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(물론 그것은 그가 한국의 사람에게 특유의 발작병을 갖고 있는 것일 것이다 (일)것은 예외지만도)

이것을 읽으면, 그 이유를 이해할 수 있자고 하는 것입니다.


(아니, 역시 이해할 수 없는가···^^)



“We’ll put up half the money for California HSR” says Japan’s Ambassador to the United States


「우리가 캘리포니아 고속 철도 자금의 반을 출자합니다」주미 일본 대사




Yesterday I attended the Japanese government sponsored high speed rail seminar in Los Angeles. Led by the Japan International Transport Institute (JITI) and their country’s passenger rail operators and manufactures, the conference was an impressive push for California HSR to utilize Japanese knowledge, equipment, and perhaps most critically, financing.
어제, 나는 로스앤젤레스에 대해 일본 정부가 주최한 고속 철도의 세미나에 참가했다.Japan International Transport Institute(JITI) 및 일본의 여객 철도 회사나 차량 제조 회사에 의해 개최된 이 회합에서는, 캘리포니아 고속 철도에 대해 일본의 지식, 차량·설비, 그리고 아마 가장 중요한 점일 것이다 융자를 활용하도록(듯이) 인상적인 프로모션이 있었다.


Japan’s ambassador to the United States, Ichiro Fujisaki, was in Los Angeles from Washington, DC for the conference. Ambassador Fujisaki’s opening remarks to the conference were a forceful call for us to use Japanese know-how and equipment for our high speed rail. Most extraordinarily, the ambassador stated that he believes Japan will pay for up to half of the cost of the California’s HSR.
주미 일본 대사·후지사키 이치로씨도 회합에 출석하기 위하여 워싱턴 DC로부터 로스에 왔다.후지사키 대사에 의한 회합의 모두 연설은, 일본의 노하우나 차량·설비를 카슈우의 고속 철도에 채용하는 것에의 강력한 움직임이었다.가장 특필 해야 할것으로서 대사는, 그의 소신으로서 일본이 캘리포니아 고속 철도의 코스트의 반까지 융자하는 의지가 있는 것을 말한 것이다.


This is significant of course as we try to find dollars to complete our system. While Fujisaki’s comments of course don’t bind the Japanese government, its railways, or the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC, the likely vehicle for California HSR financing as I’ll explain below) it is nonetheless a significant statement. Japan’s highest ranking diplomat would not make such a statement lightly. Furthermore, there is every reason to believe that such cooperation on HSR between the US and Japan is very much in our bi-lateral national security interests.
이것은 물론, 우리가 철도 건설비를 마련하는데 고심하고 있는 이상, 중요한 일이다.후지사키 대사의 발언은, 물론 일본 정부나 철도 회사, 또는 국제 협력 은행(JBIC:후술 하도록(듯이) 캘리포니아 고속 철도에의 가능성이 있는 융자 기관)을 의무화 하는 것은 아니지만, 지극히 중요한 것이다.일본의 고위에 있는 외교관은 그러한 논술을 경솔하게 하거나는 하지 않을 것이다.한층 더 말하면, 고속 철도에 있어서의 미국과 일본의 협력은 양국의 쌍무적인 국가 안전에 대한 이해관계와 일치한다고 믿을 만한 충분한 이유가 있다.


The half day conference featured U.S. elected officials as well as Japanese railway and manufacturing companies (see JITI’s website here for the complete program). Congressman Jim Costa, the pioneer that conceived the Prop. 1A bond when he was in the legislature stated memorably that after many false starts for HSR in the U.S. the Japanese clearly believe that this is the real deal. Congresswoman Laura Richardson similarly observed that talking about high speed rail before Prop. 1A and ARRA passed got you strange looks.
반나절의 회합에서는, 일본의 철도·철도 차량 회사와 같게, 미국의 선출 의원으로부터도 발표가 있었다.의회에 대해 Prop.1 A채획득을 단 선구자인 Jim Costa 의원은, 미국에서의 고속 철도 기획이 얼마든지가 잘못된 초동을 하고 있지만, 일본은(미국의 고속 철도가) 실제로 유용한 것을 확신하고 있는 것에 대하여 인상적인 논술을 했다.여성 의원 Laura Richardson는과 같이  Prop.1 A채나 ARRA가 의회 통과하기 이전은 고속 철도에 대하고 이야기를 하는 것 자체가 기이하게 생각되었던 것에 대해 말했다.


