
The protagonist is an old fisherman named San Diego, and the supporting role is a child named Manorin. The old fisherman with wind candles didn"t catch a fish for 84 days, but he still refused to admit defeat. Instead, he was full of the spirit of struggle and finally caught an 18-foot-long body weighing 1,500 on the 85th day Hundred pounds of marlin fish.

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The Old Man and the Sea

The protagonist is an old fisherman named San Diego, and the supporting role is a child named Manorin. The old fisherman with wind candles didn"t catch a fish for 84 days, but he still refused to admit defeat. Instead, he was full of the spirit of struggle and finally caught an 18-foot-long body weighing 1,500 on the 85th day Hundred pounds of marlin fish.

virtual phone system service

TOTAL: 28124

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
27284 韓国史は今はどうなっていますか。 (13) sumatera 2021-06-14 761 0
27283 汚すぎる韓国のツナ缶工場 (6) JAPAV57 2021-06-14 818 2
27282 韓国の 500ウォン ,日本の 500円 (14) namgaya33 2021-06-14 926 0
27281 σ<`∀´; >典型的な、日本人体形で....... (3) memon2 2021-06-12 1023 0
27280 500ウォン小銭の真実 (18) relax 2021-06-12 952 0
27279 中国がパロディーした G7の動物諷刺....... (10) dukefreed 2021-06-10 796 0
27278 韓国に金をよこせニダ (6) 千鳥足101 2021-06-08 996 1
27277 The Old Man and the Sea (8) carllance 2021-06-07 796 0
27276 我が国確かな弱小国迎えるんですか? ....... (11) dukefreed 2021-06-06 775 1
27275 日本とひとしきり戦争 (12) kimuraz 2021-06-04 701 0
27274 .bestsitesolutions (5) heling 2021-06-02 696 0
27273 口蹄疫のような群馬大卒 (11) 犬鍋屋ん 2021-06-02 806 0
27272 青い影 (9) Dartagnan 2021-06-01 991 1
27271 年収やっと4800万円超えました^^....... (2) wiredrnner712 2021-06-01 722 0
27270 最初に韓国適正人口は 2‾3千だけで....... (4) kimuraz 2021-06-01 723 5
27269 徴用工像は日本人!慰安婦像作家敗....... (3) JAPAV57 2021-06-01 656 1
27268 犬鍋屋ん←いつまでも群馬!群馬!....... (4) DDBB 2021-05-31 547 0
27267 俺の虫籠リスト♪除去リスト♪非表....... (2) oomononoushi 2021-05-31 576 0
27266 犬鍋屋ん←とっくに消えた群馬大学....... (2) oomononoushi 2021-05-31 567 0
27265 犬鍋屋ん←喧嘩弱いくせにインター....... (2) bibimabp 2021-05-31 497 0