좋은친구들 PositiveFreeStyle

Now I"m in Singapore.

It left 1hr to abroad the plane to Incheon Aitport.

Here Singapore"s Net Connection is T.E.R.R.I.B.L.E!!!

Too slow =_=;

And the administraitor of this PC had blocked nearly almost services, so I can"t fix it to my style, either.

Because I can"t download anything else.

The one thing I can do by this PC is only Exploring. -_-;

Because of the OS - Windows XP, I can read both of Korean and Japanese and more languages, but that"s all -_-;;

Neither Korean nor Japanese can use now, only English.

I"ve got an accident while ride a boat during in Indonesia.

I couldn"t even walk for pain, now I feel better and of course I can walk and sometimes run.

However it still painful when I laugh or cough.

Well, it"s the time already.

I"ve to go, now.

See you after I arrive Korea.

Thank you for reading even though my poor English.

Be happy and take care of. ^_^*

Waiting airplane to go home

Now I"m in Singapore. It left 1hr to abroad the plane to Incheon Aitport. Here Singapore"s Net Connection is T.E.R.R.I.B.L.E!!! Too slow =_=; And the administraitor of this PC had blocked nearly almost services, so I can"t fix it to my style, either. Because I can"t download anything else. The one thing I can do by this PC is only Exploring. -_-; Because of the OS - Windows XP, I can read both of Korean and Japanese and more languages, but that"s all -_-;; Neither Korean nor Japanese can use now, only English. I"ve got an accident while ride a boat during in Indonesia. I couldn"t even walk for pain, now I feel better and of course I can walk and sometimes run. However it still painful when I laugh or cough. Well, it"s the time already. I"ve to go, now. See you after I arrive Korea. Thank you for reading even though my poor English. Be happy and take care of. ^_^*

TOTAL: 8160

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