좋은친구들 PositiveFreeStyle

hi !! you guys,

i am jaopanese guy travelling around the world,
just looking for korean friends who can meet me,
and enjoy good times each other in any countries…
( now i am in hollywood,L.A.,California)

please send me e-mail in english or japanese,
because now i can"t read e-mails in korean language yet…

e-mail: mashamasha0308@yahoo.co.jp
msn   : mashamasha5@hotmail.com   ( i use msn only on it )

see you also off-line !!

i am in USA

hi !! you guys, i am jaopanese guy travelling around the world, just looking for korean friends who can meet me, and enjoy good times each other in any countries... ( now i am in hollywood,L.A.,California) please send me e-mail in english or japanese, because now i can"t read e-mails in korean language yet... e-mail: mashamasha0308@yahoo.co.jp msn : mashamasha5@hotmail.com ( i use msn only on it ) see you also off-line !!

TOTAL: 8160

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