
Collapse of the former KB Bridge
The original Koror-Babeldaob Bridge was a balanced cantilever prestressed concrete box girder bridge with a main span of 240.8 m and total length of 385.6 m (1265 ft). It was designed by Dyckerhoff & Widmann AG and built by Socio Construction in 1977.[1] It was the world¥“s largest bridge of its type, until its record was broken by the 260 m span of the Gateway Bridge in Brisbane, Australia, finished in 1985.

On September 26, 1996, the bridge suddenly collapsed and shut off fresh water and electricity between the islands. In addition, the collapse killed two people and injured four more. This caused the government to declare a state of emergency. By request of Kuniwo Nakamura, then the country¥“s President and foreign minister, Japan provided emergency aid as well as a temporary bridge.

Reason for the collapse
The 18-year old, Koror-Babeldaob bridge (KB bridge) collapsed abruptly and catastrophically. The failure occurred during benign weather and loading conditions, less than three years after two independent teams of bridge engineers had evaluated the bridge and declared it safe, and less than three months after completion of a strengthening programme to correct a significant midspan sag that was continuing to worsen.

By 1990, a physical phenomenon called creep had caused the midline of the bridge to sag 1.2 meters, causing discomfort to drivers and concern for officials. The Palau government comissioned two studies by Louis Berger International and Japan International Co-operation Agency. They both concluded that the bridge was structurally safe though 1m more of creep would occur in the future. Based on the studies, the Palau government decided to counteract the cosmetic damage caused by creep with resurfacing and reinforcement of the brige.

According to British civil engineers Chris Burgoyne and Richard Scantlebury, the reinforcement operation had 4 main components.

The bridge midspan was modified, changing the originally non-weight-bearing hinged joint to a continuous block of concrete.
Eight prestress cables were added to straighten the span.
Eight flat-jacks were added to the center of the structure to add additional prestress, loading the center of the bridge.
The bridge was resurfaced to smooth out the sagging road.
The most probable progression of the collapse began with a weakening of the Babeldaob side. This caused a shear failure, resulting in all of the weight of the continuous main span coming to rest on the Koror side. This unbalanced moment caused the backspan of the Koror side to fail and tipped the bridge into the channel. The new design of the bridge hastened the bridge¥“s collapse, but did not actually cause the fatal weakening of the Babeldoab flange. The ultimate cause of collapse remains unknown. [5] The repair and resurfacing operation may have contributed to the bridge failure, but since the lawsuit over the collapse was settled out of court, no final cause has ever been definitively published.









韓国資本の建設会社 ¥“Socio Construction¥” により建設されたコンクリート橋。当時の ¥“Socio Construction¥” は実質的に投資会社であったため、

設計はアメリカの ¥“Alfred A. Yee and Associates¥” と

ドイツの建設会社であるDyckerhoff & Widmann AG(現:DYWIDAG)が行い、

施工は ¥“Dyckerhoff & Widmann AG¥” が行った。


¥“Socio Construction¥” が、鹿島建設の半額の入札価格を提示し落札した。

 なおこの ¥“Socio Construction¥” 社は、



¥“Socio Construction¥” は韓国人出資によるパラオ共和国の会社であり、









2 名が死亡、4 名以上が怪我を負った。






旧 KB ブリッジはハングルとアルファベットの碑文が刻まれた


何者かにより ¥“KOREA¥” の文字が削られている。

2002年1月、日本の政府開発援助 (ODA) によって再建された橋。

正式名称は「日本 - パラオ親善の橋(通称:日帛友好橋)」という、

(Japan - Palau Friendship Bridge)。



(pontoon bridgeと呼ばれるプレートをつないで作る浮き橋)






日本-パラオ親善の橋 (Japan - Palau Friendship Bridge) と刻まれ、







KB 다리, 영국의 자료

Collapse of the former KB Bridge
The original Koror-Babeldaob Bridge was a balanced cantilever prestressed concrete box girder bridge with a main span of 240.8 m and total length of 385.6 m (1265 ft). It was designed by Dyckerhoff & Widmann AG and built by Socio Construction in 1977.[1] It was the world"s largest bridge of its type, until its record was broken by the 260 m span of the Gateway Bridge in Brisbane, Australia, finished in 1985.

On September 26, 1996, the bridge suddenly collapsed and shut off fresh water and electricity between the islands. In addition, the collapse killed two people and injured four more. This caused the government to declare a state of emergency. By request of Kuniwo Nakamura, then the country"s President and foreign minister, Japan provided emergency aid as well as a temporary bridge.

Reason for the collapse
The 18-year old, Koror-Babeldaob bridge (KB bridge) collapsed abruptly and catastrophically. The failure occurred during benign weather and loading conditions, less than three years after two independent teams of bridge engineers had evaluated the bridge and declared it safe, and less than three months after completion of a strengthening programme to correct a significant midspan sag that was continuing to worsen.

By 1990, a physical phenomenon called creep had caused the midline of the bridge to sag 1.2 meters, causing discomfort to drivers and concern for officials. The Palau government comissioned two studies by Louis Berger International and Japan International Co-operation Agency. They both concluded that the bridge was structurally safe though 1m more of creep would occur in the future. Based on the studies, the Palau government decided to counteract the cosmetic damage caused by creep with resurfacing and reinforcement of the brige.

According to British civil engineers Chris Burgoyne and Richard Scantlebury, the reinforcement operation had 4 main components.

