좋은친구들 PositiveFreeStyle

Hi, My name is Hiro from Tokyo Japan. I am single guy, and can speak Korean (only Pusan Saturi) a little bit, cause my mom is from Pusan. ( but I grew up in Osaka)

(for example)
Ni Mo Ha No? (=What are you doing?)
Ni O di go? (=Where are you now?)
Pal Ri On Na!! (=Come on!!)
I am not sure if these alphabet is correct or not. But I believe you can understand what I mean, if you are Pusan people.

But can not write down Korean word…and can read a little.

I am looking for nice Korean girl friend!!)
And I am staying Korea from 5/2 to 5/7 in He Un Dae, Pusan just to meet my relatives…

Please reply me if you are interested in me.

Looking for Pusan friend

Hi, My name is Hiro from Tokyo Japan. I am single guy, and can speak Korean (only Pusan Saturi) a little bit, cause my mom is from Pusan. ( but I grew up in Osaka) (for example) Ni Mo Ha No? (=What are you doing?) Ni O di go? (=Where are you now?) Pal Ri On Na!! (=Come on!!) I am not sure if these alphabet is correct or not. But I believe you can understand what I mean, if you are Pusan people. But can not write down Korean word...and can read a little. I am looking for nice Korean girl friend!!) And I am staying Korea from 5/2 to 5/7 in He Un Dae, Pusan just to meet my relatives... Please reply me if you are interested in me. hiroki_exciting@hotmail.com

TOTAL: 8160

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