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attacked by 1500

The North Vietnamese Army (Vietnamese Forces) set up an operation to destroy the gun positions of the Chu Lai Air Force Base and the Blue Dragon Unit Artillery Battalion, but in order to approach the positions, the 11th Company, stationed in Chabin-dong, had to be attacked first. On February 14, 1967, the end of the Lunar New Year’s armistice, more than 2,400 people, including the 60th and 40th battalion of the 1st Regiment of the North Vietnamese Army 2nd Regiment, and 1 guerrilla battalion in Kwang Nai Province, gathered near Chabin-dong. I did. At around 11:20 pm on the same day, an allied Cheongeumcho reported the enemy’s approaching, and an emergency was triggered, and one enemy platoon was defeated with a single fire.


including 2400


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↓ 韓国人は、増えるわかめちゃんw


attacked by 1500

The North Vietnamese Army (Vietnamese Forces) set up an operation to destroy the gun positions of the Chu Lai Air Force Base and the Blue Dragon Unit Artillery Battalion, but in order to approach the positions, the 11th Company, stationed in Chabin-dong, had to be attacked first. On February 14, 1967, the end of the Lunar New Year’s armistice, more than 2,400 people, including the 60th and 40th battalion of the 1st Regiment of the North Vietnamese Army 2nd Regiment, and 1 guerrilla battalion in Kwang Nai Province, gathered near Chabin-dong. I did. At around 11:20 pm on the same day, an allied Cheongeumcho reported the enemy’s approaching, and an emergency was triggered, and one enemy platoon was defeated with a single fire.


including 2400





TOTAL: 2675060

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 추천
3/31(수) 패치내용 안내드립니다. 관리자 2023-03-24 187438 18
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