

— 日本の安倍晋三首相の肖像の首を切り落としている。

Michael Yon 2015.4.2





 カリフォルニアにあるそのグループはKAFC(Korean American Forum of California)と呼ばれる。像を見にグレンデールを訪れたとき、KAFCのPhyllis Kimが、日本共産党員を引き連れてツアーをやっていた。私は丁度そこでビデオを撮っていた。



 米国の連中は中国系のグループGlobal Alliance(世界抗日戦争史実維護連合会)がバックについている。Global Allianceは馬鹿馬鹿しい本”Rape of Nanking”を支持したが、著者のIris Changは銃で自殺した。彼女は自分が言った嘘にいたたまれなくなったのだろう。彼女は今、平穏かもしれない。しかし彼女は生きているときにこの世界に憎しみをもたらしたのだ。最初は慰安婦像、次は犬の首を切り落とす。やがて米国のために努力してくれている多くの平和な日本市民に暴力を及ぼすようになるだろう。







寄付の受付 http://michaelyonjp.blogspot.jp/2015/03/blog-post.html

Koreans Behaving like ISIS—beheading effigy of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
PM Abe is a staunch ally of the United States. He will speak before our Congress this month.
Notice that on the right side of the screen shot (from the video) is the little golden “Comfort Women” statue. Korean and Chinese communists are building these statues in various countries.
Currently they are trying to build a statue in Burnaby, Canada. The good citizens of Burnaby must ask themselves if they want a statue built in their town that is funded by people who beheaded Japanese Akita dogs in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul.
Yes, that is right. They took Japanese Akita dogs and cut off their heads. These are the people supporting these comfort women statues. They call them “monuments to peace.”
The Koreans and Chinese communists in Glendale, California who erected that ridiculous statue by the library (I went there to see it) have brought only problems to Glendale.
The group in California is called KAFC—Korean American Forum of California. When I visited the statue in Glendale, Phyllis Kim from KAFC was running a tour for Japanese communists. I was right there making video.
Currently, related people are also are trying to erect a comfort women statue in Strathford, Australia. This is already causing racial frictions in Strathford, a town that is known for its racial tranquility.
I plan to go to Strathford myself to talk with any officials who will listen and to explain who these people are. They will bring hatred to Strathford. And lock up your Japanese bred dogs.
To say again: the people erecting these statues are Korean and Chinese communists, along with heavy support from Japanese communists.
Those in the US are backed by a Chinese group called Global Alliance. Global Alliance backed the ridiculous book “Rape of Nanking” but Iris Chang who later shot herself to death. Maybe should could not live with all of the lies she told. May she rest in peace now, but she brought hatred to the world while she was alive.
The communists have been trying to erect a statue in Fullerton, California. A small team and I travelled to the area months ago to inform local thought leaders that this is a bad idea.
First comes the comfort women statues, then comes the beheaded dogs, and possibly violence towards peaceful Japanese citizens, many of whom fought for the United States.
These actions are linked to a larger information war that is trying to shut down our military in Japan, and they are trying to split us from Japan. The highest puppet masters are in Beijing.
These statues with their bloody fingerprints should be ripped from the ground and hauled to a dump and buried.
Good Chinese and Koreans should stand up to the communists in their midst. Ultimately this will bring trouble to innocent Chinese and Koreans.
In the video at the link, Korean communists play like ISIS as they behead an effigy of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
Please watch the video:

미국인 「ISIS와 한국인은 같다」

ISIS와 같이 행동하는 한국인

— 일본의 아베 신조 수상의 초상을 파면해 떨어뜨리고 있다.

Michael Yon 2015.4.2

 아베 수상은 미국의 성실한 친구다.이번 달, 그는 우리의 의원의 앞에서 스피치를 한다.screen shot(비디오로부터)의 우측에 있는 것은 작은 돈의”위안부”상이다.한국과 중국의 공산주의자는 여러가지 나라에서 위안부상을 세우고 있다.

 지금, 그들은 캐나다의 바나비에 세우려 하고 있다.바나비의 좋은 시민들이야, 서울의 일본 대사관의 앞에서 일본의 일본개의 초가 채 안되어 떨어뜨리는 배에 의해서 지어지려 하고 있는 이 상이, 과연 당신들의 거리에 필요한가 어떤지 생각해 보면 좋겠다.

 그래, 그것은 확실하다.그들은 일본개를 데리고 와서 파면해 떨어뜨렸다.그들은 위안부상을 세우려 하고 있다.”평화를 위한 기념비”라고 해.

 캘리포니아, 그렌데이르의 한국과 중국의 공산주의자는 도서관의 근처에 그 어처구니없는 상을 세웠다(보러 갔던 적이 있다).그것은 결국, 문제만 을 가져왔다.

 캘리포니아에 있는 그 그룹은 KAFC(Korean American Forum ofCalifornia)로 불린다.상을 봐에 그렌데이르를 방문했을 때, KAFC의 Phyllis Kim가, 일본 공산당원을 거느리고 투어를 하고 있었다.나는 꼭 거기서 비디오를 찍고 있었다.

