
아시아 해방자로서의 일본

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 어젯밤 나는 인도네시아의 자카르타로부터, 여기 타이의 칸체나발(쿠와이 카와사키 제철다리가 있는 마을)에 도착했다.위안부 문제에 대해 조사하기 위해(때문에)이다.그리고 오늘 아침 철도 건설이라고 하는 측면에서 같은 연구를 뜻하는 타이인의 연구자를 만났다.(어젯밤 나는 칸체나발 상공을 일본의 국기를 붙인 비행기가 날아 가는 것을 본, 이것은 우연히일지도 모르지만 흥미로운 것이었다)

 어제 나는 미국이 인도네시아의 독립을 지지했다고 발표했지만, 그에 대한 넷 혹은 넷 이외에도 많은 반론이 전해졌다.그들의 상당수는 미국이 인돈시아의 독립을 도왔다는 등이라고 하는 것은 거짓말이다고 한다.그러나, 그것은 다르다.실제로 미국은 인도네시아의 독립을 지원했던 것이다.이것은 사실이다.

 일본이라고 하는 나라는 그 짧은 제국주의 국가로서의 역사에 대해 많은 비판에 노출해져 왔다.그러나, 진실은 그만큼 단순한 것은 아니다.부디 이하에 말하는 졸문을 읽으면 좋겠다.이것은 내가 자카르타의 인도네시아 전쟁 박물관에서 견문 한 것이다.

 구미 식민지 주의는 아시아 뿐만 아니라, 세계의 대부분을 다 가리고 있었다.

 제2차 대전 이전, 벌써 미국은 일본을 공격하고 있었다.그것은 세멘시나 대륙에 있어서의 미국 후라잉타이가즈 항공대의 존재이거나 ABCD 포위망으로 불리는, 대일 경제 봉쇄이거나 했다.당초 일본은 협의에 의해서 해결하는 길을 찾고 있었지만, 최종적으로 결정적이고 괴멸적 되는 해결책에 출마했다.그것은 3 세기에 걸쳐서 인도네시아를 포학적으로 지배해 온 네델란드를 섬멸 하게 한 것이다.물론, 진주만 그 외에의 공격도 그 결정적이고 괴멸적 해결책에 포함되는 것은 말할 필요도 없다.인도네시아를 점령한 일본군은, 그 이전에 네델란드가 인도네시아인에게 주어 온 업신여김을 그대로 네델란드인에게 주었다.

 일본군은 인도네시아 주민에 대해서, 그들을 지배해 온 네델란드인은 신 되는 존재등에서는 없다고 하고, 현지인의 앞에서 네델란드인을 매도해 손상시켰다.

 일본군은 아시아인이 구미인에 대해서 안고 있던 열등감을 불식 하게 했다.그것은, 인도네시아 뿐만 아니라 아시아 전역 냄새 (이)라고도 행해졌다.물론, 쿠와이 카와사키 제철도 공사에 사역되어 죽은 연합군 병사들의 큰 묘소가 있는, 여기 캔 장 방어에서도 같다.(그 묘소에 대해서는 몇 년전에 내가 상세하게 건너 소개하고 있다)

 일본군은 자주 전쟁 포로를 학대한 것으로 유명하다.여기 캔 장 방어에서도 내가 금년 초에 조사한 필리핀의 패턴에서도 그랬다.그 포로 학대의 중심이 된 간수들은 당시일본군으로서 근무하고 있던 한국병이었다고 하는 일도 덧붙여 둔다.

 인도네시아를 점령한 일본군은 인도네시아 독립을 위한 준비를 시작했다.

 예를 들면, 네델란드는 현지인을 열등 민족으로서 취급해, 언어도 단결을 방해하기 위해 각지 각 민족의 방언을 하도록 요구하고 있었지만, 일본군은 현지인을 스스로와 같이 평등하게 취급해, 민족으로서의 통일성을 확보하기 위해(때문에) 단일의 언어에 통일하도록 노력을 재촉했다.물론 언어의 통일성은 군사 작전상도 요구된 것이라도 있지만.
가장 중요한 일, 그것은 일본군이 인도네시아인에 자신을 심은 것이다.물론 그것은 네델란드인이 가장 기피한 것이라도 있지만.

