
hi i came here 3days ago. can i attened your meeting? tell me about your meeting? when and where?  sorry i don`t know how to type in japanese. and in my dom. they don`t have internet. o.k. i`m looking forward to hearing from you…


hi i came here 3days ago. can i attened your meeting? tell me about your meeting? when and where? sorry i don`t know how to type in japanese. and in my dom. they don`t have internet. o.k. i`m looking forward to hearing from you...

TOTAL: 6040

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 추천
260 ハングル 2000-04-04 314 0
259 2000-04-04 280 0
258 Re:ナナコ?!です(--;)。。。 2000-04-02 329 0
257 いらっしゃったんですか? 2000-04-01 322 0
256 Re: TAEGUにも 2000-04-01 333 0
255 KANEさんおめでとう^^ 2000-04-01 312 0
254 TAEGUにも^^&&^^ 2000-04-01 689 0
253 4月1日に新宿なんですが、、、一部 2000-03-31 417 0
252 Re: 突然ですが、4月1日に新宿で。。....... 2000-03-31 318 0
251 Re: 開花!!。。花の前線 2000-03-31 356 0
250 花粉症! 2000-03-31 809 0
249 Re: 突然ですが、4月1日に新宿で。。....... 2000-03-31 346 0
248 もちろん! 2000-03-30 680 0
247 ikimasu 2000-03-30 365 0
246 開花!! 2000-03-30 449 0
245 突然ですが、4月1日に新宿で。。。。....... 2000-03-30 805 0
244 hi 2000-03-29 766 0
243 Re: 「くだらない」の由 2000-03-28 359 0
242 Re: ごめんなさい 2000-03-28 341 0
241 Re: 2000-03-28 401 0