


詫び・寂び (wabi-sabi)












Wabi and Sabi


Every year, I ask my college students to define the terms wabi and sabi. In answering, a few copy the definition in the dictionary, which in fact, is only half right. Very often, I get the answer that wabi and sabi are emotions and feelings the only the Japanese can understand. Think about that answer! It implies that the Japanese can think in only one way. This certainly isn"t true!

 私は毎年、学生に「わびさび」という言葉の意味を書いてくるよう宿題を出します。数人は辞書に書いてある定義をそのまま写ししたものを提出しますが、そ れはせいぜい、この概念について半分しか語っていません。最も多い回答は、”わびさびとは、日本人だけが理解することができる感覚である”というもので す。 皆さん、どう思われますか。これはつまり、”日本人は一人残らずみな同じように感じる”と言っているのです。とんでもない誤りです。

The Japanese are clever and intelligent people and their way of thinking is varied and suitable to their culture. In fact, wabi meant, many years ago, to become weak and weary. This meaning came from the word wabu. Wabishi, the adjective, meant, to be lonely and without comfort. In those days, the physical and mental pain of the people was widespread and constant. Every day, people felt lonely and comfortless and could do little to help themselves.

日本人は知性溢れる優れた民族ですから、その考え方はもっと多様でしょうし、日本文化に根ざしたものであるはずです。 わびは「わぶ」という言葉に語源を持ち、つらくて精も根も尽き果てたという意味で使われていました。 形容詞の「わびしい」は、孤独で、すがるもののない状態を指しました。当時の人々の生活は孤独感にさいなまれ、助けてくれるものもなく、逃れることのできない精神的、肉体的な苦痛に満ちていたのです。

Then, in the Kamakura Era (1185 - 1333) and in the Muromachi Era (1336 - 1573), literary people tried to change the bad feelings of wabi into good ideas of life. Wabi was developed into the positive thought that poverty, loneliness and the absence of beauty led to freedom from material and emotional worries. This idea became the central concept of the tea ceremony and of certain philosophical works. These new thoughts were especially accepted by tea ceremony masters, such as Murata Shuko (1422 - 1502), Takeno Joo (1504 - 1555) and Sen no Rikyu (1522 - 1591). They pointed out the richness to be found in poverty and the beauty to be found in simple things.

鎌倉時代(1185〜1333)、室町時代(1336〜1568)になると、この「わび」は文学者たちの手により、貧困、孤独、美が欠如した状態を通した 物欲や苦悩からの解放という、肯定的な意味合いを持つ語に変わりました。そして、この発想は茶道や、哲学の中核を成す概念となっていきます。村田珠光 (1502没)や武野紹鴎(1504〜1555)、千利休(1522〜1591)といった人達は、貧しさの中の豊かさ、質素なものの中に潜む美を発見し、 世に紹介しました。

Of course other people are able to understand the same feelings and enjoy them. My own family was very poor and we found that some of the experiences we had, and the foods we ate, were really wonderful. I am sorry other people were prevented by their excess money from having the same kinds of pleasures. Even today, I feel nostalgia for the “Good Old Days.” Let"s keep open minds about such cultural thoughts. Basic ideas may vary a little, from culture to culture, but people are really very much the same all over the world.

これは、日本人のみならず、世界中の人が共有できる感覚です。私はとても貧しい家庭で育ちましたが、家族と過ごした時間、我が家だけの食事は掛け替えのない素晴らしいものでした。 物やお金に困らない生活を送り、心を忘れてしまった人を見るととても気の毒です。 私は今でもこの「古き良き時代」を懐かしく思い出します。 こうした文化的な思想に私たちは常に耳を傾けるべきです。世界中で、文化により考え方は多少異なっても、人間はみんな同じです。

Sabi is somewhat similar to wabi, but there are a few important differences. Like wabi, long ago, sabi meant to wane, to be lonely, or to experience desolation. At times it meant, “chill beauty.” However, the concept of modern sabi has to do with seeing real beauty in age, and finding peace and happiness in the facts that life continues and things and people do grow old.

