면 있다.
 사고때 사용된 예색이, 크레인 러너(랏핑와이야)로서 사용된 후, 장기간 보존된 것인 일도 판명되어 있다.「운용 방법이 다르기 위해, 크레인 와이어와 예색은 다른 구조를 가지고 있는 경향이 있다.예항중에 부적당한 예색을 사용하고 있는 경우, 충격 하중이나 와이어 마모의 가능성이 있어 위험하다」와도 통고는 덧붙이고 있습니다.




「거친 날씨가 예상 되는데, 크레인선을 예항 한 것이 원래의 실수.」

그렇다고 하는 것과


「도구의 상황, 및 예항의 방법, 한층 더 사고시의 경보가 없었던 등 ,

케체나요에도 정도가 있다.」

그렇다고 하는 것이, 홍콩 해사국의 견해인것 같다.




Hong Kong blames Korea tugs for Hebei Spirit spill
By Keith Wallis in Hong Kong - 火曜日 24 3月 2009

A LITANY of errors by the tugs involved in South Korea’s worst oil spill have been identified by Hong Kong’s Marine Department as the main probable causes and contributory factors in the incident nearly 16 months ago.

The failings are identified in an information note on safe towage at sea and based on the department’s official accident investigation into the collision between a crane barge and the tanker Hebei Spirit.

The three page document said “the decision for the tugs and the crane barge to commence the towing voyage when adverse weather had been forecast is the main probable cause of this accident”.

“Other contributory factors were: the towing voyage was not carried out in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the towing survey certificate; towing wire not proper maintained; the tugs did not alert the local vessel traffic service and the nearby vessels when they lost control of the navigation,” the document said.

The note is the department’s first public comment on the casualty which occurred when the Hong Kong-registered tanker was hit by a drifting crane barge that had broken its tow during stormy weather on December 7, 2007. The captain and chief officer of the tanker are on bail pending an appeal after being jailed last December for not doing enough to prevent oil pollution along South Korea’s west coast.

Hong Kong, as the tanker’s flag state, has yet to publish its investigation report on the collision between the barge and the single-hull very large crude carrier.

Department director Roger Tupper told Lloyds List: “The merchant shipping information note is issued by Hong Kong Marine Department so its contents reflect the findings of our investigation.”

The department’s marine accident investigation and shipping security policy chief Leung Hou-kin added that the full accident report would be published once the legal case in South Korea was over.

The note pointed out that after the collision, the crew of the Hebei Spirit tried to reduce the scale of pollution by transferring oil from the damaged tanks and rigging the collision mats at the side of the damaged cargo oil tanks. The master also pumped ballast to the starboard ballast tanks with the intention to list the VLCC to starboard and lower the oil level in the damaged cargo tanks.

“These remedial actions appeared to have reduced a certain amount of oil spillage and have fully complied with the provisions as laid down in the ship’s shipboard oil pollution emergency plan,” the note added.

Despite these actions, Captain Jasprit Chawla and chief officer Syam Chetan were accused by a South Korean court of not doing enough to prevent about 10,500 tonnes of oil leaking from the damaged cargo tanks.

The note, which has recently been issued to shipowners, ship managers, operators, masters and officers, said the master in charge of the tugs might have underestimated the severity of the rough weather and should have considered postponing the voyage.

The towing wire was also found to be a used crane runner wire that had been stored for some time. “Crane wires tend to be of a different construction when compared with a towing wire due to their different mode of operation. The use of improper tow wires could be dangerous because of possible shock loading and chafing of the wire while engaging in towing,” the note added.






Hong Kong blames Korea tugs for Hebei Spirit spillから

香港海事局、『Hebei Spirit』重油流失事故に関するタグボートの責任を認定
香港発 Keith Wallis 2009年3月24日火曜日

 クレーンバージとタンカー『Hebei Spirit』の間で起きた衝突事故における過失認定は、海洋における安全航海情報記録と、海事局の公式事故調査に基づき行われた。

 海事局長官Roger Tupper氏は「我々の調査結果が内容に反映されるように、商船情報記録は香港海事局によって公布される」とLloyds Listに語る。
 海事局の海難事故調査及び海運安全政策部長Leung Hou-kin氏は、韓国における訴訟事案が終了すれば、完全な事故報告が公表¥されると付け加えた。
 通達は『Hebei Spirit』の乗組員は衝突後、損傷したタンクから原油を移送し、損傷した貨物原油タンク側面の衝突マットを巻き上げる事で、流出量を局限しようとしたと指摘する。船長も右舷バラストタンクに注水し、意図的に右舷側にVLCCを傾斜させ、損傷貨物タンク内の原油水位を下げる措置を取ったとされる。
 これらの措置にも拘らず、Jasprit Chawla船長とSyam Chetan先任航海士は、損傷貨物タンクからの約10,500トンの原油漏出に対し、十¥分な措置を取らなかったとして 韓国の司法機関により告発された。










TOTAL: 9601

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 추천
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1640 ε(*"д")^o 물고기 함대 모여라― くぷ 2009-03-26 1177 0
1639 일본은 어떤 반찬을 즐깁니까? kisingurami 2009-03-26 919 0
1638 엔코리히스트리판최강 최악의 털기의....... syarala 2009-03-26 1329 0
1637 【부활?】주간 모닝 총독부【오늘만?....... tera1967 2009-03-26 887 0
1636 잘 모르는, 나 3번째이니까 Tiger_VII 2009-03-26 1558 0
1635 ( *H*) y-~~오늘의 점심 kimuraお兄さん 2009-03-26 937 0
1634 【사이비】 함정 2 【수학판】 董젯 2009-03-26 996 0
1633 이상한 대회 방식으로 최대의 수혜자 ....... hitkot 2009-03-26 1485 0
1632 【홍콩 해사국】태안바다 원유 유출 ....... あべる 2009-03-26 4555 0
1631 미야자키의 힘 gamojin 2009-03-26 1384 0
1630 마루야마 마코토남 「어두운 시대의 ....... 伊藤さん 2009-03-26 976 0
1629 ε(*"д")^o 매등 안녕히 주무세요! くぷ 2009-03-25 642 0
1628 대사이타마 제국과 장 파의 y=-( ˚д˚)....... hana3210 2009-03-26 1616 0
1627 ( ^д^)<이 게시판에는 w farid 2009-03-25 763 0
1626 불| ′8`) <라스트 망명 ED anago 2009-03-25 724 0
1625 어제의 저녁 식사 gamojin 2009-03-25 1060 0
1624 ε(*"д")^o 의씨 노력하는 くぷ 2009-03-25 946 0
1623 저녁 반주 없는의( ′H`) y-~~ ジョン_ 2009-03-25 1126 0
1622 기분탓일까? syarala 2009-03-25 1142 0