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ISAPS Statistics 2006  의 모두의 문장







For the fifth consecutive year we produce the ISAPS International Statistics on Aesthetic Surgery procedures.

These numbers relate to the 585,891 aesthetic procedures performed by the members of the International Society of Plastic Surgery ? ISAPS ? in 2004. These statistics do not represent the work of every plastic surgeon in each country and this is why it is smaller than the numbers presented by National societies of plastic surgery. For example, in the US there are 6,600 members of ASPS, the National plastic surgery society, and only 189 are ISAPS members; In Brazil there are 4,400 members of the SBCP and only 144 are members of ISAPS. 



ISAPS의 통계는 가맹하고 있는 각국 멤버의 자료만

상기의 문장에 의하면 미국에서는, ASPS(National plastic surgery society )의 6600 가맹 의원 가운데, 189의 의원 밖에 ISAPS에 가맹하고 있지 않다.

브라질에서는 SBCP의 4400의 가맹 의원중 144의 의원 밖에 ISAPS에 가맹하고 있지 않다.


일본과 한국의 것한 ISAPS 멤버는, 각각67으로19.




각국 의원의 ISAPS 가입율이 다른, 각국의 일부의 데이터에 지나지 않는다

 상기에도These statistics do not represent the work of every plastic surgeon in each country라고 써 있다


한국인은 몇 시 이해하는 것일까?ww^^









ISAPS Statistics 2006  の冒頭の文

For the fifth consecutive year we produce the ISAPS International Statistics on Aesthetic Surgery procedures.

These numbers relate to the 585,891 aesthetic procedures performed by the members of the International Society of Plastic Surgery ? ISAPS ? in 2004. These statistics do not represent the work of every plastic surgeon in each country and this is why it is smaller than the numbers presented by National societies of plastic surgery. For example, in the US there are 6,600 members of ASPS, the National plastic surgery society, and only 189 are ISAPS members; In Brazil there are 4,400 members of the SBCP and only 144 are members of ISAPS. 




上記の文によればアメリカでは、ASPS(National plastic surgery society )の6600加盟医院のうち、189の医院しかISAPSに加盟していない。








 上記にもThese statistics do not represent the work of every plastic surgeon in each countryと書いてある




TOTAL: 9281

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