「さび」には「わび」と似たところもありますが、いくつかの点で大きく異なります。 その昔、さびもわび同様に衰えや孤独、断絶を形容する言葉でした。そしてときとして冷めた美しさを意味することもあったようです。 しかし、現在では、古さの中にこそ真の美が存在する、また生命は絶え間なく続き、万物はいつか古くなるという事実を認めることで平穏や幸福を得る、という思想を表します。

Sabi helps us be observant of the beauty in age. Antiques are beautiful to us, partly because their age gives them a certain patina, or glow, that is missing in new things. Antiques are treasured in all countries of the world. Family relics and household goods stay in families for years and gain respect and value as time goes by. The ideas of the appreciation of the loveliness of age must be universal. In addition, of course, just as we appreciate the beauty of old things, we can also value the beauty of an old person, who has experienced life, with its joys and troubles.

さびの精神」によって、私たちは古いものの持つ美を鑑賞することができます。骨董品は、古さが生み出す新しいものにはない独特の色とつやを持っており、これを美しいと感じるのです。世界中どこでも、 各家庭には何年も前の古い物があり、時が経つにつれてその価値は増していきます。古いものを慈しむ心は万国共通なのです。そして、古さが魅力となるのは物だけではありません。酸いも甘いもかみ分けた老人の持つ枯れた美しさもまた魅力的です。

The old Japanese masters created new meanings for painful feelings all people experienced, but found it hard to remedy. These new values added something warm and comforting to the the trials that afflicted all Japanese in the old days. Today, many people have forgotten the old meanings of wabi and sabi. Many people don"t understand the new meanings of these words either. It might be difficult to find synonyms in other languages for wabi and sabi, but the feelings can be described in very lovely terms.

昔の日本の職人は、人々が感じていた、なすすべのないさまざまな苦痛に新たな解釈を与え、それによって庶民は安らぎを得ることができたのです。 今日では、わびさびという言葉の元の意味も新たな意味も知らない人が多くいます。外国語にはわびさびに相当する言葉はないかもしれませんが、彼らにも理解することは可能なはずです。

We think of the softness of the skin of old people as a mark of those who have experienced the trials of life. Who made my old netsuke, and how much time did he or she take to carve it? Did the artist love the work? I love it!


I often used to go into the woods to get away from the modern world and experience peace in the quiet wilderness. I would seek out lonely rocks and rushing mountain streams where the winds that blew recognized no human. In places like these, I knew for certain that I was nothing! At the same time I saw the beauty of nature and of life itself. Wabi and sabi do exist. I have experienced them. They are associated with Buddhist thought, but educated people all over the world understand them, too!

以前、私は日常から離れ自然の静寂の中で心の平穏を取り戻そうと、よく森へ出掛けました。そして、ひっそりと佇む岩や、谷川の急な流れを見つけ、ただ風に 吹かれるまま過ごしました。そうした場所にいるとき、私は自分がいかに小さな存在であるかを知り、同時に自然と生命そのものの持つ美を実感することができ たのです。 「わびさび」は確かに私たちの中に存在しています。これは仏教の教えに基づくものですが、世界のすべての人が理解できるはずです。

일본의 미의식

일본의 미의식

「궁핍함 안의 풍부함, 검소하지만 안에 잠복하는 미」

사과해・옛스러운 멋이 나 (wabi-sabi)

34년간에 걸쳐 일본의 문화를 연구한 미국인월터 J한 프리씨의 에세이

Wabi and Sabi

사죄 녹

Every year, I ask my college students to define the terms wabi and sabi. In answering, a few copy the definition in the dictionary, which in fact, is only half right. Very often, I get the answer that wabi and sabi are emotions and feelings the only the Japanese can understand. Think about that answer! It implies that the Japanese can think in only one way. This certainly isn"t true!

 나는 매년, 학생에게「사죄 녹」라는 말의 의미를 써 오도록(듯이) 숙제를 냅니다.몇사람은 사전에 써 있는 정의를 그대로 찍은 것 를 제출합니다만, 는 겨우, 이 개념에 대하고 반 밖에 말하고 있지 않습니다.가장 많은 회답은,"사죄해 녹과는, 일본인만이 이해할 수 있는 감각인"이라는 것으로 . 여러분, 어떻게 생각됩니까.이것은 즉,"일본인은 한 명 남김없이 모두 똑같이 느끼는"이라고 말합니다.터무니 없는 잘못입니다.

