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What did the WHO say?

Speaking at a technical briefing in Geneva, Dr Tedros praised the Chinese authorities for their response at the epicentre of the outbreak - the city of Wuhan, in the province of Hubei, where millions of people are on lockdown and severe transport restrictions have been imposed.

“There is a window of opportunity because of the high measures, the strong measures China is taking at the epicentre, at the source. So let"s use this opportunity to prevent further spread and control it,” he said, stressing that developed countries were failing to share data.


WHO의 닥터·테드로스(WHO 사무국장)는 스위스·제네바에서의 테크니컬·브리핑에 있어서의 연설로, 하북성·무한시에 있어서의중국 당국의 대응을 절찬했다.

어려운 이동 제한이 부과되어 봉쇄 상태에 있는 아웃 브레이크의 중심지, 무한에서는 지금도 수백만명이 남겨지고 있다.

「(신형 코로나 바이러스의 확대를 저지한다)절호의 찬스(window of opportunity)다.중국이 신형 바이러스의 발생지에서 최고 레벨의 강력한 대응 조치를 강구해 주고 있기 때문이다」

「우리는 이 절호의 찬스를 살려, 새로운 감염 확대를 저지해, 컨트롤 하자」라고 테드로스·아다놈 사무국장은 말해 동시에「각국은(중국과의) 데이터의 공유를 잘못하고 있다」라고 비판했다.

Coronavirus: Window of opportunity to act, World Health Organization says



What did the WHO say?

Speaking at a technical briefing in Geneva, Dr Tedros praised the Chinese authorities for their response at the epicentre of the outbreak - the city of Wuhan, in the province of Hubei, where millions of people are on lockdown and severe transport restrictions have been imposed.

"There is a window of opportunity because of the high measures, the strong measures China is taking at the epicentre, at the source. So let"s use this opportunity to prevent further spread and control it," he said, stressing that developed countries were failing to share data.




「(新型コロナウイルスの拡大を阻止する)絶好のチャンス(window of opportunity)だ。中国が新型ウイルスの発生地で最高レベルの強力な対応措置を講じてくれているからだ」


Coronavirus: Window of opportunity to act, World Health Organization says


TOTAL: 1310

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