한층 더 일본군은 인도네시아인에 대?`오 조직적 전투법도 훈련했다.
원폭 투하에 의해서 전쟁이 종결한 후, 아시아 각지의 일본군에 대해서는 본국보다 연합군에의 항복 명령이 전해져 많은 장병은 거기에 따랐다.그러나, 소수의 일본병은 그 후 몇 십년도 아시아 계속 각지에서 싸웠다.
인도네시아에서는 많은 일본병이 본국으로부터의 항복 명령에 따르지 않고 복원도 거부했다.그들은 인도네시아 독립전쟁에 참가하기 위해(때문에) 잔류했던 것이다.(그 밖에도 이유는 있었을 것이다가, 그것은 사소하다)

 그리고 거기에 미국이 등장한다.
유럽에서는 연합군이 네델란드를 침략하고 있던 독일을 패배시켰지만, 그 전쟁의 결과, 유럽과 일본은 피폐 했다.
그에 대한 미국은 마셜플랜을 입안해, 피폐 한 유럽의 부흥에 나섰다.물론 그 계획에는 네델란드의 부흥도 포함되어 있었던 것이지만,
네델란드는 그 제국주의 영토(식민지)의 부활을 바래, 인도네시아의 재식민지화를 목표로 해 인도네시아 현지 독립군과의 전쟁을 개시하고 있었다.거기서 미국은 네델란드에 대해, 인도네시아의 재식민지화를 단념하지 않으면, 마셜플랜에 의한 원조를 동결하면 위협했다.그 결과, 네델란드는 재식민지화를 단념하지 않을 수 없게 되었던 것이다.

 일본군이 독립 성공에의 조건을 정비했다.

 일본군이 없으면, 인도네시아는 네델란드에 예속 계속 했을 것이다.현재, 인도네시아에서 일본은 많은 존경과 신용을 얻고 있다.

 오늘, 인도네시아인은 자신으로 가득 차 넘치고 있다.왜냐하면 그들은 스스로 싸워 자유를 얻었기 때문이다.그리고 미국은 자그마하면서도 그 독립의 원조를 했다.
일본군이 아시아에 있어서의 구미 식민지 주의에 종지부를 찍게 했다고 하는 것, 이 역사적 사실에 의심의 여지는 없다.
독립 후, 인도네시아는 독자적인 제국주의는 개시했다고도 취할 수 있지만, 그러나 그것에 의해 무실의 희생자가 발생했다든가, 완벽하게 사악한 지도자가 나타났다고 하는 이야기도 듣지 않는다.

나는 몇번이나 인도네시아를 방문했지만, 불쾌한 기분이 든 것 등 한번도 없고, 인도네시아의 사람들은 언제나 호의적이고, 구미인이라고 이야기하는 것을 싫어하지 않고 회화를 즐겨 준다.이것이 오늘내가 말할 수 있는 것이다.

Japanese as Liberators in Asia

Last night we arrived from Jakarta, Indonesia to Kanchanaburi, Thailand to continue research on comfort woman issue.
This morning we will meet with a Thai professor and author who happened to research this issue for a book about railways. (Interestingly, I saw a Japanese flag flying in Kanchanaburi last night.)
Yesterday I published that the United States helped Indonesia obtain independence after World War II. This was met with criticism on and offline. Many people said it is not true. It is true. My words were accurate.
Japan is widely criticized for its brief Imperial history. The reality is not so simple. Please take a look at the images below, which I made in a war museum in Jakarta.
Western imperialism blanketed Asia and indeed much of the world.
Before World War II, we were actively attacking Japan with, for instance, the Flying Tigers, and we were trying to strangle Japanese with the ABCD. (Americans, British, Canadians, Dutch.)
Japan tried to negotiate but finally lashed out with devastating consequences, for instance by veritably crushing the Dutch who and brutally occupied Indonesia for more than three centuries, not to mention Pearl Harbor and more.
Down in Indonesia, the Japanese publicly treated the Dutch the way the Dutch had treated the locals.
Japanese humiliated and shamed the Dutch publicly to show locals that they were not Gods.
Japanese broke the myth of Asian inferiority, and they did similar in other places, such as here in Kanchanaburi, site of a very large allied cemetery (which I photographed in great detail some years ago and published online), and “Bridge over River Kwai,” which is a short walk from where I write these words.
Japanese were often harsh with prisoners, such as here in Kanchanaburi and over in Bataan, Philippines, where I researched earlier this year. Many of the prison guards actually were Koreans in the Japanese Army, but I digress.
Down in Indonesia, Japanese were setting conditions for Indonesian independence.
Example: Dutch treated the locals as inferior people and wanted them to speak their local languages. Japanese treated them as equals (though recruited many in the war effort) and encouraged them to speak one language so that they could unite.
Most importantly, Japanese taught confidence to the Indonesians. The Dutch did not like this.
Japanese also trained Indonesians how to fight and organize.
After the atomic bombs the war was over and Japanese were ordered from home to surrender, which mostly they did, though some fought on for decades in different places.
In Indonesia, many Japanese disobeyed orders and did not return back to Japan. They stayed to fight alongside Indonesians for their independence. (There is more to the story but this is it in a nutshell.)
This is where America comes in: Of course Nazi Germany had also invaded Netherlands which we helped liberate, and the allies defeated the Germans. Europe and Japan were shattered.
The United States then wisely implemented the Marshall Plan to rebuild.
Meanwhile, Netherlands wanted its imperial space back, and began to move to retake Indonesia. The United States threatened to cut reconstruction aid to Netherlands if the Dutch retook Indonesia.
The Dutch backed off.
Japan had set the conditions for success.
Without Japan, Indonesia would have remained a Dutch slave state. Japanese deserve the bulk of the credit and are today revered in Indonesia.
Indonesians deserve much self-credit because they fought hard for their freedom, and the United States deserves a little credit for helping to seal the situation. There is no doubt that Japanese started a cascade which smashed western imperialism in Asia.
But then Indonesia began its own imperialism. There are no innocent victims in all this, and nobody was perfectly evil.
I can say this about today: In my numerous trips to Indonesia, I never had a bad day. Indonesian people have been extremely likable and they love to talk with westerners, and they are fun to talk with.
And now it is 0915 here, and we must meet the Thai author at 1000, and so it is time to close. Have a great day.



