
미국인「일본은 한중의 더러움을 알지 않은 」

Michael Yon

일본의 항복—거짓말 두꺼비 빌려 통과한다

 일본은 이 범죄에 관여하지 않았는데  몸 관련되지 않고, 한국에 굴했다.
이「사죄」가 한국의 분노를 가라앉힌다고 생각하는 사람도 있다.그런 일은 없다.
한국은 이것을 기회로 더욱 더 증대 할 것이다, 그것이 한류다.
중국도 부추기는에 반드시 있다.

 1993년, 그 이전을 생각해 내야 한다.
 한국과 중국은 위안부상에의 예산을 증강할 수 있었다.

 이것은 슬픈 뉴스다, 일본, 역사가, 그리고 진실하게.

Japan Surrenders—and lies during the surrender
Japan did not commit this crime yet just surrendered in the face of an accusing Korean finger. Some people think this false-apology will calm the anger from Korea. It will not. This will enflame Korea who will demand more, more, more…that is the Korean way. PRC will pour on the gasoline.
We are back to 1993, and beyond.
ROK and PRC can safely increase their budgets for comfort women statues. This is a sad day for Japan, historians, and for truth.

일본 ― USA ― 한국

 일본은 해도 않은 것에 붙어 사죄해야 하는 것은 아니고 배상도 해선 안 된다.코노 담화는 전략적으로 대실패였다.이 건으로 아베 담화도 내야 하는 것은 아니다.

 일본이 배상이나 사죄하면 이 문제는 해결한다, 라고 할 생각은, 근본으로부터 잘못되어 있다.

 제일에, 일본이 관여했다고 해서 비난 당하고 있는 범죄이지만, 일본은 관여하지 않았다.

 2번째로, 한국은, 일본측이 사죄하면, 죄를 인정한 증거라고 하고, 본궤도에 올라 한층 더 요구해 오는에 반드시 있다.서울은 일본에 어떤 경의도 표하지 않을 것이다.이것은 정치라고 하는 것보다도 민족 문화의 문제다.아랍등에는, 유태에 대하고 증오를 일으키는 사실 무근의 중상 비방을 하는 문화가 있지만, 같은 것이 한국에도 있다.이것에는 마지막이 없다.한국의 유치한 민족 문화가 성숙할 때까지는.

 일본은 사죄해야 하지 않는다.보상도 해야 하지 않는다.확실해야 한다.

 한국에의 대응은 의연한 한다.한국이야, 성장해서, 갓난아기의 행세를 하지 말아라, 더 이상 시시한 것은 그만두어라, 라고.

 미국인으로서 한국에 말하고 싶은 것이 있다.
기분이 나쁜 위안부상이나 거짓 눈물을 흘리는 위선자들을 동원한 처량한 싸움일에, 우리를 끌어들이지 말아라.

Japan must not apologize or pay for what it did not do. The Kono Statement was a strategic blunder and there should be no Abe Statement.

Any idea that an apology or payment from Japan will make this go away, is faulted from conception.

Firstly, Japan did not commit the crime it is accused of committing.

Secondly, Korea takes any apology as acceptance of guilt and will double down and demand more. There is no honor coming from Seoul. This is a cultural issue as much as it is political. Korean culture carries blood libel as much as many Arabs and others carry the same for Jews. It will not go away. It is here to stay until their primitive cultures grow.

Do not apologize. Do not pay. Be clear. No ambiguity whatsoever.
The answer to Korea must be clear. Grow up, Korea. Stop being babies. Pound sand.
And to Korea from one American, stop trying to drag us into your pitiful fight with your disgusting statues and crocodile tears.

일본은 사죄해서는 안된다.

 일본은 한국에 사죄해야 하지 않고, 한국으로부터의 처량한 소리의 불평을 (들)물어야 하는 것은 아니다.20만명에서 40만명의 여성이 성 노예로서 가로채졌다는 것은 거짓말이다.나는 8개국을 돌고 이것을 조사해 왔다.이것은 대거짓말이다.

 위안부는 존재했다.강제적으로 수용되어 강간된 건은, 인도네시아의 19명(많게는 네델란드인 여성)이나 내가 버마에서 발견한, 거의 15명의 예, 그리고 몇명의 필리핀에서의 케이스등이 있다.그러나 대부분의 위안부는 매춘부로, 돈벌이도 좋았다.우리 미군의 기록에서도 분명하다.1944년의 전쟁 포로 리포트 49를 보면 좋겠다.이 리포트는 진짜다.나는 그 신빙성을 확인했다.리포트 49는 온라인으로 열람할 수 있다.

