
Hi,Im Seiya Asano,

Do you know Flash Mob?
Look at the url below for a description&video of Flash Mob!



I’m planning to the flash mob in Tenjin.

It’s not a flash mob Usually.
Professional dancer,amateur,
Anyone is welcome!There is no border in the music and dance!
I want to configure a variety of members.

The dance and music, has the power to unite them.
A thing necessary for this is only a your motivation!
Why don’t you join us?
Let’s liven up Fukuoka!

Give me a message if interested even a little:)


Do you like Music&Dance?

Hi,Im Seiya Asano,

Do you know Flash Mob?
Look at the url below for a description&video of Flash Mob!



I’m planning to the flash mob in Tenjin.

It’s not a flash mob Usually.
Professional dancer,amateur,
Anyone is welcome!There is no border in the music and dance!
I want to configure a variety of members.

The dance and music, has the power to unite them.
A thing necessary for this is only a your motivation!
Why don’t you join us?
Let’s liven up Fukuoka!

Give me a message if interested even a little:)


TOTAL: 978

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
878 こんにちは‾はじめまして‾ (1) jjw233 2015-01-03 3392 0
877 私も日本語がすごくお上手になりた....... (1) haeru 2014-11-25 3546 0
876 ^^ (1) rikidozan82 2014-10-13 2343 0
875 12日 ‾ 16日福岡へ行きます. (1) Tohmas 2014-10-11 2723 0
874 友逹を探します! (1) EEBear 2014-10-02 2337 0
873 9月 25日に福岡へ行きます. (1) Kohee 2014-09-22 2427 0
872 ライン友達大丈夫ですか? (1) Choizak 2014-09-12 2200 0
871 日本人の友だちが欲しいです。 (1) woonusub 2014-09-06 2473 0
870 Do you like Music&Dance? (1) ポラマル 2014-08-13 3618 0
869 対馬 人を探しています。 (1) Kohee 2014-05-15 2473 0
868 はじめまして (1) ちーかまかま 2014-05-13 3630 0
867 여긴 어디일까요 Where am I? (1) Kohee 2014-05-09 3399 0
866 처음 가입했습니다. どうぞよろしく....... (1) Kohee 2014-05-08 2644 0
865 長崎で! (1) まんちぇ 2014-04-29 2588 0
864 福岡で話そっ(^▽^) (1) 化学 2014-04-11 2702 0
863 平成26年度 内閣府青年国際交流事業....... のぐとも 2014-03-14 2532 0
862 SNSDすきです! みんと7 2014-03-11 1724 0
861 re:日本人友達を探します^^�� taku8 2014-03-09 2503 0
860 re:子供の韓国語を教えて欲しいです....... koreanjapanese 2014-02-25 3393 0
859 子供の韓国語を教えて欲しいです! soyon 2014-02-16 2482 0