Authority CEO Roelof van Ark gave an up to date presentation on where the project stands now with the funds in hand. He projected an opening of the current segment for revenue service as early as 2018 while funds are aggressively being sought for extensions north and south of the Central Valley.
CHSRA의 CEO, Roelof van Ark는 장중에 있는 자금을 포함해 프로젝트의 현상에 대해 최신의 프리젠테이션을 실시했다.그는 게다가 2018년에도 현재 계획하고 있는 구간이 운행 개시하는 것, 한편으로 Central Valley의 북방 및 남방에의 연장을 적극적으로 추진하고 있는 것에 대하여 발표했다.


JR East President and Chairman of Japan’s Council for Global Promotion of Railways Satoshi Seino explained that the state owned Japan Bank for International Cooperation has recently been authorized to invest in high-speed rail and urban rail in the U.S. and other developed countries. Their presentation suggested that the loan terms would be long and the interest rate would be set at a quarter percent over the LIBOR rate (an interbank interest rate).
JR동일본의 사장이며 일본의 해외 철도 프로모션 협의회의 의장 세이노 사토시씨는, 일본의 국제 협력 은행이 최근, 미국 및 다른 선진국에의 고속 철도와 도시 철도에의 투자를 인가했다를 설명했다.그들의 프리젠테이션에 의하면, 그 론 기간은 길고, 이자율은 LIBOR 레이트(국제 금융 기준 레이트)의 4 분의1으로 설정된다라는 것이다.


Executives from several of Japan’s Shinkansen operating railway companies and train manufacturer Kawasaki followed. Some highlights from their presentations included:
몇개의 일본의 신간선 운행 회사 및 카와사키중공의 임원이 후에 계속 되었다.그들의 프리젠테이션의 하이라이트는 이하와 같다:


Mixed Use Development:  Land use planning and economic development of station areas has been an integral part of HSR development from the beginning in Japan. Examples of both infill and greenfield station

developments there were illustrated.  Useful parallels to Los Angeles Union Station and Fresno’s future HSR station were made.
복합 개발: 역 주변의 토지 이용 계획과 경제 개발은 일본에서는 고속 철도 개발과 일체가 되어서 진행되어 왔다.도시 공간에 있어서의 역과 교외 에리어에 있어서의 역과의 쌍방의 개발 사례가 소개되어 로스앤젤레스 유니온역과 후레스노에 있어서의 장래의 고속 철도역과를 모방하는 유용한 대비가 이루어지고 있었다.


Earthquake Design Countermeasures:  They are extensive in the Japanese system and we can be confident that being on a California HSR train will be one of the safest places to be when the big one hits.
내진 설계: 일본은 상세하고 치밀한 시스템을 가지고 있어 대지진이 덮쳤을 때에 캘리포니아 고속 철도의 열차에 승차하고 있는 것은 가장 안전한 장소에 있던 것이라도 있다, 라고 믿을 수 있다.


Integration of Conventional Branch Lines into HSR Operations:  The Japanese practice of trains uncoupling cars at intermediate stations and having one of the cars proceed down the “conventional” railroad (at conventional speeds) was discussed. This would certainly be possible here. In a way it would be easier since HSR and conventional railroads would use the same gauge (4 ft. 8.5 in.) whereas Shinkansen uses a different gauge than the “legacy” railways in Japan. However, the lack of electrification on American railways would make this harder. Down the San Joaquin corridor and even the LA Metrolink/Surfliner corridors would be candidates for this kind of one-seat operation.
기존의 지선과 고속 철도의 통합 운행: 일본에 있어서의 나카마역에서의 차량 분할과 기존 노선에의(종래 스피드로의) 운행에 대해 논해졌다.이 방법은 확실히 캘리포니아에서도 실시 가능하다.왜냐하면(카슈우의) 고속 철도와 기존 철도는 같은 게이지폭(4ft. 8.5 in.)(을)를 이용하고 있어 일본의 신간선이 구래의 노선과는 다른 게이지를 이용하는 것을 생각하면, 보다 용이하겠지 일을 말할 수 있다.그러나 한편, 미국의 철도의 비전화가 이것을 방해할지도 모른다.San Joaquin corridor와 LA Metrolink/Surfliner corridors가 이런 종류의 환승 불요의 운용의 후보가 될 것이다.