 위안부에 대해 다소나마 알고 있다고 자부하고 있는 져널리스트는, 왜 내가 그런 생각을 가지게 되었는지라고 물어 온다.그러나 반대로 그들에게, 이 건에 관한 미국 의회에의 IWG 최종보고서나 전쟁 포로 리포트 49를 읽었던 적이 있을까 신구와 정해지고, 아무도 읽었던 적이 없다고 대답한다.이러한 보고서의 이름조차 모른다.

 이것은 바이블이라고 하는 말을 (들)물었던 적이 없는데 크리스마스의 일을 알고 있는 체를 해 나의 집의 도어를 노크 하는 것이다.완전하게 실격.

 IWG 최종보고서나 전쟁 포로 리포트 49(그 외의 자료도 포함한다)를 알지 못하고 위안부에 대한 기사를 쓰는 져널리스트는 조사를 하고 있지 않는 것을 알 수 있다.져널리스트의 바람이 불어 오는 쪽에도 둘 수 없다.

 우리의 팀은, 금년, 태국의 방콕에 있는 국립 공문서관에 다녀 왔다.두 명 동료를 거기에 두고, 나는 택시인 장소로 향했다.공문서관에서 찾아낸 자료에 의하면, 거기는 제2차 대전중에 위안소, 즉 매춘숙이 있던 장소이다.가 보면, 무려 그 땅에서는 지금도 매춘숙이 있었다.

 아무도 한국인의 여성을 납치해 매춘부로 할 필요는 없었다.우리 미국의 입관은 한국인 매춘부의 입국을 막는 것조차 할 수 없다.

 다른 관점으로부터 보자.제2차 대전중, 많은 일본병은 아사했다.무기나 탄약도 충분하지 않았다.배도 연료도 충분히 없는데, 일본군의 사령관들이 부하에게, 섹스를 위해서 많은 여성을 가로채고 와라고 명령했다고, (중한의 선전을 신용한다) 져널리스트는, 진심으로 생각하고 있는지?

 당시 , 수십만인의 한국인의 남성이 일본병으로서 일본군에 참가하고 있었다.그들은 한국인의 여성들이 성 노예로서 납치되는 것을 입다물고 보고 있을 만큼 겁장이였던가?게다가 그 후, 몇 십년도 그것에는 아무것도 언급하지 않고 있었는지?

 일본 정부가 한국 정부와 안이한 타협을 한다면, 내가 지금까지, 이 문제에 대해 조사하기 위해서 소비한 노력이나 시간은 소용 없게  되어 버린다.

Japan should not apologize and should stop acknowledging the whining coming from Korea. The idea that 200,000 to 400,000 women were kidnapped as sex-slaves is a lie. I have researched this in eight countries so far—it is a huge lie.

There were ianfu (comfort women), and there truly were a handful of cases where women were forcibly detained for sex such as 19 cases in Indonesia (mostly Dutch women), and I found 15 probable cases in Burma. There were a few in Philippines. But the vast majority were prostitutes and making big money. Our own military records reflect this. Look up POW Report 49 from 1944, as example. The report is authentic. I verified its authenticity. Report 49 easily available online.

Sometimes journalists—who think they know something about this—ask me how I have come to these ideas. When I ask them if they have read POW Report 49, or the IWG Final Report to Congress on this matter—practically none of them even have heard of these documents. That is like knocking on my door pretending to know about Christmas having never heard of a the Bible. A total fail. Instant lose. Any journalist who writes about the comfort women issue who has not read the IWG report, and POW Report 49 (and some other work), has completely failed and gets an F on research.

Our team was at the Thai national archives this year, in Bangkok, and I left two of our teammates there and I took a taxi to a place we found in the archives. It was a World War II Japanese ianfu station. A brothel. There was still a brothel there!

Nobody has to kidnap Koreans into prostitution. Our immigration can"t keep the Korean prostitutes out.

Put it another way—many Japanese forces during WWII literally were starving to death. They did not have enough bullets. Does any journalist seriously think that a Japanese general ordered a bunch of women to be kidnapped for sex when they did not even have enough ships and fuel?

Were the Koreans—hundreds of thousands of Koreans served in the Japanese military—so cowardly that they allowed their women to be kidnapped off, and never said a word about it for decades?

The Japanese government makes me wonder why I spend my time researching this. Clearly it did not happen. It is time for Japan to stand up and tell Korea to pound sand.