The Japanese are clever and intelligent people and their way of thinking is varied and suitable to their culture. In fact, wabi meant, many years ago, to become weak and weary. This meaning came from the word wabu. Wabishi, the adjective, meant, to be lonely and without comfort. In those days, the physical and mental pain of the people was widespread and constant. Every day, people felt lonely and comfortless and could do little to help themselves.

일본인은 지성 흘러넘치는 뛰어난 민족이기 때문에, 그 생각은 더 다양하겠지요 해, 일본 문화에 기인한 것일 것입니다. 사죄는「」라는 말에 어원을 가져, 괴로워서 정령도 뿌리도 다했다고 하는 의미로 사용되고 있었습니다. 형용사의「쓸쓸한」는, 고독하고, 매달리지만 않는 상태를 가리켰습니다.당시의 사람들의 생활은 고독감에 괴롭혀져 도와 주는 것도 없고, 피할 수 없는 정신적, 육체적인 고통으로 가득 차 있었습니다.

Then, in the Kamakura Era (1185 - 1333) and in the Muromachi Era (1336 - 1573), literary people tried to change the bad feelings of wabi into good ideas of life. Wabi was developed into the positive thought that poverty, loneliness and the absence of beauty led to freedom from material and emotional worries. This idea became the central concept of the tea ceremony and of certain philosophical works. These new thoughts were especially accepted by tea ceremony masters, such as Murata Shuko (1422 - 1502), Takeno Joo (1504 - 1555) and Sen no Rikyu (1522 - 1591). They pointed out the richness to be found in poverty and the beauty to be found in simple things.

가마쿠라 시대(1185〜1333), 무로마치 시대(1336〜1568)가 되면, 이「사죄」는 문학자들의 손에 의해, 빈곤, 고독, 미가 결여 한 상태를 통했다 물욕이나 고뇌로부터의 해방이라고 하는, 긍정적인 의미를 가지는 말로 바뀌었습니다.그리고, 이 발상은 다도나, 철학의 핵심을 이루는 개념이 되어서 갑니다.무라타 주코 (1502몰)(이)나 다케노 조오(1504〜1555), 센리큐우(1522〜1591)라고 하는 사람들은, 궁핍함 안의 풍부함, 검소하지만 안에 잠복하는 미를 발견해, 세상에 소개했습니다.

Of course other people are able to understand the same feelings and enjoy them. My own family was very poor and we found that some of the experiences we had, and the foods we ate, were really wonderful. I am sorry other people were prevented by their excess money from having the same kinds of pleasures. Even today, I feel nostalgia for the "Good Old Days." Let"s keep open minds about such cultural thoughts. Basic ideas may vary a little, from culture to culture, but people are really very much the same all over the world.

이것은, 일본인 뿐만 아니라, 온 세상의 사람이 공유할 수 있는 감각입니다.나는 매우 궁핍한 가정에서 자랐습니다만, 가족과 보낸 시간, 우리 집만의 식사는 둘도 없는 훌륭한 것이었습니다. 물건이나 돈이 부족하지 않는 생활을 보내, 마음을 잊어 버린 사람을 보면 매우 안됐습니다. 나는 지금도 이「옛것이 좋은 시대」를 그립게 생각해 냅니다. 이러한 문화적인 사상에 우리는 항상 귀를 기울여야 합니다.온 세상에서, 문화에 의해 생각은 다소 달라도, 인간은 모두 같습니다.

Sabi is somewhat similar to wabi, but there are a few important differences. Like wabi, long ago, sabi meant to wane, to be lonely, or to experience desolation. At times it meant, "chill beauty." However, the concept of modern sabi has to do with seeing real beauty in age, and finding peace and happiness in the facts that life continues and things and people do grow old.