Technology Transfer:  Kawasaki Heavy Industries (which already has two plants in the US for conventional railcar manufacture) as well as the JR operating companies’ representatives all expressed a strong willingness to transfer their expertise to this country. This would be accomplished through the development of American parts suppliers, final assembly in the U.S., and pre-training of trainset maintenance staff. Kawasaki even expressed a desire to retool American auto parts suppliers to HSR parts suppliers.
기술 이식: 카와사키중공(벌써 미국에 종래형 차량용으로서 2 공장을 소유)은 운행 회사의 JR의 임원과 같이  미국에의 그들의 전문 기술의 이식에 대해 강한 의지를 표명했다.이것은 미국의 부품 써플라이어의 육성이나 최종적으로는 미국에서의 차량 조립, 및 차량 멘테스탓후의 사전 트레이닝에 의해서 수행될 것이다.카와사키중공은 미국의 자동차 부품 써플라이어를 고속 철도 부품 써플라이어에게 개편하는 것에까지 언급했다.


FRA Compliance:  Kawasaki asserts that their efSET (2) proposed train for export will “comply with FRA requirements”. Whether this is the current FRA requirements for inefficient overbuilt HSR trains (Acela) or upcoming sensible regulations remains to be seen.

(All the presentations are supposed to be on JITI’s website soon).
FRA 준거: 카와사키중공은 그들의 수출용 efSET가 FRA의 요구치에 준거하는 것을 주장했다.이것은 비효율적인 과잉 품질의 고속 철도 열차(Acela)에 적용되고 있는 현행의 FRA 요구 수준이어도, 아직 공표되어 있지 않은, 와야 할 리에 필적한 기준치여도, 어디라도 준거한다, 라고 하는 것이다.

(모든 프레젠테이션 자료는 JITI의 웹 사이트에 곧 업 된다.)


All-in-all a day that could be hardly imagined pre-Nov. 2008 and pre-ARRA funds. Basically our Japanese allies are begging us for the chance to build our train because they know it’s going to profitable. You can look at it this way. Japan is already a large purchaser of America’s sovereign debt. Investing in HSR will, in my analysis, simply be an “earmarking” of money that Japan is already spending on US and state government securities.
어쨌든, 이 날이 오는 것은, 2008년 11월 이전이나 ARRA 기금 이전에는 상상도 할 수 없었던 것이다.기본적으로(우리들이) 일본의 동맹자들은 우리 카슈우의 것한 고속 철도를 건설할 찬스를 일본에게 주도록(듯이) 청원 하는 태도다.왜냐하면 그들은 그것이 이익이 되는 것을 알고 있기 때문에.견해를 바꾸면 이와 같이도 말할 수 있다.일본은 벌써 미국 국채의 큰 구입자이다.고속 철도에 출자하는 것은, 나의 분석으로는, 단지 일본이 벌써 미국과 미국 정부의 안전에 소비하고 있는 같은 것을 명의 첨부로 너무 융통한 있어 것은 아닌가.


Should the federal government be putting more money down? Absolutely. But until the current Congress gets it head out of the sand we need to get busy and build it.
연방 정부는 더(고속 철도 건설) 자금을 지출해야 할?물론.그러나 지금의 의회가 눈을 뜨지 않는 이상 우리 자신으로 돌아다니며 그것을 건설해야 한다.


Furthermore, I find that sovereign investment in our HSR system from Japan and also France, for instance, to be in keeping with out national security and foreign policy goals. Chinese investment, in contrast, seems more problematic foreign policy-wise. Japan and Western Europe are our long standing allies in the world and they largely share our values with regards to democracy and civil society.
한층 더 말하면, 우리의 고속 철도에의 일본, 또는 예를 들면 프랑스로부터의 공적인 출자는 국가의 안전 보장과 외교 정책에도 합치하는 것에 깨달았다.대조적으로 중국으로부터의 출자는 외교 정책으로부터 하면보다 문제가 많다고 말할 수 있을 것이다.일본과 서구 제국은 우리의 긴 세월에 걸치는 동맹이며, 그들은 우리와는 민주주의와 시민사회에 대해 크게 가치관을 공유하고 있다.


