


Siemens, Alstom cooperating with Brazilian antitrust probe

FRANKFURT, July 15 | Mon Jul 15, 2013 5:52am EDT



(Reuters) - European engineering firms Siemens and Alstom are cooperating with Brazilian authorities investigating anti-competitive practices in relation to a major rail tender, the companies said on Monday.


Brazilian newspaper Folha de S.Paulo reported on Sunday, citing no sources, that Germany¥“s Siemens had notified Brazilian antitrust authorities of the existence of a cartel, in which it took part, related to bidding for the purchase of railway equipment and the construction and maintenance of railway lines.


Folha said the cartel included France¥“s Alstom, Canada¥“s Bombardier, Spain¥“s CAF and Japan¥“s Mitsui , the leading candidates to win a contract for a high-speed train between Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.




韓国だけ正直に談合行為に参加しなかった. これでブラジル高速鉄道事業は韓国受注に非常に有利になった.

브라질, 일본,프랑스,독일업체 담합행위 적발



Siemens, Alstom cooperating with Brazilian antitrust probe

FRANKFURT, July 15 | Mon Jul 15, 2013 5:52am EDT


(Reuters) - European engineering firms Siemens and Alstom are cooperating with Brazilian authorities investigating anti-competitive practices in relation to a major rail tender, the companies said on Monday.


Brazilian newspaper Folha de S.Paulo reported on Sunday, citing no sources, that Germany"s Siemens had notified Brazilian antitrust authorities of the existence of a cartel, in which it took part, related to bidding for the purchase of railway equipment and the construction and maintenance of railway lines.


Folha said the cartel included France"s Alstom, Canada"s Bombardier, Spain"s CAF and Japan"s Mitsui , the leading candidates to win a contract for a high-speed train between Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.




한국만 정직하게 담합행위에 참여하지 않았다. 이것으로 브라질 고속철도 사업은 한국수주에 매우 유리해졌다.

TOTAL: 5159

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