「녹」에는「사죄」와 닮은 곳도 있습니다만, 몇개의 점으로 크게 다릅니다. 그 옛날, 녹도 사죄해 똑같이 쇠약이나 고독, 단절을 형용하는 말이었습니다.그리고 때로는 식은 아름다움을 의미하기도 한 것 같습니다. 그러나, 현재는, 낡음의 안에야말로 진정한 미가 존재한다, 또 생명은 끊임없이 계속 되어, 만물은 언젠가 낡아진다고 하는 사실을 인정하는 것으로 평온이나 행복을 얻는다, 라고 하는 사상을 나타냅니다.

Sabi helps us be observant of the beauty in age. Antiques are beautiful to us, partly because their age gives them a certain patina, or glow, that is missing in new things. Antiques are treasured in all countries of the world. Family relics and household goods stay in families for years and gain respect and value as time goes by. The ideas of the appreciation of the loveliness of age must be universal. In addition, of course, just as we appreciate the beauty of old things, we can also value the beauty of an old person, who has experienced life, with its joys and troubles.

녹의 정신」에 의해서, 우리는 낡기는 하지만 가지는 미를 감상할 수 있습니다.골동품은, 낡음이 낳는 새로운 것에는 없는 독특한 색과 윤기를 가지고 있어 이것을 아름답다고 느낍니다.온 세상 어디에서라도, 각가정에는 몇 년이나 전의 낡은 것이 있어, 때가 지나는 것에 따라 그 가치는 늘어나서 갑니다.낡은 것을 사랑하는 마음은 만국 공통된의입니다.그리고, 낡음이 매력이 되는 것은 것만이 아닙니다.신 것도 단 것도 잘 씹어 맛본 노인이 가지는 시든 아름다움도 또한 매력적입니다.

The old Japanese masters created new meanings for painful feelings all people experienced, but found it hard to remedy. These new values added something warm and comforting to the the trials that afflicted all Japanese in the old days. Today, many people have forgotten the old meanings of wabi and sabi. Many people don"t understand the new meanings of these words either. It might be difficult to find synonyms in other languages for wabi and sabi, but the feelings can be described in very lovely terms.

옛 일본의 직공은, 사람들이 느끼고 있던, 어찌할 바의 것있어 다양한 고통에 새로운 해석을 주어 거기에 따라 서민은 평온함을 얻을 수 있었습니다. 오늘로는, 사죄해 녹라는 말의 원래의 의미도 새로운 의미도 모르는 사람이 대부분 있습니다.외국어에는 사죄해 녹슬어에 상당하는 말은 없을지도 모릅니다만, 그들에게도 이해하는 것은 가능할 것입니다.

We think of the softness of the skin of old people as a mark of those who have experienced the trials of life. Who made my old netsuke, and how much time did he or she take to carve it? Did the artist love the work? I love it!

노인의 피부의 부드러움은, 인생의 시련을 빠져 나가 온 것을 무엇보다도 이야기하고 있습니다.내가 가지고 있는 뿌리 내릴 수 있는은, 누가 얼마나의 시간을 소비해 만들었겠지요.그리고 자신의 작품의 성과를 어떻게 생각했는지요.물론 나는 매우 마음에 듭니다.

I often used to go into the woods to get away from the modern world and experience peace in the quiet wilderness. I would seek out lonely rocks and rushing mountain streams where the winds that blew recognized no human. In places like these, I knew for certain that I was nothing! At the same time I saw the beauty of nature and of life itself. Wabi and sabi do exist. I have experienced them. They are associated with Buddhist thought, but educated people all over the world understand them, too!

이전, 나는 일상으로부터 멀어져 자연의 정적 중(안)에서 마음의 평온을 되찾으려고, 자주(잘) 숲에 나갔습니다.그리고, 적막하게 잠시 멈춰서는 바위나, 타니가와의 갑작스러운 흐름을 찾아내 단지 바람으로 불어지는 대로 보냈습니다.그러한 장소에 있을 때, 나는 자신이 얼마나 작은 존재일까를 알아, 동시에 자연과 생명 그 자체가 가지는 미를 실감하는 것이 성과 의 것입니다. 「사죄 녹」는 확실히 우리중에 존재하고 있습니다.이것은 불교의 가르침에 근거하는 것입니다만, 세계의 모든 사람이 이해할 수 있을 것입니다.

TOTAL: 8973

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