The bridge midspan was modified, changing the originally non-weight-bearing hinged joint to a continuous block of concrete.
Eight prestress cables were added to straighten the span.
Eight flat-jacks were added to the center of the structure to add additional prestress, loading the center of the bridge.
The bridge was resurfaced to smooth out the sagging road.
The most probable progression of the collapse began with a weakening of the Babeldaob side. This caused a shear failure, resulting in all of the weight of the continuous main span coming to rest on the Koror side. This unbalanced moment caused the backspan of the Koror side to fail and tipped the bridge into the channel. The new design of the bridge hastened the bridge"s collapse, but did not actually cause the fatal weakening of the Babeldoab flange. The ultimate cause of collapse remains unknown. [5] The repair and resurfacing operation may have contributed to the bridge failure, but since the lawsuit over the collapse was settled out of court, no final cause has ever been definitively published.


영국인 기사가 「공사는 기본이 되어있지 않고, 보강 공사가 필요」라고 말했다고 쓰여져 있다.

한국의 회사가 시공했다고 명기되어 있다.


한번 더, 확인하자.

일본의 자료다.


1977년에 미국의 원조를 받고,

한국 자본의 건설회사 "Socio Construction" 에 의해 건설된 콘크리트다리.당시의 "Socio Construction" 는 실질적으로 투자 회사였기 때문에,

설계는 미국의 "Alfred A. Yee and Associates" 와

독일의 건설회사인 Dyckerhoff & Widmann AG(현:DYWIDAG)가 실시해,

시공은 "Dyckerhoff & Widmann AG" 가 갔다.

이 다리의 건설업자 선정에 임하여 입찰을 해

"Socio Construction" 가, 카시마 건설의 반액의 입찰 가격을 제시해 낙찰했다.

 더 이 "Socio Construction" 사는,

1994년에 폭락한 한국의 성수 오오하시(시공은 한국의 도우아건설)

(와)과 관계된 회사로서 일본에서는 알려져 있지만,

"Socio Construction" 는 한국인 출자에 의한 팔라우 공화국의 회사이며,

그 관계성은 불명료하다.

각국의 회사에 의한 보수, 보강 공사가 몇번이나 행해지고 있었지만,

1990년, 현저한 중앙부의 함몰에 즈음한 팔라우 정부는,


국제 협력 기구(일본)로부터 파견된 팀에 의한 안전 테스트를 실시해,

「건설 당시 및 현재 상태로서는 안전하지만, 이대로는 함몰이 진행한다」

그렇다고 하는 결과가 나왔기 때문에, 보강 공사를 선택했다.

1996년 9월 26일에 돌연 중앙부로부터 두동강이에 접혀 붕괴해,

2 명이 사망, 4 명 이상이 상처를 입었다.

다리는 코로르섬에서 공항으로 향하는 유일한 도로이며,

또, 바베르다오브섬으로부터 코로르에 공급되고 있었다

전기, 수도등의 라이프라인이 다니고 있었기 때문에,

한때는 국가 비상사태 선언이 나왔다.

이 다리에 대해서는 「부실 공사가 아닌가?」라고 하는 지적도 있어,

구 KB 브릿지는 한글과 알파벳의 비문이 새겨졌다

기념비만이 남아 있지만,

누군가에 의해 "KOREA" 의 문자가 깎아지고 있다.

2002년 1월, 일본의 정부개발원조 (ODA)에 의해서 재건된 다리.

정식명칭은 「일본 - 팔라우 친선의 다리(통칭:일 백우호다리)」라고 하는,

(Japan - Palau Friendship Bridge).

구KB브릿지 폭락을 받아 각국은 지원을 개시했다.

일본도 음료수의 긴급 수송이나 가설다리

(pontoon bridge로 불리는 플레이트를 이어 만드는 부교)

의 설치등의 지원을 실시하고 있었다.

팔라우 정부가 재정적인 이유로부터 자국의 자금에 의한 건설을 단념했기 때문에,

1997년에 무상 원조에 의한 다리의 재건을 결정해 카시마 건설에 의해서 재건되었다.

5년 후의 2002년 1월에 다리는 완성해, 1월 11일에는 개통식전을 했다.

이 새로운 다리의 소매의 기념비에는,

일본-팔라우 친선의 다리 (Japan - Palau Friendship Bridge)와 새겨져

양국의 국기가 그려져 있다.





세계에서도, 1, 2를 싸우는 친일 국가 팔라우.


TOTAL: 8968

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
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私は猿 rmrguadlfsk 2009-06-05 3715 0
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韓国人は猿で劣等民族だ rmrguadlfsk 2009-06-15 6815 0
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地上デジタル放送・日本方式採用国 bemuse 2009-05-09 3790 0
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質問。 yamato 2009-05-09 3061 0
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世界に愛される日本 bemuse 2009-05-09 3936 0
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韓国人は猿で劣等民族だ rmrguadlfsk 2009-06-15 7113 0
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韓国人は猿で劣等民族だ rmrguadlfsk 2009-06-15 7115 0
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暇つぶし watcher 1 2009-05-08 4920 0
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KB橋の本当に本質的な問題 bemuse 2009-05-08 4328 0
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【韓国の伝統国技】 chasm 2009-05-08 4143 0
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KB橋、イギリスの資料 bemuse 2009-05-08 8553 0
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韓国人は猿で劣等民族だ rmrguadlfsk 2009-06-15 7419 0
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韓国人は猿で劣等民族だ rmrguadlfsk 2009-06-15 8265 0
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生計手段奪う ¥"障害者かっさらい¥" ....... police2008 2009-05-08 3166 0
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【伝統国技】韓国企業の仕事 bemuse 2009-05-08 4381 0
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日本ごみ清掃車 rmrguadlfsk 2009-05-08 3332 0
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韓国人は猿で劣等民族だ rmrguadlfsk 2009-06-15 237367 0
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韓国人は猿で劣等民族だ rmrguadlfsk 2009-06-15 12630 0
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世界の嫌われ者・韓国 bemuse 2009-05-07 9062 0
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【再掲】世界から嫌われる韓国 bemuse 2009-05-07 9726 0