President Aquino has finally approved the acquisition of the following big ticket items
for the AFP Modernization Program:
2 brand new frigates worth P18 billion, 3 air surveillance radars worth P2.68 billion, 6 close
air support aircraft worth P4.97 billion, 2 long range patrol aircraft worth P5.98 billion,
multi-purpose attack craft project worth P864.32 million, night fighting system worth
P1.116 billion; 2 C-130 aircraft worth P1.6 billion, 2 anti submarine warfare helicopters
worth P5.4 billion and missiles/ammunition for the FA-50 worth P4.47 billion.
여기서 눈에 띄는건 대잠 헬기 도입사업과 2척의 신형 함정 구매사업인데요.
현재 필리핀에서 구매를 고려중인 대잠헬기는 와일드캣이고 2척의
신형 함선은 현대중공업 제안의 인천급batch1이 최종승자로 알려지고 있습니다.
고마워요 필리핀ww
President Aquino has finally approved the acquisition of the following big ticket items
for the AFP Modernization Program:
2 brand new frigates worth P18 billion, 3 air surveillance radars worth P2.68 billion, 6 close
air support aircraft worth P4.97 billion, 2 long range patrol aircraft worth P5.98 billion,
multi-purpose attack craft project worth P864.32 million, night fighting system worth
P1.116 billion; 2 C-130 aircraft worth P1.6 billion, 2 anti submarine warfare helicopters
worth P5.4 billion and missiles/ammunition for the FA-50 worth P4.47 billion.
ここで目立つのはデザムヘリ導入事業と 2尺の新型落とし穴購買事業ですよ.
現在フィリピンで購買を考慮中のデザムヘルギはワイルドキャットで 2尺の
新型艦船は現代重工業提案の仁川級batch1が最終勝者で 知られています.