I “feel good” about a enlisting Japanese help in getting California and this country moving into the 21st century.
나는, 캘리포니아나 미국이 21 세기에 발을 디뎌 가는데 일본의 협력을 요청하는 것에 대하여 「내켜하는 마음」이다.








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“We’ll put up half the money for California HSR” says Japan’s Ambassador to the United States


「我々がカリフォルニア高速鉄道資金の半分を出資します」 駐米日本大使




Yesterday I attended the Japanese government sponsored high speed rail seminar in Los Angeles. Led by the Japan International Transport Institute (JITI) and their country’s passenger rail operators and manufactures, the conference was an impressive push for California HSR to utilize Japanese knowledge, equipment, and perhaps most critically, financing.
昨日、私はロサンゼルスにおいて日本政府が主催した高速鉄道のセミナーに参加した。Japan International Transport Institute(JITI)および日本の旅客鉄道会社や車両製造会社により催されたこの会合では、カリフォルニア高速鉄道において日本の知識、車両・設備、そしておそらく最も重要な点だろう融資を活用するよう印象的なプロモーションがあった。


Japan’s ambassador to the United States, Ichiro Fujisaki, was in Los Angeles from Washington, DC for the conference. Ambassador Fujisaki’s opening remarks to the conference were a forceful call for us to use Japanese know-how and equipment for our high speed rail. Most extraordinarily, the ambassador stated that he believes Japan will pay for up to half of the cost of the California’s HSR.


This is significant of course as we try to find dollars to complete our system. While Fujisaki’s comments of course don’t bind the Japanese government, its railways, or the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC, the likely vehicle for California HSR financing as I’ll explain below) it is nonetheless a significant statement. Japan’s highest ranking diplomat would not make such a statement lightly. Furthermore, there is every reason to believe that such cooperation on HSR between the US and Japan is very much in our bi-lateral national security interests.


The half day conference featured U.S. elected officials as well as Japanese railway and manufacturing companies (see JITI’s website here for the complete program). Congressman Jim Costa, the pioneer that conceived the Prop. 1A bond when he was in the legislature stated memorably that after many false starts for HSR in the U.S. the Japanese clearly believe that this is the real deal. Congresswoman Laura Richardson similarly observed that talking about high speed rail before Prop. 1A and ARRA passed got you strange looks.
半日の会合では、日本の鉄道・鉄道車両会社と同様に、米国の選出議員からも発表があった。議会においてProp.1A債獲得を取り付けた先駆者であるJim Costa議員は、米国での高速鉄道企画がいくつもの誤った初動をしているが、日本は(米国の高速鉄道が)実際に有用であることを確信していることについて印象的な論述をした。女性議員Laura Richardsonは同様にProp.1A債やARRAが議会通過する以前は高速鉄道について話をすること自体が奇異に思われたことについて述べた。


Authority CEO Roelof van Ark gave an up to date presentation on where the project stands now with the funds in hand. He projected an opening of the current segment for revenue service as early as 2018 while funds are aggressively being sought for extensions north and south of the Central Valley.
CHSRAのCEO、Roelof van Arkは掌中にある資金のことを含め、プロジェクトの現状について最新のプレゼンを行った。彼はさらに、2018年にも現在計画している区間が運行開始すること、一方でCentral Valleyの北方および南方への延長を積極的に推進していることについて発表した。


JR East President and Chairman of Japan’s Council for Global Promotion of Railways Satoshi Seino explained that the state owned Japan Bank for International Cooperation has recently been authorized to invest in high-speed rail and urban rail in the U.S. and other developed countries. Their presentation suggested that the loan terms would be long and the interest rate would be set at a quarter percent over the LIBOR rate (an interbank interest rate).


