
Yeah, it"s been quite a few years since I saw some of the first demos inside Microsoft Research where people would have a couple of electrical sensors on their skull, in order to detect enough brain wave functionality to do simple things like turn a light switch on and off reliably. And again, these are not invasive techniques.







마이크로소후트에 의한 인류 그레이스·밀가루-화 계획?

Yeah, it"s been quite a few years since I saw some of the first demos inside Microsoft Research where people would have a couple of electrical sensors on their skull, in order to detect enough brain wave functionality to do simple things like turn a light switch on and off reliably. And again, these are not invasive techniques.




뇌파로 컨트롤 하는 소후트웨아가 발전하면,그 중에서 그레이스·밀가루-의 이식도 실현 가능에?




TOTAL: 7891

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