 지금, 관계하는 사람들이 오스트레일리아의 파업 라스 포드에 위안부상을 세우려 하고 있다.인종 사이의 충돌 등 없는 평화로운 거리로서 알려져 있던 파업 라스 포드에 인종 사이의 알력을 가져왔다.

 이번, 파업 라스 포드에 갈 계획을 세우고 있다.거기서 이야기를 들어 주는 공무원을 잡고 상을 세우려 하고 있는 그들이 어떤 사람들인가 이야기해 올 생각이다.상은 파업 라스 포드에 미움을 가져온다.자택의 일본개를 제대로 연결해 두도록(듯이)와 어드바이스 한다.한번 더 말하는:그 상을 세우려 하고 있는 것은 한국과 중국의 공산주의자다.일본의 공산주의자의 강한 후원도 있다.

 미국의 무리는 중국계의 그룹 Global Alliance(세계 항일 전쟁 사실유호연합회)가 가방에 붙어 있다.Global Alliance는 어처구니없는 본”Rape of Nanking”를 지지했지만, 저자의 IrisChang는 총으로 자살했다.그녀는 자신이 말한 거짓말에 견딜 수 없게 되었을 것이다.그녀는 지금, 평온일지도 모른다.그러나 그녀는 살아 있을 때 이 세계에 미움을 가져왔던 것이다.처음은 위안부상, 다음은 개를 파면해 떨어뜨린다.이윽고 미국을 위해서 노력해 주고 있는 많은 평화로운 일본 시민에게 폭력을 미치게 될 것이다.

 이것들은 일본에서의 미군 기지의 활동을 정지시켜, 일본과 미국과의 동맹 관계를 나누는 것을 목적으로 한, 보다 큰 정보 전쟁에 관련이 있다.흑막의 인형사는 북경이다.

 그들의 피투성이의 지문이 찰싹 붙은 위안부상은 지면으로부터 인개 뽑아, 쓰레기 버리는 곳까지 이끌고 가 묻어 버려라.

 선량한 중국인과 한국인은, 자국의 교우 공산주의자의 무리에 대해서 저항해야 한다.그 중 무실의 중국인과 한국인에도 트러블을 가져올 것이다.

 링크의 비디오에서는, 한국인의 공산주의자가 ISIS와 같이 아베 신조 수상의 초상의 목을 잘라 떨어뜨리고 있다.

비디오를 봐 줘.


기부의 접수 http://michaelyonjp.blogspot.jp/2015/03/blog-post.html

Koreans Behaving like ISIS -- beheading effigy of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
PM Abe is a staunch ally of the United States. He will speak before our Congress this month.
Notice that on the right side of the screen shot (from the video) is the little golden "Comfort Women" statue. Korean and Chinese communists are building these statues in various countries.
Currently they are trying to build a statue in Burnaby, Canada. The good citizens of Burnaby must ask themselves if they want a statue built in their town that is funded by people who beheaded Japanese Akita dogs in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul.
Yes, that is right. They took Japanese Akita dogs and cut off their heads. These are the people supporting these comfort women statues. They call them "monuments to peace."
The Koreans and Chinese communists in Glendale, California who erected that ridiculous statue by the library (I went there to see it) have brought only problems to Glendale.
The group in California is called KAFC -- Korean American Forum of California. When I visited the statue in Glendale, Phyllis Kim from KAFC was running a tour for Japanese communists. I was right there making video.
Currently, related people are also are trying to erect a comfort women statue in Strathford, Australia. This is already causing racial frictions in Strathford, a town that is known for its racial tranquility.
I plan to go to Strathford myself to talk with any officials who will listen and to explain who these people are. They will bring hatred to Strathford. And lock up your Japanese bred dogs.
To say again: the people erecting these statues are Korean and Chinese communists, along with heavy support from Japanese communists.
Those in the US are backed by a Chinese group called Global Alliance. Global Alliance backed the ridiculous book "Rape of Nanking" but Iris Chang who later shot herself to death. Maybe should could not live with all of the lies she told. May she rest in peace now, but she brought hatred to the world while she was alive.
The communists have been trying to erect a statue in Fullerton, California. A small team and I travelled to the area months ago to inform local thought leaders that this is a bad idea.
First comes the comfort women statues, then comes the beheaded dogs, and possibly violence towards peaceful Japanese citizens, many of whom fought for the United States.
These actions are linked to a larger information war that is trying to shut down our military in Japan, and they are trying to split us from Japan. The highest puppet masters are in Beijing.
These statues with their bloody fingerprints should be ripped from the ground and hauled to a dump and buried.
Good Chinese and Koreans should stand up to the communists in their midst. Ultimately this will bring trouble to innocent Chinese and Koreans.
In the video at the link, Korean communists play like ISIS as they behead an effigy of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
Please watch the video:

TOTAL: 24356

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