
BF3にスパイウェアが組み込まれてることが 判明 世界中のAmazonレビューで大炎上中

・BF3をプレイする時に経由するOriginには、スパイウェ アが組み込まれている。 ・Originをインストールする時に出るEAへの同意書に は、「ユーザーのPC上で見つけることができるあらゆる 情報を収集し、 それがEAに送信することに同意する。」という条項が 入っている。(既にドイツでは同国の法律に違反すると して弁護士による調査が依頼されている) ・Originを起動する度にPC上のプログラムやファイルに 対し検索を掛け、またネットの閲覧履歴などをEA側に送 信している。

spyware, stay away the game itself is indeed broken (as many others have stated); as it is, it is barely playable. the web-based server browser is a joke, the lag horrendous, and there are so many bugs and missing features that design errors (such as replacing BF2"s simple but usable minimap with a confusingly designed new version) seem almost trivial in comparison.

even if this were a worthy successor to BF2 though, i must warn you not to but it: it requires you to install EA"s “origin” program in order to play. origin is a spyware program that collects all the data it can off your PC, including personal information and information about the software you use. the state of north-rhine westphalia in germany has already launched an investigation into this, as it is a clear violation of german privacy laws. it is not possible to play BF3 without installing and using origin first, so be aware of that.

ドイツAmazon http://livedoor.2.blogimg.jp/otsu_naru_mono/imgs/9/9/99282e2f.jpg http://www.amazon.de/EA-Battlefield-3-Limited-Edition/dp/B004M17DVM/

イギリスAmazon http://livedoor.2.blogimg.jp/otsu_naru_mono/imgs/0/a/0a4dd136.jpg http://www.amazon.co.uk/Battlefield-3-Limited-PC-DVD/dp/B004MKM958/

北米Amazon http://livedoor.2.blogimg.jp/otsu_naru_mono/imgs/6/0/60e6b742.jpg http://www.amazon.com/Battlefield-3-Pc/dp/B002I0HJZO/


BF3가 ……

BF3에 스파이 웨어가 짜넣어지고 있는 일이 판명 온 세상의 Amazon 리뷰로 대염상중

·BF3를 플레이 할 때에 경유하는 Origin에는, 스파이 웨어가 짜넣어지고 있다. ·Origin를 인스톨 할 때에 나오는 EA에의 동의서에는, 「유저의 PC상에서 찾아낼 수 있는 모든 정보를 수집해, 그것이 EA에 송신하는 것에 동의 한다.」라고 하는 조항이 들어가 있다.(이미 독일에서는 동국의 법률에 위반한다고 하여 변호사에 의한 조사가 의뢰받고 있다)·Origin를 기동할 때마다 PC상의 프로그램이나 파일에 대해 검색을 걸어 또 넷의 열람 이력등을 EA측에 송신하고 있다.

spyware, stay away the game itself is indeed broken (as many others have stated); as it is, it is barely playable. the web-based server browser is a joke, the lag horrendous, and there are so many bugs and missing features that design errors (such as replacing BF2"s simple but usable minimap with a confusingly designed new version) seem almost trivial in comparison.

even if this were a worthy successor to BF2 though, i must warn you not to but it: it requires you to install EA"s "origin" program in order to play. origin is a spyware program that collects all the data it can off your PC, including personal information and information about the software you use. the state of north-rhine westphalia in germany has already launched an investigation into this, as it is a clear violation of german privacy laws. it is not possible to play BF3 without installing and using origin first, so be aware of that.

독일 Amazon http://livedoor.2.blogimg.jp/otsu_naru_mono/imgs/9/9/99282e2f.jpg http://www.amazon.de/EA-Battlefield-3-Limited-Edition/dp/B004M17DVM/

영국 Amazon http://livedoor.2.blogimg.jp/otsu_naru_mono/imgs/0/a/0a4dd136.jpg http://www.amazon.co.uk/Battlefield-3-Limited-PC-DVD/dp/B004MKM958/

북미 Amazon http://livedoor.2.blogimg.jp/otsu_naru_mono/imgs/6/0/60e6b742.jpg http://www.amazon.com/Battlefield-3-Pc/dp/B002I0HJZO/

안된다……마녀화할 것 같다

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