Executives from several of Japan’s Shinkansen operating railway companies and train manufacturer Kawasaki followed. Some highlights from their presentations included:


Mixed Use Development:  Land use planning and economic development of station areas has been an integral part of HSR development from the beginning in Japan. Examples of both infill and greenfield station

developments there were illustrated.  Useful parallels to Los Angeles Union Station and Fresno’s future HSR station were made.
複合開発: 駅周辺の土地利用計画と経済開発は日本では高速鉄道開発と一体になって進められてきた。都市空間における駅と郊外エリアにおける駅との双方の開発事例が紹介され、ロサンゼルスユニオン駅とフレスノにおける将来の高速鉄道駅とになぞらえる有用な対比がなされていた。


Earthquake Design Countermeasures:  They are extensive in the Japanese system and we can be confident that being on a California HSR train will be one of the safest places to be when the big one hits.
耐震設計: 日本は詳細かつ緻密なシステムを有しており、大地震が襲ったときにカリフォルニア高速鉄道の列車に乗車していることは最も安全な場所にいることでもある、と信じることができる。


Integration of Conventional Branch Lines into HSR Operations:  The Japanese practice of trains uncoupling cars at intermediate stations and having one of the cars proceed down the “conventional” railroad (at conventional speeds) was discussed. This would certainly be possible here. In a way it would be easier since HSR and conventional railroads would use the same gauge (4 ft. 8.5 in.) whereas Shinkansen uses a different gauge than the “legacy” railways in Japan. However, the lack of electrification on American railways would make this harder. Down the San Joaquin corridor and even the LA Metrolink/Surfliner corridors would be candidates for this kind of one-seat operation.
既存の支線と高速鉄道の統合運行: 日本における中間駅での車両分割と既存路線への(従来スピードでの)運行について論じられた。この方法は確かにカリフォルニアでも実施可能だ。なぜなら(加州の)高速鉄道と既存鉄道は同じゲージ幅(4ft. 8.5 in.)を用いており、日本の新幹線が旧来の路線とは異なるゲージを用いることを思えば、より容易であろうことが言える。しかし一方で、アメリカの鉄道の非電化がこれを妨げるかもしれない。San Joaquin corridorとLA Metrolink/Surfliner corridorsとがこの種の乗り換え不要の運用の候補となるだろう。


Technology Transfer:  Kawasaki Heavy Industries (which already has two plants in the US for conventional railcar manufacture) as well as the JR operating companies’ representatives all expressed a strong willingness to transfer their expertise to this country. This would be accomplished through the development of American parts suppliers, final assembly in the U.S., and pre-training of trainset maintenance staff. Kawasaki even expressed a desire to retool American auto parts suppliers to HSR parts suppliers.
技術移植: 川崎重工(すでに米国に従来型車両用として2工場を所有)は運行会社のJRの役員同様に米国への彼らの専門技術の移植について強い意志を表明した。このことは米国の部品サプライヤーの育成や最終的には米国での車両組立、および車両メンテスタッフの事前トレーニングによって遂行されるだろう。川崎重工は米国の自動車部品サプライヤーを高速鉄道部品サプライヤーへ改編することにまで言及した。


FRA Compliance:  Kawasaki asserts that their efSET (2) proposed train for export will “comply with FRA requirements”. Whether this is the current FRA requirements for inefficient overbuilt HSR trains (Acela) or upcoming sensible regulations remains to be seen.

(All the presentations are supposed to be on JITI’s website soon).
FRA準拠: 川崎重工は彼らの輸出用efSETがFRAの要求値に準拠することを主張した。これは非効率な過剰品質の高速鉄道列車(Acela)に適用されている現行のFRA要求水準であろうと、まだ公表されていない、来るべき理に適った基準値であろうと、どちらでも準拠する、ということだ。



All-in-all a day that could be hardly imagined pre-Nov. 2008 and pre-ARRA funds. Basically our Japanese allies are begging us for the chance to build our train because they know it’s going to profitable. You can look at it this way. Japan is already a large purchaser of America’s sovereign debt. Investing in HSR will, in my analysis, simply be an “earmarking” of money that Japan is already spending on US and state government securities.


Should the federal government be putting more money down? Absolutely. But until the current Congress gets it head out of the sand we need to get busy and build it.


Furthermore, I find that sovereign investment in our HSR system from Japan and also France, for instance, to be in keeping with out national security and foreign policy goals. Chinese investment, in contrast, seems more problematic foreign policy-wise. Japan and Western Europe are our long standing allies in the world and they largely share our values with regards to democracy and civil society.


I “feel good” about a enlisting Japanese help in getting California and this country moving into the 21st century.








TOTAL: 5156

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