
[Verse 1]
There is a place which no one has seen
Where it"s still possible to dream
An uncharted world which will be unfurled
Wander constantly by glistening streams

[Verse 2]
Through wooded glades on my trusted steed
Air rushing through the trees
I"ll wander until the power of your will
Sends messages which I must heed

Wan light surrounds my heart
Itschimes make light of this dismal plight

[Verse 3]
Long since forgotten, slightly subdued
Ardour must be renewed
A timely reminder of all that rings true
Life began when I met you

Wan light surrounds my heart
Its chimes make light of this dismal plight

Is this what life is all about?
Is this what life is all about?

Orange Juice - Wan Light [1982]

<iframe frameborder="0" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/V36g51g3B8U" width="640" height="360" class="note-video-clip"></iframe>

[Verse 1]
There is a place which no one has seen
Where it"s still possible to dream
An uncharted world which will be unfurled
Wander constantly by glistening streams

[Verse 2]
Through wooded glades on my trusted steed
Air rushing through the trees
I"ll wander until the power of your will
Sends messages which I must heed

Wan light surrounds my heart
Its chimes make light of this dismal plight

[Verse 3]
Long since forgotten, slightly subdued
Ardour must be renewed
A timely reminder of all that rings true
Life began when I met you

Wan light surrounds my heart
Its chimes make light of this dismal plight

Is this what life is all about?
Is this what life is all about?

TOTAL: 17522

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