パソコン/インターネット Relationship

Google and HTC Working On a Chrome OS Tablet

Everyone is clamoring about tablets these days—ourselves included—so it"s not too surprising that Google and HTC are set to join the fray. They are reportedly working together on a Chrome OS Google Tablet.


( ‘Θ‘)ψ Google Tablet.

Google and HTC Working On a Chrome OS Tablet

Everyone is clamoring about tablets these days—ourselves included—so it"s not too surprising that Google and HTC are set to join the fray. They are reportedly working together on a Chrome OS Google Tablet.

http://gizmodo.com/5438716/google-and-htc-working-on-a-chrome-os-tablet?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+gizmodo/full+(Gizmodo) &utm_content=Google+Reader

TOTAL: 3177

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
1837 ( ‘Θ‘)ψ  グーグルかっこいい....... ponpon555 2010-01-14 3023 0
1836 【グロ動画】PCに寄生する謎の生物 akanotanin 2010-01-14 2843 0
1835 ( ‘Θ‘)ψ 中国IT事情 ponpon555 2010-01-13 3172 0
1834 ( ‘Θ‘)ψ Lenovo Smartphone ponpon555 2010-01-13 2416 0
1833 ( ‘Θ‘)ψ Google VS Baidu ponpon555 2010-01-13 2373 0
1832 今日の微エロ crash 2010-01-13 2640 0
1831 ( ‘Θ‘)ψ Google VS フランス ponpon555 2010-01-12 2724 0
1830 nexus one 収益構造 toto3579 2010-01-12 4500 0
1829 ( ‘Θ‘)ψ 池田VS勝間 ponpon555 2010-01-11 2871 0
1828 ( ‘Θ‘)ψAppleの新型タブレットPC....... ponpon555 2010-01-09 5824 0
1827 [台湾] 世界初のUSB3.0薄型カード cosbystudio 2010-01-08 2894 0
1826 ( ‘Θ‘)ψソニー、タッチ画面のイ....... ponpon555 2010-01-07 3272 0
1825 ( ‘Θ‘)ψ世界を変えつつある7つ....... ponpon555 2010-01-07 2859 0
1824 ( ‘Θ‘)ψ Nexus One 続報 ponpon555 2010-01-06 2946 0
1823 ( ‘Θ‘)ψ 今日の着に刺された猫 popo555 2010-01-06 3321 0
1822 google帝国 (・ω・) angpongtang 2010-01-06 2811 0
1821 ( ‘Θ‘)ψ Google Tablet. ponpon555 2010-01-04 3539 0
1820 ( ‘Θ‘)ψ 100ドルタブレット ponpon555 2010-01-03 3039 0
1819 今日のぬこ(´・ω・`) taiwanbanana 2010-01-02 3200 0
1818 今日の Play List iworks 2010-01-01 5000 0