
Sydney (reuters) - australia"s coronavirus hotspot of victoria pronounced on monday a steady downward trend in daily coronavirus cases, putting the kingdom on path to ease greater restrictions by means of subsequent week.

The two-week common upward push in instances in melbourne, the nation capital, dropped under 35 on monday, on the right track to meet a target of under 50 cases by way of sept. 28 when the government have stated they"ll relax restrictions inside the city.

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Australia"s victoria reviews consistent downward trend in COVID-19 cases

Sydney (reuters) - australia"s coronavirus hotspot of victoria pronounced on monday a steady downward trend in daily coronavirus cases, putting the kingdom on path to ease greater restrictions by means of subsequent week.

The two-week common upward push in instances in melbourne, the nation capital, dropped under 35 on monday, on the right track to meet a target of under 50 cases by way of sept. 28 when the government have stated they"ll relax restrictions inside the city.

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TOTAL: 28138

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
26638 ちょっと、びっくりした。 (1) tanaka有 2020-10-13 577 1
26637 生きていれば、いいことあるさ!!!!!!!!....... 朝鮮banana 2020-10-13 460 0
26636 居酒屋のテイクアウト (5) nippon1 2020-10-13 400 1
26635 人妻のチャイナ服の写真 (18) Dartagnan 2020-10-13 668 0
26634 韓国政府がベトナム虐殺を否定、賠....... JAPAV57 2020-10-12 427 0
26633 Australia"s victoria reviews consistent downward t....... jackfitt 2020-10-12 360 0
26632 クズ男がモテる理由!他 (11) nnemon2 2020-10-12 3331 1
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26625 スケベnaかすもちに恋をしてみました....... (2) ViaVeneto 2020-10-11 419 1
26624 やみくも (8) gucyagucya 2020-10-10 964 1
26623 雨の週末 (5) nippon1 2020-10-10 380 1
26622 LOST IN PARADISE mirror1 2020-10-10 285 0
26621 女性が○○○たくなる男性の特徴他....... (5) nnemon2 2020-10-10 1510 0
26620 年俸 3600万ウォン(333,0000円)のパルン....... (1) mettandt 2020-10-10 312 0
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