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Taekwondo Is Path to Medals for Countries That Rarely Get Them

좀처럼 메달을 획득하지 못하는 나라들에게 태권도는 메달의 길이다

Ivory Coast and Jordan won their first-ever Olympic golds, thanks to taekwondo, as did Taiwan. Afghanistan’s only Olympic medals, a pair of bronzes, came from it, too.

코트디부아르와 요르단은 태권도 덕분에 대만과 함께 사상 첫 올림픽 금메달을 획득했습니다. 아프가니스탄의 유일한 올림픽 메달인 동메달도 이곳에서 나왔다.

July 25, 2021

Of all the Olympic events, taekwondo is perhaps the most generous to the wealth of nations that exist on the margins of international sport. Since the Korean martial art became an Olympic medaling sport in 2000, it has managed to deliver more than a dozen medals to countries that have relatively few athletes at the Olympics and, until recently, even fewer hopes of triumphing in anything at all.

모든 올림픽 종목 중에서 태권도는 아마도 富에 관계없이 국제 스포츠의 변방에 있는 국가들에 가장 관대하다. 2000년 한국 무술이 올림픽 메달 종목이 된 이후, 올림픽 출전 선수가 상대적으로 적은 국가들에 12개 이상의 메달을 선사했다. 그리고 그 나라들은 최근까지 어느 경기에서도 승리할 희망은 훨씬 적었다.

In Tokyo, athletes from 61 nations, plus three members of the Refugee Olympic Team, are competing in taekwondo, remarkable diversity for a sport that had been contested in only five Games. More than a dozen flag-bearers for Olympic teams in Tokyo are taekwondo fighters, underscoring the sport’s significance to smaller sporting nations.

도쿄에서는 61개국에서 온 선수들과 난민 올림픽 팀 3명이 태권도를 겨루고 있는데, 태권도 종목은 불과 5개 대회에만 출전했던 종목치고는 놀라운 다양성이었다. 도쿄 올림픽 대표팀의 12명 이상의 기수들은 태권도 선수들로, 소규모 스포츠 국가들에게 올림픽의 중요성을 강조하고 있다.

Taekwondo may not enjoy the high profile or mass viewership of sports like gymnastics or boxing. But the self-defense discipline is practiced by tens of millions of people, particularly in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Its popularity rests, in part, on the fact that it requires neither expensive equipment nor expansive fields.

태권도는 체조나 복싱 같은 스포츠의 높은 인지도나 대중적 시청률을 누리지 못할 수도 있다. 그러나 호신술은 수천만 명, 특히 아프리카, 아시아, 중동에서 행해지고 있다. 이것의 인기는 부분적으로 비싼 장비도, 넓은 분야도 필요하지 않다는 사실에 있다.


현재 닛폰人은 메달 갯수로 호르홀하고 있지만,

압도적으로 메달 획득하지 못해도 좀처럼 메달 획득이 어려운 나라들에게 희망이 되고 있는 편이 좀더 가치가 있다고 생각하는군요.

참고로 유도의 올림픽 메달 집계를 살펴보니

아니나 다를까,

닛폰이 압도적이며, 두자리수로 메달을 획득한 나라들의 합계가(397) 전체(548)의 7할 넘게 차지하고 있습니다.




메달 갯수가 많음 = 호조 ← 와로타 w

NYT, テコンドーはスポーツ辺方国々の希望, 驚くべきな多様性

※ 機械翻訳

Taekwondo Is Path to Medals for Countries That Rarely Get Them


Ivory Coast and Jordan won their first-ever Olympic golds, thanks to taekwondo, as did Taiwan. Afghanistan’s only Olympic medals, a pair of bronzes, came from it, too.

コートジアボアルとヨルダンはテコンドーおかげさまで台湾とともに史上初めてのオリンピック金メダルを獲得しました. アプガニスタンの唯一のオリンピックメダルである銅メダルもこちらから出た.

July 25, 2021

Of all the Olympic events, taekwondo is perhaps the most generous to the wealth of nations that exist on the margins of international sport. Since the Korean martial art became an Olympic medaling sport in 2000, it has managed to deliver more than a dozen medals to countries that have relatively few athletes at the Olympics and, until recently, even fewer hopes of triumphing in anything at all.

すべてのオリンピック種目の中でテコンドーはたぶん 富にかかわらず国際スポーツの辺方にある国々に一番寛大だ. 2000年韓国武術がオリンピックメダル種目になった以後, オリンピック出場選手が相対的に少ない国々に 12個以上のメダルをプレゼントした. そしてその国々は最近までどの競技でも勝利する希望はもっと少なかった.

In Tokyo, athletes from 61 nations, plus three members of the Refugee Olympic Team, are competing in taekwondo, remarkable diversity for a sport that had been contested in only five Games. More than a dozen flag-bearers for Olympic teams in Tokyo are taekwondo fighters, underscoring the sport’s significance to smaller sporting nations.

東京では 61ヶ国から来た選手たちと難民オリンピックチーム 3人がテコンドーを競っているのに, テコンドー種目はわずか 5ヶ大会にだけ出場した種目としては驚くべきな多様性だった. 東京オリンピック代表チームの 12人以上の騎手たちはテコンドー選手たちで, 小規模スポーツ国々にオリンピックの大切さを強調している.

Taekwondo may not enjoy the high profile or mass viewership of sports like gymnastics or boxing. But the self-defense discipline is practiced by tens of millions of people, particularly in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Its popularity rests, in part, on the fact that it requires neither expensive equipment nor expansive fields.

テコンドーは体操やボクシングのようなスポーツの高い認知度や大衆的視聴率が脂臭くないかも知れない. しかし護身術は数千万人, 特にアフリカ, アジア, 中東で行われている. これの人気は部分的に高い装備も, 広い分野も必要ではないという事実にある.






ニッポンが圧倒的で, 二桁数でメダルを獲得した国々の合計が(397) 全体(548)の 7割越すように占めています.




メダル数が多い = 好調 ← ワロタ w

TOTAL: 7609

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