




Hello, there!

I"m a 24-year-old male from America. I was born in Seoul, Korea and lived there until I was 11 years old. My family moved to Chicago, USA, and I have been living there for 12 years. I came to Tokyo in October last year as a Monbukagakusho research student. My major in America was Computer Engineering, so I"m doing computer-related research at the University of Tokyo. I will be in Japan until March 2005, so I would like to make many friends.

Since I live near Shibuya at a place called Komaba International Student House, I go to Shibuya and Shinjuku quite often. My interests include watching movies, listening to Korean and Japanese music, chatting with friends online, and traveling. I especially like Hamasaki Ayumi"s songs and Miyazaki Hayao"s movies. If you want to get to know me better, don"t hesitate to e-mail me back!

CHO, Moon Ki

안녕하세요! 저는 현재 일본동경대학교에서 연구생으로 유학중인 재미교포입니다. 80년생이고요. 11살때까지 서울에서 살다가 가족하고 시카고로 이민가서 작년에 대학교를 졸업하고 일본에 유학하게 되었습니다. 내년 3월까지 동경에 있을예정인데요, 많은 친구가 생겼으면 해요. 잘 부탁드립니다.




僕は韓国で生まれてアメリカで12年間育った24歳の留学生です。今東京でコンピュータの関係の研究をしています。来年の3月まで東京で住んでいる予定ですから、色々な話が出来る日本人と友達になりたいです。もし関心があればぜひ連絡下さい。 僕は渋谷の近くの駒場留学生会館に住んでいますので、渋谷とか新宿によく行きます。趣味は映画、日本と韓国の音楽、コンピュータ、旅行です。特に浜崎あゆみの歌が大好きです。そして、宮崎の映画もとても好きです。 一緒に色々な話をして美味しい料理を食べに行きませんか。あなたのメールを楽しみにお待ちしております~ チョウムンギ 趙紋基 Hello, there! I"m a 24-year-old male from America. I was born in Seoul, Korea and lived there until I was 11 years old. My family moved to Chicago, USA, and I have been living there for 12 years. I came to Tokyo in October last year as a Monbukagakusho research student. My major in America was Computer Engineering, so I"m doing computer-related research at the University of Tokyo. I will be in Japan until March 2005, so I would like to make many friends. Since I live near Shibuya at a place called Komaba International Student House, I go to Shibuya and Shinjuku quite often. My interests include watching movies, listening to Korean and Japanese music, chatting with friends online, and traveling. I especially like Hamasaki Ayumi"s songs and Miyazaki Hayao"s movies. If you want to get to know me better, don"t hesitate to e-mail me back! CHO, Moon Ki 안녕하세요! 저는 현재 일본동경대학교에서 연구생으로 유학중인 재미교포입니다. 80년생이고요. 11살때까지 서울에서 살다가 가족하고 시카고로 이민가서 작년에 대학교를 졸업하고 일본에 유학하게 되었습니다. 내년 3월까지 동경에 있을예정인데요, 많은 친구가 생겼으면 해요. 잘 부탁드립니다. 조문기 http://www.home.cs.puon.net/moonki421 http://koreanpimp.blogspot.com moonki421@hotmail.com moonki421@ezweb.ne.jp

TOTAL: 6040

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 추천
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4135 우와∼~ mjanghoon 2004-08-02 933 0
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