시사/경제 PositiveNegativeFreeStyleArguments

원스레 https://www.kjclub.com/jp/board/exc_board_9/view/id/3591286

heinz58#heinz58  22-10-23 17:23        

일본이 IWC를 빠져 IWC대핀치!
IWC는 본사 매각인가!
「아무리 마이너스라고 망상하면, 그런 이야기가 되지?w」
다르다고 한다면, 너가 증명해 주세요!www
적어도 나와 bibimbap씨는 일본이IWC를 빠지는 전후의 IWC의 수지를 본 다음웃고 있는 거에요.

Bureau Meeting: improving financial processes and a postal vote on the proposed sale of the Red House

The Bureau met virtually on 14 January. Central to the agenda was an update from the Budgetary Sub-committee (BSC) on proposals to revise financial management at the IWC, and create processes that ensure future work plans are efficient, affordable, and remain closely aligned with Commission priorities.

A deficit budget was agreed by the Commission at IWC67. As previously noted by the Bureau, this approach is unsustainable and they welcomed further progress by the BSC who have established two groups to take forward their work.

The first is a leadership group including the IWC Chair and Vice-chair, and the Chair of the Finance & Administration Committee. This group aims to review all IWC expenditure. The second group is science-focused, including Commissioners who are closely engaged with the Scientific Committee, and advised by its Chair and Vice-chair. The two groups will work together to produce options for a balanced and sustainable IWC budget. Their proposals will be presented to the Bureau and then to the Commission for discussion at the next meeting.

Another important issue for the Bureau is the future of the Red House building that accommodates the Secretariat. The Red House was bought by the Commission as a short-term solution when landlords took a sudden decision to sell the building in 2016. Discussions on the most appropriate long-term home for the Secretariat have been ongoing since then.

The Bureau agreed to propose that the building is sold. A discussion on this proposal is now underway amongst member governments, and a postal vote is planned to follow. If the vote is passed, the building will be sold only if a minimum sale price is achieved.

In deciding to vote on the sale of the building, the Bureau recognised the historic attachment to the Red House that has been occupied by the Secretariat for forty years. They recognised also that the money and staff time diverted to maintaining the ageing building have risen steadily and are now hard to justify. The argument to sell has strengthened significantly over the last ten months as all members of the Secretariat have worked solely from home, and the potential gains from smaller and more flexible office space have become clearer.


정리 스레를 언제까지나 기다리고 있는 www

한국인 이상으로 현실을 인정받지 못한 것은, ketchup일지도!


mikanseijin#mikanseijin 22-10-13 07:29  

ketchup는 시시한의 것에 영리한 체를 하고 있기 때문에 마음 속 계속 바보 취급 당하고 있지만, 그런데도 당사자는 눈치채지 못하기 때문에 한층 더 바보 취급 당한다.


heinz58#heinz58  22-11-04 23:38        

어떻게 사회에서 살아 있는지, 정말로 신기한 사람은 많다고 생각한다.내가 일본에서 살고 있었을 무렵에 보고 있던 일본인도, 내용은 이러했던가와.

heinz58#heinz58  22-11-05 00:35        

bibimbap 22-11-04 23:46 > 조금 얼굴을 내밀면 대흥분 되는 만큼, 여기의 일본인에 인지되고 있는 것에 놀라움입니다.2일정도 열면 잊을 수 있는 정도의 취급이 적절하다고 생각했습니다.

많이 좋게 되었습니다만, 감사제의 휴일인가, 학기말까지는 바쁜 것 같습니다 w


(定期掲載)IWC本社売却は朝日とネトウヨのデマnida!! (2)

元スレ https://www.kjclub.com/jp/board/exc_board_9/view/id/3591286

heinz58#heinz58    22-10-23 17:23        


Bureau Meeting: improving financial processes and a postal vote on the proposed sale of the Red House

The Bureau met virtually on 14 January.  Central to the agenda was an update from the Budgetary Sub-committee (BSC) on proposals to revise financial management at the IWC, and create processes that ensure future work plans are efficient, affordable, and remain closely aligned with Commission priorities.

A deficit budget was agreed by the Commission at IWC67.  As previously noted by the Bureau, this approach is unsustainable and they welcomed further progress by the BSC who have established two groups to take forward their work.

The first is a leadership group including the IWC Chair and Vice-chair, and the Chair of the Finance & Administration Committee.  This group aims to review all IWC expenditure.  The second group is science-focused, including Commissioners who are closely engaged with the Scientific Committee, and advised by its Chair and Vice-chair. The two groups will work together to produce options for a balanced and sustainable IWC budget.  Their proposals will be presented to the Bureau and then to the Commission for discussion at the next meeting.
Another important issue for the Bureau is the future of the Red House building that accommodates the Secretariat. The Red House was bought by the Commission as a short-term solution when landlords took a sudden decision to sell the building in 2016. Discussions on the most appropriate long-term home for the Secretariat have been ongoing since then.
The Bureau agreed to propose that the building is sold.  A discussion on this proposal is now underway amongst member governments, and a postal vote is planned to follow.  If the vote is passed, the building will be sold only if a minimum sale price is achieved.
In deciding to vote on the sale of the building, the Bureau recognised the historic attachment to the Red House that has been occupied by the Secretariat for forty years. They recognised also that the money and staff time diverted to maintaining the ageing building have risen steadily and are now hard to justify.  The argument to sell has strengthened significantly over the last ten months as all members of the Secretariat have worked solely from home, and the potential gains from smaller and more flexible office space have become clearer.





mikanseijin#mikanseijin    22-10-13 07:29               



heinz58#heinz58   22-11-04 23:38


heinz58#heinz58   22-11-05 00:35

bibimbap 22-11-04 23:46 > ちょっと顔を出したら大興奮されるほど、ここの日本人に認知されていることに驚きです。2日も開ければ忘れられる程度の扱いが適切だと思っていました。


TOTAL: 3189

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