좋은친구들 PositiveFreeStyle


Nice meet you~!

i"m choi ji-hye. 22years old( korea age) and i"m

university student.

My major is japanese so email send you. ^^;;

i"m interesting in japan because japane is very beautiful

and people are very good. ^^

i live in seoul.

i like to read, listening to music, watching some movies..

i like utada hikaru and le couple.


I"m going to tokyo on next thursday.

12~17days i"m i preparing for a trip.

私はまだ 英語と日本語が 下 ですから あなたが 利害してください。

RE : looking for penpals

hello~~^^ Nice meet you~! i"m choi ji-hye. 22years old( korea age) and i"m university student. My major is japanese so email send you. ^^;; i"m interesting in japan because japane is very beautiful and people are very good. ^^ i live in seoul. i like to read, listening to music, watching some movies.. i like utada hikaru and le couple. well... I"m going to tokyo on next thursday. 12~17days i"m i preparing for a trip. 럡궼귏궬 뎟뚭궴볷{뚭궕 돷 궳궥궔귞 궇궶궫궕 뿕둙궢궲궘궬궠궋갃

TOTAL: 8160

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 추천
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5179 어째서 채팅방에는 - _- bonny7095 2004-08-05 556 0
5178 좋은하루 되세요 ^^! 7_hyein_7 2004-08-05 266 0
5177 강원도로 바캉스(?) 갔다왔어요~! saint0802 2004-08-05 409 0
5176 RE :「=」 KOREAN & JAPANESE 「=」 kana11 2004-08-05 565 0
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5173 RE : looking for penpals cathy 2004-08-04 230 0
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5164 『♡』┏ KOREAN ┓&┏ JAPANESE ┓『♡』 ━ε━ *~*~♡ 2004-08-03 686 0
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