국문 원문을 영역해 보면
Because they do not know that the
Korean people are independent, they do not feel resentful even when
foreigners despise Korea. Knowing this, they pretended to be vassals for
hundreds of years without thinking of revenge. Considering their weak
heart, how can they not be pitiful people? If the people are to rise,
the country must rise. If the country and its people are to rise, its
king You should be equal to the king of a foreign country, but Joseon
subjects say that you must be loyal to the king, but in reality, the
love of the king and country was not as good as the love of one"s own
body. However, even if he served under him, the officials and people
never once thought of resenting it, and they did not see the king of
Joseon as equal to the kings of Qing and other countries. Joseon became
an independent country because of the war between Japan and Qing
Dynasty, and now His Majesty the Grand Monarch of Joseon has become
equal with the emperors of the world, and because of that, the Korean
people have become equal with the people of all countries of the world.
If you think about this, it is the most important event in the 500 years
since the founding of the country. I heard recently that a new gate
was built at the place where the Yiwang Yeonjumun used to be in
Mohwagwan. It is the most shameful thing in the history of the Joseon
Dynasty. To wash away the shame, not only tear down the gate, but also
build Dongnimmun in the place where the gate stood. It is a custom to
build a high gate or erect a monument in the place of a victory when you
hear about a victory in a foreign country or a great event in the
country, much less the people of Joseon. It means that we should think
about the rights, honor, glory, and dignity of the country and raise it
more firmly so that future generations will not forget this.
Korean edition of The Independent Newspaper, June 20, 1896, one-page, one-column editorial
Joseon became independent
thanks to God after being a vassal of the Qing Dynasty for several
years, and now His Majesty the Grand Monarch of Joseon is equal to the
highest kings in the world, and the Joseon people have become free
people in the world. A No, there should be a target to advertise the
independence of Joseon to the world and to tell the descendants of
Joseon that Joseon was forever independent at this time. I have to
exercise there, so I will build a new Independence Gate in Mohwagwan and
turn it into a park, and I will tell you that it is a park that has
often been independent for a long time.
Korean edition of The Independent Newspaper, July 4, 1896, one page, one column editorial
...조선은 몇 년간 청나라의 속국인 후, 신 덕분에 독립해, 지금은 조선의 대군주폐하는 세계의 최고왕과 어깨를 나란히 해 조선의 사람들은 세계의 자유민이 되었습니다.아니 다른, 조선의 독립을 세계에 선전해, 조선의 자손에게, 이 때, 조선은 영원히 독립했던 것이라고 전하는 목표가 있다는 두입니다.거기서 운동해야 하기 때문에, 모화관에 독립문을 신설해 공원으로 해, 옛부터 자주(잘) 독립한 공원인 것을 전합니다.
독립신문 영문본 1896년 6월 20 일자 1면 1단 Editorial
2 독립문의 원판의 문자는 이완용이 썼어?
<동아일보> 1924년 7월 15 일기일 「(중략) 독립문이라고 하는 서푼자는 이완용이 쓴 것입니다. 이완용은 다른 이·원 욘이 아니고,조선 귀족, 영수 후작 각하. 」
「독립협회 결성의 주역의 한 명이었던 할아버지는 당대의 명필이라고 해도 들 수 있어 서대문의 밖에 세운 「독립문」의 한자·한글제자 모두 쓰여졌다.
비원에 있는 원판도 거의 조부의 글자다.
독립문의 제자가 「역」이완용의 글자로 일부 잘못해 알려져 있지만, 육안으로 서체만 비교해도 잘못된 주장인 것을 안다.-한겨레 2010년 1월 3일 [도를 찾아] “일본 작위 던질 수 있어 망명한 조부/김·쟈돈”? 안으로부터
Because they do not know that the
Korean people are independent, they do not feel resentful even when
foreigners despise Korea. Knowing this, they pretended to be vassals for
hundreds of years without thinking of revenge. Considering their weak
heart, how can they not be pitiful people? If the people are to rise,
the country must rise. If the country and its people are to rise, its
king You should be equal to the king of a foreign country, but Joseon
subjects say that you must be loyal to the king, but in reality, the
love of the king and country was not as good as the love of one"s own
body. However, even if he served under him, the officials and people
never once thought of resenting it, and they did not see the king of
Joseon as equal to the kings of Qing and other countries. Joseon became
an independent country because of the war between Japan and Qing
Dynasty, and now His Majesty the Grand Monarch of Joseon has become
equal with the emperors of the world, and because of that, the Korean
people have become equal with the people of all countries of the world.
If you think about this, it is the most important event in the 500 years
since the founding of the country. I heard recently that a new gate
was built at the place where the Yiwang Yeonjumun used to be in
Mohwagwan. It is the most shameful thing in the history of the Joseon
Dynasty. To wash away the shame, not only tear down the gate, but also
build Dongnimmun in the place where the gate stood. It is a custom to
build a high gate or erect a monument in the place of a victory when you
hear about a victory in a foreign country or a great event in the
country, much less the people of Joseon. It means that we should think
about the rights, honor, glory, and dignity of the country and raise it
more firmly so that future generations will not forget this.
— Korean edition of The Independent Newspaper, June 20, 1896, one-page, one-column editorial
… Joseon became independent
thanks to God after being a vassal of the Qing Dynasty for several
years, and now His Majesty the Grand Monarch of Joseon is equal to the
highest kings in the world, and the Joseon people have become free
people in the world. A No, there should be a target to advertise the
independence of Joseon to the world and to tell the descendants of
Joseon that Joseon was forever independent at this time. I have to
exercise there, so I will build a new Independence Gate in Mohwagwan and
turn it into a park, and I will tell you that it is a park that has
often been independent for a long time.
— Korean edition of The Independent Newspaper, July 4, 1896, one page, one column editorial
— 独立新聞英文本 1896年6月20日付 1面 1段 Editorial
2 独立門の原板の文字は李完用が書いた?
<東亜日報> 1924年7月15日記事 「(中略)独立門という三文字は李完用が書いたものです。 李完用は他のイ・ワンヨンではなく、朝鮮貴族、領袖侯爵閣下。 」
独立門の題字が「逆」李完用の字で一部誤って知られているが、肉眼で書体だけ比較しても間違った主張であることが分かる。 -ハンギョレ2010年1月3日 [道を探して] " 日本作為投げられて亡命した祖父/キム・ジャドン"? 中から