
I wanna make friends w/ Korean univ or gradiate school students who can speak Japanese or English. I am senior in undergrad. I like cultural exchange so much. Many Korean students study at my univ and I visited some Korean univ in Seoul last Feb. I am learning Korean and wanna talk w/ you in Korean before long. If you are interested, please send e-mail to b2232s1224@msn.com w/ your introduction. Thanks

대학생 & 대학원학생

I wanna make friends w/ Korean univ or gradiate school students who can speak Japanese or English. I am senior in undergrad. I like cultural exchange so much. Many Korean students study at my univ and I visited some Korean univ in Seoul last Feb. I am learning Korean and wanna talk w/ you in Korean before long. If you are interested, please send e-mail to b2232s1224@msn.com w/ your introduction. Thanks

TOTAL: 4427

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
4167 language exchange Serens 2006-09-24 4788 0
4166 こんにちは JJ 2006-09-19 4755 0
4165 今日のゾッウンマル 다이모노 2006-09-08 4715 0
4164 文は初め RYU 2006-09-04 4572 0
4163 今度週末に時間される方々は見てく....... 다이모노 2006-08-15 5395 0
4162 今日の良いね 다이모노 2006-07-23 4982 0
4161 今日の良いね. 다이모노 2006-07-22 4339 0
4160 今日の良いね 다이모노 2006-07-21 4527 0
4159 今日の良いね 다이모노 2006-07-21 4462 0
4158 今日の良いね. 다이모노 2006-07-17 4350 0
4157 今日の良いね.. 다이모노 2006-07-16 4101 0
4156 今日の良い文.. 다이모노 2006-07-15 3940 0
4155 今日の良いね...!! 다이모노 2006-07-12 4103 0
4154 대학생 & 대학원....... Yoshitake 2006-06-28 4223 0
4153 日本の友達を捜します 슈짱 2006-06-28 3775 0
4152 心理テスト ashlies 2006-06-12 2657 0
4151 来週に.. 時間される方..!!(手を上げて....... 다이모노 2006-06-10 3880 0
4150 ハハこんにちは加入あいさつ‾‾ xvxv12 2006-06-09 3462 0
4149 スタディを始めようと思います..!!(意....... 다이모노 2006-06-06 3391 0
4148 ^^ みんなうまく行きましたか?(光州部....... 다이모노 2006-06-03 3546 0