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Japanese as Liberators in Asia

Last night we arrived from Jakarta, Indonesia to Kanchanaburi, Thailand to continue research on comfort woman issue.
This morning we will meet with a Thai professor and author who happened to research this issue for a book about railways. (Interestingly, I saw a Japanese flag flying in Kanchanaburi last night.)
Yesterday I published that the United States helped Indonesia obtain independence after World War II. This was met with criticism on and offline. Many people said it is not true. It is true. My words were accurate.
Japan is widely criticized for its brief Imperial history. The reality is not so simple. Please take a look at the images below, which I made in a war museum in Jakarta.
Western imperialism blanketed Asia and indeed much of the world.
Before World War II, we were actively attacking Japan with, for instance, the Flying Tigers, and we were trying to strangle Japanese with the ABCD. (Americans, British, Canadians, Dutch.)
Japan tried to negotiate but finally lashed out with devastating consequences, for instance by veritably crushing the Dutch who and brutally occupied Indonesia for more than three centuries, not to mention Pearl Harbor and more.
Down in Indonesia, the Japanese publicly treated the Dutch the way the Dutch had treated the locals.
Japanese humiliated and shamed the Dutch publicly to show locals that they were not Gods.
Japanese broke the myth of Asian inferiority, and they did similar in other places, such as here in Kanchanaburi, site of a very large allied cemetery (which I photographed in great detail some years ago and published online), and "Bridge over River Kwai," which is a short walk from where I write these words.
Japanese were often harsh with prisoners, such as here in Kanchanaburi and over in Bataan, Philippines, where I researched earlier this year. Many of the prison guards actually were Koreans in the Japanese Army, but I digress.
Down in Indonesia, Japanese were setting conditions for Indonesian independence.
Example: Dutch treated the locals as inferior people and wanted them to speak their local languages. Japanese treated them as equals (though recruited many in the war effort) and encouraged them to speak one language so that they could unite.
Most importantly, Japanese taught confidence to the Indonesians. The Dutch did not like this.
Japanese also trained Indonesians how to fight and organize.
After the atomic bombs the war was over and Japanese were ordered from home to surrender, which mostly they did, though some fought on for decades in different places.
In Indonesia, many Japanese disobeyed orders and did not return back to Japan. They stayed to fight alongside Indonesians for their independence. (There is more to the story but this is it in a nutshell.)
This is where America comes in: Of course Nazi Germany had also invaded Netherlands which we helped liberate, and the allies defeated the Germans. Europe and Japan were shattered.
The United States then wisely implemented the Marshall Plan to rebuild.
Meanwhile, Netherlands wanted its imperial space back, and began to move to retake Indonesia. The United States threatened to cut reconstruction aid to Netherlands if the Dutch retook Indonesia.
The Dutch backed off.
Japan had set the conditions for success.
Without Japan, Indonesia would have remained a Dutch slave state. Japanese deserve the bulk of the credit and are today revered in Indonesia.
Indonesians deserve much self-credit because they fought hard for their freedom, and the United States deserves a little credit for helping to seal the situation. There is no doubt that Japanese started a cascade which smashed western imperialism in Asia.
But then Indonesia began its own imperialism. There are no innocent victims in all this, and nobody was perfectly evil.
I can say this about today: In my numerous trips to Indonesia, I never had a bad day. Indonesian people have been extremely likable and they love to talk with westerners, and they are fun to talk with.
And now it is 0915 here, and we must meet the Thai author at 1000, and so it is time to close. Have a great day.

TOTAL: 24394

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