Michael Yon

日本の降伏 -- ウソがまかり通る




Japan Surrenders -- and lies during the surrender
Japan did not commit this crime yet just surrendered in the face of an accusing Korean finger. Some people think this false-apology will calm the anger from Korea. It will not. This will enflame Korea who will demand more, more, more...that is the Korean way. PRC will pour on the gasoline.
We are back to 1993, and beyond.
ROK and PRC can safely increase their budgets for comfort women statues. This is a sad day for Japan, historians, and for truth.

日本 ― USA ― 韓国








Japan must not apologize or pay for what it did not do. The Kono Statement was a strategic blunder and there should be no Abe Statement.

Any idea that an apology or payment from Japan will make this go away, is faulted from conception.

Firstly, Japan did not commit the crime it is accused of committing.

Secondly, Korea takes any apology as acceptance of guilt and will double down and demand more. There is no honor coming from Seoul. This is a cultural issue as much as it is political. Korean culture carries blood libel as much as many Arabs and others carry the same for Jews. It will not go away. It is here to stay until their primitive cultures grow.

Do not apologize. Do not pay. Be clear. No ambiguity whatsoever.
The answer to Korea must be clear. Grow up, Korea. Stop being babies. Pound sand.
And to Korea from one American, stop trying to drag us into your pitiful fight with your disgusting statues and crocodile tears.



 慰安婦は存在した。強制的に収容されレイプされた件は、インドネシアの19人(多くはオランダ人女性)や 私がビルマで発見した、ほぼ15人の例、そして何人かのフィリピンでのケースなどがある。 しかしほとんどの慰安婦は売春婦で、稼ぎも良かった。我々米軍の記録でも明らかだ。1944年の戦争捕虜レポート49を見てほしい。このレポートは本物だ。私はその信憑性を確認した。レポート49はオンラインで閲覧できる。



 IWG最終報告書や戦争捕虜レポート49(その他の資料も含む)を知らずに慰安婦についての記事を書くジャーナリストは 調査をしていないことがわかる。ジャーナリストの風上にもおけない。

 我々のチームは、今年、タイ国のバンコクにある国立公文書館に行ってきた。二人の仲間をそこに置いて、私はタクシーである場所へとむかった。公文書館で見つけた資料によると、そこは第二次大戦中に慰安所、すなわち 売春宿があった場所である。行ってみると、なんとその地では今でも売春宿があった。


 別の観点からみてみよう。第二次大戦中、多くの日本兵は餓死した。武器も弾薬も十分ではなかった。船も燃料も十分に無いのに、日本軍の司令官達が部下に、セックスのために多くの女性をさらってこいと命令したと、( 中韓のプロパガンダを信用する) ジャーナリストは、本気で考えているのか?


 日本政府が韓国政府と安易な妥協をするなら、私が今まで、この問題について調査するために費やした労力や時間は 無駄になってしまう。

Japan should not apologize and should stop acknowledging the whining coming from Korea. The idea that 200,000 to 400,000 women were kidnapped as sex-slaves is a lie. I have researched this in eight countries so far -- it is a huge lie.

There were ianfu (comfort women), and there truly were a handful of cases where women were forcibly detained for sex such as 19 cases in Indonesia (mostly Dutch women), and I found 15 probable cases in Burma. There were a few in Philippines. But the vast majority were prostitutes and making big money. Our own military records reflect this. Look up POW Report 49 from 1944, as example. The report is authentic. I verified its authenticity. Report 49 easily available online.

Sometimes journalists -- who think they know something about this -- ask me how I have come to these ideas. When I ask them if they have read POW Report 49, or the IWG Final Report to Congress on this matter -- practically none of them even have heard of these documents. That is like knocking on my door pretending to know about Christmas having never heard of a the Bible. A total fail. Instant lose. Any journalist who writes about the comfort women issue who has not read the IWG report, and POW Report 49 (and some other work), has completely failed and gets an F on research.

Our team was at the Thai national archives this year, in Bangkok, and I left two of our teammates there and I took a taxi to a place we found in the archives. It was a World War II Japanese ianfu station. A brothel. There was still a brothel there!

Nobody has to kidnap Koreans into prostitution. Our immigration can"t keep the Korean prostitutes out.

Put it another way -- many Japanese forces during WWII literally were starving to death. They did not have enough bullets. Does any journalist seriously think that a Japanese general ordered a bunch of women to be kidnapped for sex when they did not even have enough ships and fuel?

Were the Koreans -- hundreds of thousands of Koreans served in the Japanese military -- so cowardly that they allowed their women to be kidnapped off, and never said a word about it for decades?

The Japanese government makes me wonder why I spend my time researching this. Clearly it did not happen. It is time for Japan to stand up and tell Korea to pound sand.

TOTAL: 24396

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