Gov. Jerry Brown to change high-speed rail plan, lower cost by $30 billion
Published: Saturday, Mar. 31, 2012 - 12:00 am
The Brown administration has lowered the projected cost to build California"s high-speed rail line by $30 billion - to $68 billion - as it braces for crucial hearings in the Legislature, according to sources familiar with the plan.
The lower estimate is tied to a series of changes to the project, primarily by relying on existing rail lines in and around Los Angeles and the Bay Area.
캘리포니아 주지사가 캘리포니아 고속철도 건설비용을 줄이기 위해 고속열차를 LA지역에서도 재래철로로 운용한다고 합니다. 이전 계획은 산호제 - 샌프란시스코 구간에서만 재래철로를 주행하고 LA지역은 전용철로를 건설하는 것이였으나, 건설자금부족으로 LA지역도 재래철로를 주행하는 것으로 계획이 변경되었습니다.
캘리포니아 고속열차는 아래의 현대Rotem 열차와 철로를 공유해야 합니다.
Gov. Jerry Brown to change high-speed rail plan, lower cost by $30 billion
Published: Saturday, Mar. 31, 2012 - 12:00 am
The Brown administration has lowered the projected cost to build California¥"s high-speed rail line by $30 billion - to $68 billion - as it braces for crucial hearings in the Legislature, according to sources familiar with the plan.
The lower estimate is tied to a series of changes to the project, primarily by relying on existing rail lines in and around Los Angeles and the Bay Area.
カリフォルニア州知事がカリフォルニア高速鉄道建設費用を減らすために高速列車を LA地域でも在来鉄路で運用すると言います. 以前計画は珊瑚制 - サンフランシスコ区間でばかり在来鉄路を 走行して LA地域は専用鉄路を建設することだったが, 建設資金不足で LA地域も在来鉄路を走行することで計画が変更されました.
カリフォルニア高速列車は下の現代Rotem 列車と鉄路を共有しなければなりません.